
The fault in your star (moving)
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When Kibum said get some flowers I expected a few flowers not half a dozen bouquets of white roses and blue baby breath flowers! Jonghyun thought to himself as he was parking the car. He knew he was running late and that by now Jinki and Taemin would have finished their shopping. Kibum would be furious right now and if this Minho dude has already arrived then he is dead for sure.

Jonghyun gets out of his car and starts picking up the bouquets and then realises that there is no room left for him to hold the poppers. Just as he is about to call Kibum for help he sees a tall man clad in a red jacket, black pants, black t-shirt and sunglasses walk towards the elevator like he was walking on a red carpet for the Oscars. Jonghyun guesses that that is the guest of honour for today and he has no intentions of arriving after him. Before the man reaches the elevator Jonghyun yells, "MINHO."

The tall man stops and glances towards Jonghyun. Bingo! Jonghyun thinks and starts walking towards Minho.

"Hey! You are Minho right?" Jonghyun asks offering his hand with a wide smile.

"Yes. I didn't know I had fans here too. Nice to meet you, my man." Minho said while taking his sunglasses off with one hand, taking Jonghyun's hand with the other and winking at Jonghyun while he shook his hand all in one smooth movement.

Woah he has big eyes! Jonghyun thought but instead he snorts softly and turns to the side to expose his jawline, turning only his eyes to Minho saying, "You are not that good looking also! With the way Kibum praised your looks I expected...well, more."

Hearing this, Minho widened his eyes and Jonghyun had to admit that the man in front of him was indeed very good looking. But what happened next completely shocked Jonghyun. Minho suddenly started laughing, or more like cackling in a high pitched tone.

"You must be Jonghyun. Kibum has told me a lot about you too. And I've got to admit, you really are very good looking!" Minho said once he had calmed down. Jonghyun was a little taken aback by his compliment. Not that he thought that he wasn't good looking; in fact, Jonghyun knew that he was very good looking and had been told so several times before. But the way Minho said it was just different. There was earnestness in Minho's eyes and he sounded sincere but in a non-flirty way. The aura Minho was exuding right now was completely different from the model walking towards the elevator or when he winked at Jonghyun a minute earlier. Jonghyun knew that very instant that they would be getting along well.

"Say, since we are both going to Kibum's why don't you help me with some stuff?" Jonghyun asked Minho who still held his hand.

"Sure. What stuff is it?" Minho said finally letting go of Jonghyun's hand. Jonghyun just smiled and asked Minho to follow him. When Minho arrived by what he assumed to be Jonghyun's car, he saw a bunch of flower bouquets and two cylindrical things.

"What's all this?"

"Oh! These are some things for your welcome party! Yeah, we do things like that here." Jonghyun said answering to Minho's expression.

"Wow, Kibum really goes all out doesn't he?"


After they divided the flowers and poppers amongst them they started ascending the elevator. "So how do you know Kibum?" Jonghyun asked Minho while they waited to reach Kibum's floor.

"I met him during one of my earliest modeling assignments.

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2034 streak #1
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. The poster seems really cool and the plot seems intriguing. But before I started reading this, I thought I would ask if you don't have any plans to continue this story here anymore.
Chapter 19: Can't find you on Ao3 >:(
Chapter 19: Will be waiting for the link
5Shinee4everShawol #4
Chapter 18: Wow. The story is very complicated but it somehow intriguing n interesting. Altho i dont really undrstand abt the mythical thingy, i cant stop reading it.

And yes to jongyu moments pls

Hope for an update soon!
Chapter 18: It's so complicated but I want to know more what happen in the past.... Feel like I need a family tree for this
Yes's... I'm waiting for sweet Jongyu moments
Tree_ash #6
Chapter 18: I read this in one go and the plot is complicated but fun to read nonetheless, how do you even came up with this whole amazing ideas?

Huwah jonghyun born under hades' curse, it explained his unusual ability, does minho already know about his relation with jonghyun even before they met?
Al-Qamar #7
Chapter 16: This chapter. <3 was beautiful. The way you've penned down Jonghyun's mind is beautiful.

You are amazing. I can't thank you enough for this. You have no idea what this chapter means to me.
God bless you
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 1: The comments has got me all excited. Time to read some quality stuff although I'm always up for anything as long as it's jongyu but fics that has captivating storyline has its own charms .

Thank you for this fic . I appreciate it so much . I haven't even started reading but I just know I'm gonna enjoy it.
Mlmlkjh #9
Chapter 7: ????