Chapter 1

Summon Night!
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In a dimly lit room, 10 figures were gathered around a huge table. Seated on chairs exactly 3 meters against each other, wearing cloaks that concealed almost everything except the glowing, assorted accessories they were sporting. One man, with a crown that was made up of diamonds, addressed every single one of them. His slightly hoarse voice echoing around the bare room. 

"Seems like everyone's accounted for. Hence, let's begin." He slowly removed the hood of his cloak revealing a face with features of a man in his early twenties. Despite the soft smile that adorned his face, the others in the room knew better than to interrupt him when he was talking. After all, he was the appointed leader due to a single, important reason; he was easily the most powerful among them and he could kill every single one of them if he so desires. Sure, it wouldn't be a child's play given the others are also strong in their rights. But so was he, just more- much, much more. 

When nobody in the room made a move, Diamond continued.

"Are all preparations complete?"

One that has an emerald bracelet spoke up, "All Maetropa beasts are ready, my lord."

Her voice was thin and high-pitched, clearly belonging to a girl.  Another one, this time wearing a peridot pendant spoke up next, "Likewise, all Loreilal beasts are prepared, my lord."

Just like Emerald, Peridot's voice was feminine. Diamond nodded at the two.

"Well done Emerald, Peridot." He then looked at one wearing a sapphire watch. "Sapphire?".

The guy looked at his lord and if one were to look closely, they can see the slight nudge of the guy's hood indicating his nod.

"There is no need to worry about my end, my lord. After all, we from Sapureth are always ready."

A snort was quickly heard throughout the room followed by a deep voice, "Heh! As stiff as ever. You gotta loosen up Sapphire." Everyone in the room faced the direction of the man who spoke, one wearing fingerless gloves that had amethyst gems surrounding a skull along the back part.

"Why am I not surprised that you aren't taking this seriously Amethyst?" That comment came from a man wearing a citrine ring shaped like a dragon. Amethyst gave Citrine a glare (which was, of course, unseen because it was hidden by his hood.)

"What is that suppose to mean Citrine?"

"It  obviously means you don't take anything seriously."

Amethyst abruptly stood up and used one of his glove covered hand to point at his annoying comrade "Oh! Then let me hear you say that again once I kick your on the ground, like seriously!" 

Diamond cleared his throat and interrupted their resident hot-head. "Sit down Amethyst."

"But Dong-!" As soon as he realized that he almost slipped up and utter the name of their leader, Amethyst immediately clamped his mouth and sat down. It was agreed upon that they would address each other by their position or Gem name unless permitted otherwise. And it was also known that Diamond took that rule more seriously than any other council member. Well, that's to be expected from the leader, I guess. Nervously, the offender looked at their Head which still wore his soft smile. Everyone around the room stiffened up when that smile turned into a smirk. "Do you really wanna go there Amethyst?" The said g

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MellowRai #1
Chapter 5: Now i'm hooked badly and i want more but please update when you have time i want to see how this story progress
Hope that you'll update this story when you have time Author-nim.I wanna see how Sana and Kwangchan will rank up their bond level?
afiq3826 #3
Chapter 5: Wow that was exciting.i hope kwangchan's get his power back soon
shyshyshy #4
Chapter 5: Is kwangchan's only choice is to rank up their bond level??? (To bring back his powers?)
Bunuzoda #5
Chapter 4: Yesss fight scene!!!! Whop whoppp
afiq3826 #6
Chapter 4: Nice one I can't wait for the next chap
Bunuzoda #7
Chapter 3: Omo omo omo update now now please I need to read more more more sjdkwnfoejfknewkvjwrofjop
Chapter 2: Oh Fudge looks so interesting.Hope you'll update more Author-nim