5. It's Warm!

You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?

Lu Han never in his life thought he would get pushed to a corner by a guy.
These kinds of shoujo, celebrity K dramas actually happening to him, a mushroom, is just 0.000001%, and it actually is a reality before him now.
Are probabilities obsolete already?

"You...How do you know?" Lu Han's eyes shot up upon sinking the senior's words in, the latter's face still towering above him, straining Lu Han's neck while his hands still grabbed tightly by him.

"Do you have the scissors?" He asked, eyes an array of every seriousness that Lu Han was feeling his spine chill.

He shook his head. "I...The shop owner didn't give me anything, only asked me to find the owner..."

Wolf sunbae closed his eyes and sighed, putting down Lu Han's wrist and withdrawing back from him. "Urgh, doing whatever he wants again."

Lu Han looked curiously at him, rubbing his wrist. "Kai sunbae, do you know Soo Soo?"

Wolf sunbae glared at him, "It's none of your business. All you need to do is find a way to get rid of that red string." He turns around and paced down the stairs in a hurry, mummering in an irritated tone.

Mushroom watched wolf sunbae disappear and blinked a few times rapidly.
Is that supposed to be a new gossip topic? That someone in his school might know the owner of this red string thing?

The main thing is, was he able to know the red string on his pinkie?
Most importantly, why is he so hooked up on getting the red string off his pinkie?!!

Whatever the case, he needs to get things straight and direct with the shop owner. Patbingsoo...Soo Soo.
Is there a trade-off or something Soo Soo did not tell him about? 

Lu Han scratched his mushroom head. Ahh! So complicated, so mysterious!


As all stereotyped nerds do, one of the places they go to, is the library to revise as a hobby.

To Lu Han, it wasn't just a hobby, it was also a way for him to get things clear off his mind. So he took the next step and joined the library club, which had been as dead as far as apocalypses are concerned.

Not that there are absolutely no one in the library, but the rate of returning students are low in contrast to the school's population.

He peers his eyes away from his textbook at the clock. 

No good, the red string event was still a ruckus chaos in his mind. Many questions unanswered, but the most he could do is wait until midnight later and check out with Soo Soo what he was signing himself up for.

He takes a deep breath and heads to the books return trolley. There were a few books on it and he picks them up, heading towards the right shelf sections.

Webtoons, arts & craft, humanities, even a school yearbook was taken out.
Nevertheless, he placed every book back and heads over to the last book's section.

Once he was there, he immediately stared at the shelf unhappily.

Okay, screw the shelf, screw his height, screw the book. It's another challenge accepted moments for him.
He tipped his toes as best as he could, barely letting the books hit the shelf cubicle.

Seriously, did the school think every student is at least 180cm?
What about the girls? What about him?

A ladder stood innocently a few distance beside him...almost mocking Lu Han's intelligence level but his side head was hissing at it.

A huge shadow overcrowds his back, taking the book away from his hand and slotting it between the books correctly.

Lu Han turns around, but almost hit his head against the helf when a huge torso greeted him.
Ahh, this torso size.

"Thanks, hyung." Lu Han said.

"There's a ladder beside you." Hyung replied, pointing at that innocent ladder, still seemingly mocking Lu Han's intelligence. Lu Han knew it was there, his pride had been hissing at it for some time, still, he was just mirroring what it might feel like to hold a basketball and reach for the net.

"I know that thing is there. Let me challenge this." He closed his knuckles, bodding his head.

Hyung tilts his head as he stepped back a comfortable distance between them. "Should I take the book down and let you try again?"

Lu Han blinked. "It's fine." He walked back to the library counter and pushed the empty shelf cart back to the store room.
With Chan Yeol hyung's height, Lu Han has to admit defeat anyway.

Chan Yeol hyung is another library club member who is active. Other than the 2 of them, the rest seemed to be like the red string on his pinkie, non-existent, vanished. As if they were never there in the first place. Even the teacher in charge of the club and vice president don't bother coming.

Though, it is also because of this, they became closer.
Of course, on the because-we-are-in-the-same-club level of closeness only.

"Hyung?" Lu Han comes out of the store room and heads over to the table hyung was at.
Maybe he could get better advice from a senior instead of his unreliable childhood friend, who only knows how to laugh at him.

"Yea?" He lifted his gaze from the mystery novel book he got from the same shelf Lu Han was struggling with awhile ago.

"Do you have someone you like?" Immediately, something in hyung's gaze changed. It felt like a kaleidoscope pattern, completely changed into another the moment it turned, but his eyes swiftly turned back to another pattern again. 

"Why?" He asked, looking deeply into Lu Han's eyes.

It was not an everyday sight to see the usually introvert (like him) hyung suddenly behaving this way. He was usually calm and happy-go-lucky.
Perhaps he also has a secret relationship? Like Se Hun and Irene?

But his gaze on him seemed serious, as if he was telling him something through his eyes.

"Erm..." The pressure from Chan Yeol hyung's gaze made Lu Han break his sight away. "It's just that...everyone seems to be in a relationship these days, and I don't know what that feels like."

"Everyone huh..." Hyung relaxed back on his seat. He seemed to seriously ponder how to reply him but Lu Han could somehow tell hyung definitely has a lot more to say. He waited patiently for him to reply, unintentionally watching his face upfront, like a puppy waiting for treats.

It struck him awhile later after studying hyungl's face. Hyung used to be in the track & field team. Just last year, he won first place in the national competition. It was such a big deal that his win announcement poster took almost the entire notice board for a week. Victoria promoted to Lu Han that entire week as well.

When this hyung suddenly gets introduced as a new member to the library club, Lu Han could see how unhappy the teacher was but hyung just seemed...happy?

Lu Han pulled himself back to the reality that he had been staring at hyung for quite some time, and took the seat opposite him.

"I did." Chan Yeol slumped on his chair. "But it's not someone I could fall for."

Lu Han returns his eyes to see Chan Yeol hyung. He wanted to see the face of someone with handsome looks actually saying there's someone he can't be in love with. Don't princes has many fishes? One day, they could eat salmon, one day they could eat tuna, one day they could eat shark fin, which fish could resist not getting eaten by such attractive guys? Moreover, a good one?

Lu Han found his trail of thoughts getting a little off hand. Well, definitely he's thinking all of this because he is glad Chan Yeol hyung is nice and humble despite whatever achievement he had at the track & field club...he gave Lu Han some faith in humanity - in treating a mushroom well. He made a mental note to ask Victoria if she knew something about it. But so what if he knew? He actually cared more about getting some info about his red string first.

Still, what returned to Lu Han, was a pair of eyes that tells him one clear word - Pain.

With that, Lu Han wasn't able to ask further.
He didn't have the heart to probe Chan Yeol hyung, who went on to daze through the brightly beamed in window and the air became still for some time.
He had seen this gaze on his own mother before.

"Falling in love feels like...no, it just simply makes you wish the person you like, loves you back."

The cold air gently brushed Lu Han's hair, he turns to the window Chan Yeol cast his eyes on.

Afternoon sun shines brightly outside, its light casting into the library, Lu Han thinks for once seriously.
It seems that to hyung, the sun is someone he loves and could only watch from behind the windows, admiring its light from inside...just like how he saw his mother looked at someone on the the bus stop poster once. Perhaps because they can't reach or touch the sun directly, or maybe the sun is too far for them to reach, yet they crave for it, like plants appreciating the lukewarm feeling eminating from sun.

For hyung and maybe his mother, that temperature seemed good enough.

But seeing all that was not enough information, Lu Han is curious - What kind of sun does Chan Yeol hyung like?

Suddenly, Lu Han's heart tinged.

------Chapter 5 end--------

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748 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker