4. It's maybe her!

You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?

Chapter 4

Lunch time.

The school's roof is prohibited, according to Krystal, there was a suicide case and since, the school had fenced up the roof, locked the access door.

Still, it did not stop Lu Han from entering when he saw the keys, openly dangling in the maintennaince closet.

The heart wrenching pain had by then subsided, which was absolutely great.
He did not want to experience that kind of torment again.

And after he got out of the nurse office, it was lunch time.
And he had conveniently skipped physical education where his classmates were all out of the classroom.

He grabbed his lunch box and heads up to the rooftop.
Holding up his pinkie to check if the red string is really gone.
It still is.

He stopped his pace upon reaching the roof level.
The door is strangely opened today.

Is there a teacher around?
Or is it the water tank maintennaince day?

He peeked through the small opening but sees no one nor any voice.

Lu Han almost fell backwards.
Processing the person who popped into his frame of sight in the foreground out of nowhere, his heart skipped like a maniac for a while.

"Eh, it's you."

He processed the voice for a while.

OH. The girl from the next classroom who saved him on the first day of school.
Tints of shame actually exist. For a girl to save a guy from a bunch of guys.
Lu Han still could not recall her name.

"Do you normally eat here?" She asked, noticing Lu Han's lunch box.

He nods.
He eats here everyday.

"You wanna eat with me today? My lunch's over there." She pointed towards the direction of the edge of the school rooftop (albeit fenced).

"Erm...okay." Lu Han replied and the girl heads to the corner, he closed the door and went to join her.

All the while, he had been eating alone.
Victoria has her group of friends she usually hangs out with that was hard for Lu Han, the only guy to fit in.
So even though they are close friends, they had lunch their separate ways.
And today was the first day he ate with someone.

"Was the door locked when you came?" Lu Han asked. Trying to strike away the awkwardness.

"Yea. I can pass through walls." Was her reply.

Lu Han blinked.
First red string, now passing through walls...?
Is he supposed to believe supernatural is real?

"Hahahaha!" Watching his reaction got her laughing. "You are really easy to fool!"

It was the first time he finds a girl's laughter nice to hear after being tortured by Victoria's.
She looked so joyful.
Usually, she had this huge -don't come near me- aura, especially when she fought the delinquents that day, so to see her put that away with this kind of expression, Lu Han can't keep his eyes off her.

"Hahahaha...I can pick locks." She pulls out a red ribbon pin from her hair and showed it to him. "See, I use this side."
She bent the pin left and right so quickly until it looked like magic and a key shaped pin is borned.

"That's impressive!!" Lu Han exclaimed.
Could fight, could pick lock, could even talk to him...wow.

She smiled as she slipped her pin into her pocket, "Do you always come up here?"

"Everyday. I get the keys from the maintennance room."

She looked amazed, eyes popped. "Mushroom, can't believe you would do something like that!"



The both of them froze when the rooftop door opened.
Oh no, who could it be?



The girl got up quickly and went to hug him.

It was quite the sight because of his impression of her. Seeing her so bubbly and girl-ish around Se Hun, Lu Han found that sort of profound.
Ahh, so she's close to other guys too.

Se Hun was holding Irene's waist, smiling back at her too.
What kind of relationship does the both of them have?
Don't tell me that...it's....as what the rumours are...

"Oh, you are here too." Se Hun said, noticing another person around. "Feeling better now?"

Lu Han nods robotically.

"He comes up here everyday." Irene replied, she turned her head back to Lu Han. "Were you not feeling well?"

"He passed out in class just now."

Irene bulged her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yea...I'm fine now." He guessed, maybe it might relapse, maybe it might not.
He looked at both of them curiously, having to ask something since Se Hun's arrival.
"Are you two, perhaps, together?"

"Yes we are!" Irene excitedly answers.

Se Hun looked at her in delight. "Can you, keep this a secret for us?"


After School

If Victoria Song knows about that secret, OH HO.
Goodbye relationship, Hello trouble!

Lu Han zipped his lips and mentally told himself to shut his lips at all times whenever she starts her speculations on Se Hun.

"Mushroom mushroom. What happened to you just now?" Victoria floated to him cheekily.

"The red..." Lu Han stopped, realising he was about to bust away gossip material.

Victoria shot her eyes up and stared at him, anticipating what she thought might be...

"Blood clogged in my heart." He said, but regrets his answer because Victoria jumped around in fright, taking out her phone to search for the nearest cardiac clinic, even though they are broke students. "Hey hey, Vic, I'm...I'm just kidding."

Victoria stopped her spazzing her worry and smacked Lu Han's mushroom head. "Do you want to die?" She glared at him.

"Sorry. It's just sudden heart attack or something."

"I'm not falling for the same trick again."

Lu Han pinched his lips together, well it was true. Half true.

"Victoriaaa~! Come on! We need to prepare!"

Lu Han turned to see Krystal calling out for her.
Their drama club is starting.

"Coming!" She shouted and grabbed her bag. "If you faint again, I'm sending you STRAIGHT to the hospital!" With that, she ran off. "REMEMBER!"

No...he probably wouldn't again...right?


Lu Han got out of class, taking the stairs down, he thought about Se Hun and Irene's secret relationship.

Okay, the girl is called Irene.
He finally knew her name.

For a short while, Lu Han believed the purchaser might be Irene.
She was nice, and aside from Victoria, was friendly to be around with.
He felt good around her, but seeing her in a relationship with someone else, did felt a bit saddening. 

Afterall, he thought a special frienship might blossom with her.
Though, when she has a boyfriend, it's quite hard isn't it?
Don't want his classmate mistaking their alone time on the roof as some sort of dramatic misunderstanding.
Lu Han does't like that kind of troubles.

Then again, it also further distant the possibility that it would be her.
She was already in a relationship.
So why would she need to buy a red string?

He sighed.


"Ya!" There was a trail of echo and it startled him from his train of thoughts.

There was no one around, he looked up and finally saw a male student, arms on the railings, piercing gaze down at him from the staircase.

Did he bump into him? From where he is?
Did he give him a dirty look? Accidentally?
Did he say or do something just now??

The guy walked down the stairs from a level above while Lu Han froze in his place.

Looking at him closer now, he seems familiar.
It's that wolf! That Kim Kai sunbae from the basketball club.

He paced towards him, too close for comfort that Lu Han took steps back to compromise that utterly atrocious distance.


His head banged against the wall, it was a light impact but still shuddered his mind.

Slowly, sunbae's warmth crept in to him, intimidating his height over Lu Han.

This wolf, as much as Lu Han remembered, is an aloof but rather cool person. Always had that serious eyes, observing humans like a wolf, planning its attack, just as his stance had always been on the basketball court.

Whenever Lu Han passes by the hall, the girls would squeal over the basketball guys when they are playing, deafening his ears for awhile. At some point, Lu Han was irritatingly piqued to notice how bouncing a ball in an area could keep the girls coming back and fawn over them. And the only person that made him understand was none other than this sunbae, Kai. Lu Han was never good in any sports, but he could tell easily that this wolf sunbae, has sharp shots. It was like he knew when to reach for the ball in an instant and head to open spots on the field and shoot. 

At a corner in the middle of the stairs, there was a little mushroom, overshadowed by the hunting wolf for lunch.

He gulped.
Wolves aren't vegetarian...

What does he want?

The senior pulled up Lu Han's left hand, his grip tight and firm and lifted it up.

"Cut the string now."

------Chapter 4 end--------

A/N: Out of nowhere update. Been working on some other series, time to get back to this for a while too. :D
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for the next chapter~~~~~~~~

ie. Does Kai actually know about his red string deal?
And the hunt for who the purchaser is, is still on.

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748 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker