1. It's an order!

You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?

Chapter 1

Well of course.

What did Lu Han expect? Seriously, did he even for a second think it was for him? The pink colored envelope that didn't even state it was addressed to him in the first place?

All the letter said was: 

 Your order is successful. Your red string is in this envelope.
Please tie it on the person's pinkie by tomorrow midnight and your love shall prevail.

We wish you the best of love!


A prank...of course.

Lu Han's head knocked against his shoe locker and sighed.


After School:

Lu Han packed his books into his bag.
The bright shining light shone into the classroom was brighter than ever in his peripheral.

"Is it true Se Hun? That you are in a relationship now?"

Lu Han steals a sneak peek to the corridor, outside his classroom.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"It's not true right?!"

Se Hun was surrounded by a wave of girls (as usual) confronting him about his relationship. Their questions all coming at once, as if he was a businessman caught up in a scandal, and 'news reporters' were swarming around him in questions.

Come to think of it, there was a huge wave of rumor that his classmate, has a girlfriend. The girls seemed desperate, clinging on to his arms without letting go until he spills the truth.

If that is the case, it's normal for him to end up with female students like that.

"It's a secret."

"Ehhhhh?! You are making us even more curious now."
"Come on, just tell us it's not real."
"We just want to spend some time with you."

Sometimes it's good not to be popular. Lu Han heaved.
At least, he wouldn't be surrounded by girls like these.

He grabbed his bag and heads towards the corridor, as he was about to make his way down the stairs, he cast a glance back.

Se Hun seemed used to it, being popular enough for girls to swarm around him all day, every day, and being all teasefully normal about it.
Tsk, popular guys.

Then again, wouldn't his girlfriend be mad if she sees him with these clingy girls...?

"Hey, mushroom."

Lu Han blinked away from Se Hun when he felt someone tap on his shoulders.
He turned to see a girl from the next class, in a high ponytail looking at him.

"Teacher Kim wants to see Se Hun at the faculty room." She said.

Lu Han tried to recall her name. This wasn't the first time he met her. On the first day of school, he was cornered by a bunch of trouble students from a nearby school for accidentally bumping into them.

And this girl, saved him.

The girl turned away and took the stairs down.

So...is he supposed to tell Se Hun that?

He gulped, taking it as a way to repay his debt towards her, he turned around, taking slow miserable steps towards the crowd.

"Erm, Se Hun."

He stood awkwardly behind the pushing girls, but his voice, only ants could hear. Almost like a girl trying to confess to theur crush or something.
In the first place, a mushroom calling out to the sun was intimidating enough, needless to say he isn't good with huge crowds of people.

He closed his eyes, takes in a deep breath, for the sake of his debt and Se Hun's really playful situation with the girls...he will raise his voice.

Voice at his mouth when Se Hun smiled at the girls, in just a matter of split seconds, brushed pass them quick and was seconds near Lu Han.

He is not the basketball captain for no reason.
Lu Han suddenly remembers.

That small brushed pass stopped Lu Han's words from coming out, almost choking over his voice.


T...that...was close.

He was actually going to shout.
His voice could have been the center of attention.

It was a really good thing Se Hun broke free on time.

Phew phew phew.

He heaved many sighs of relief before the group of girls chased after Se Hun again.
Lu Han's gaze followed their swift runs towards the kingka, 'kyaaa' 'kyaaaa' all the way.

Those female students, it would be a pity if they don't grow up to become paparazzis.

"Eh? Mushroom, you were standing there all along?" One of the remaining girls said, it's his classmate, Victoria.
She is one of the queen of gossips in school, and yet surprisingly, also Lu Han's closest friend.

Gossip queen and a nerd.
It sounds mismatched but can't be helped if she is your neighbor right? Especially when both your parents aren't native Koreans.
And when you two actually grow up together.


"Heh, then let's walk home together." Victoria came forward and puts her arm across his shoulders as they paced down the corridors, heading down towards the stairs.

Lu Han followed, completely forgotten his task to inform Se Hun to meet the teacher.


"There's a thing going around lately." Victoria said. "Do you know the red string of fate?"

Mushroom nods. It's a Japanese folklore about a red string that is connected to your soulmate, tied around their pinkie.
Something about you are my already destined destiny, geudae~.

"There's this online store called The Red String Shop. Krystal told me that you could buy a red string at some..." Victoria blinked and gulped at the same time. "...price, and if you tie that red string to your crush, your crush will fall for you." Victoria giggled.

Lu Han thought this sounds relatable.
Too relatable for comfort.

"But not everyone can access the store though. Only the person with the strongest feelings for that crush among the rest can enter the page." Victoria sighed. "Kindda like if Krystal and me likes you, not that it's ever going to happen, but if, Krystal likes you more than I like you, she can access the store, I can't."

Mushroom Han takes a few moments to sink her words in when Victoria suddenly breaks off from the conversation and skips her way in to a bubble tea store.

"Erm..." Lu Han recalls the pink enevelope he received in the locker that morning, which is still in his bag, waiting for Lu Han's reaction as he slowly trots over to Victoria in the queue.

"Do you think that Se Hun's girlfriend might have used that?" Victoria pondered aloud.

Lu Han was sure she was doing it on purpose, with all the other female students around. She isn't a gossip queen for no reason. "I think it's a dirty tactic."

Yea. If she meant dirty, then his bag is polluted.

"No matter how desparate, playing with fate is just fake. You shouldn't force a behaviour on someone, its cowardly."

Lu Han agrees...but there is a suspicious red string in his bag. Does that make him cowardly too?
But it's not like he ordered it. He was sure he did not, and this whole red string online store thing, it was the first time he heard it. He just learnt that store exists!!! He definitely did not order it!

So why did he receive the red string in his locker?

------Chapter 1 end--------


A/N: Thanks a lot for reading! ^^ Stay tuned for this series! 

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747 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker