2. It's Soo Soo!

You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?

Chapter 2

Lucky? Or luckless?

Lu Han has the possession possibly all stalkers girls and guys with crushes wish for. He felt almighty, at the same time depressing to know that this string is custom made so regardless of who ties it, the purchaser would still be the one their crush falls for.

It's not like he has a crush right now, like what is it like to have a crush even?
Like do you feel like something crashed on you? Or do you feel like crushing things onto your crush?

But it still does make him feel something, to have fate played possibly by him.


That is until according to the forums on the website regarding the red string of fate.

[Layonme: The string they gave you, is literally your red string. So it is still connected to your pinkie regardless who ties it!]
[Exomyommas: I saw it! My friend actually bought and got together with her crush!! It's real guys!!! It's freaking magic!!!]
[Taorissoldmyw1fe: I see delusional creeps.]
[Iwantjunjaejuice: Does it work on my ship? There's this juice and straw, i mean there are 2 guys in my class, I think one of them has feelings for the other!! >< guyxguy + red string omo!!!]
[Xiudaddygirl: No one can see the red string once it's tied. Not even the crush you tied your red string to.]
[SMEismydadcompany: It's just a stupid string selling at an atrocious price. It's marketing meant to con young people like you all.]

Lu Han scrolled more, there were a few skeptics, a few believers, a few rather informative, and even some rarer ones with their personal stories, but suddenly, one of the post caught his attention.

[iselljungkookies: Nae nae, they sell a small red scissors too! If you wanna cut some strings, you can cut too. But they charge at like 5x the price of the thread. If somebody can give me more details, please pm me. I would buy info at any price just for the scissors to cut off this irritating couple in my office @_@!]

Lu Han turns to the pink envelope, waiting for him patiently beside his laptop.

By tomorrow midnight.

Lu Han was never the supernatural believer. Everything in life is logic and science, nothing extraordinary like magic, or ghosts or spells.

But with the tempting looking piece of big red heart and information flow rewiring his mind, he starts to wonder.

He picks up the envelope and opened the seal, fishing out the short red string.
It looks normal, like any other string, yet it gives off a different vibe.
A strong feel, like that korean drama his mother and Victoria's mother were squealing about when it aired. 

A heart string.

It did not feel like a simple string, it felt more like, a connection.

It feels weird and illogical how he could even grasp it over one strand of red, but that was exactly his thoughts about it.

He takes out the letter and reads it again, but this time his eyes stopped.
There was a visible red ink mark through the surface of the letter. He flipped around, and sees another instruction.

For any enquiries, please go to http://www.TheRedStringShop.com (case sensitive) at midnight and enter order code:

Lu Han checks his desk clock. 


Woah! He had been on the net for so long!?

He types in the address and waits for the countdown.

Will he be able to get through the site? Afterall, he doesn't have a crush on anyone. He was just curious about the order...that he has no recollection of.

That is all.

Fumbling around with the letter and measuring the red string which is 15cm long, he checked the clock again.

It's 12am. Yes.
He typed in the right address. Checked.
Case sensitive. Right.
He has a crush. FAIL.

He tapped enter.

Error 404. Webpage does not exist.

Lu Han leans back on his creaking chair.

Of course it's not real. Seriously, did he for one second thought it would work?
In the midst of that, he felt dejavu...
No but, seriously, the red string of fate legend that is much more popular in China and Japan, not in South Korea, so duh?
Or maybe the shop has yet to globalise its service?


He sighed and just as he was about to think of how to dispose the string and letter, his computer screen turned black, startling him.
He turns back to the screen quickly.

Slowly, a red string identical to the one he has, appears.

Below it, was a box that asked for the order code.

Lu Han blinked, making sure he wasn't hallucinating. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen.

What the hell? It's real?
After that few seconds of dumping folklores and globalisation theory, it's actually existent?

Well if it is true, then Lu Han was going to test how far this could go.
Putting his mind back to business, he typed in 'ireallylovesoosoo'.

What kind of order code is that though.

Soo Soo has logged in.

Welcome, shoe locker 37.
How many I help you midnight?

The black screen gradually shows a chat room. Something like WhatsApp but pure black, and words are in white.
There is a space for him to type his reply below.

But that isn't important!!

The thing is, how did this thing knows his shoe locker number!?
Is this some serious prank going on with his schoolmate?

It seems like your heart is unsettling.

Lu Han jerked upon reading the new line. Is he being watched right now? In his small room? Where is the stalker!?

You are a special case dear customer. The order was not made by you, that is why although your heart does not desire of anyone, you are directed here.

Ohh! So it really wasn't him sleepwalking or not being able to control his body unconsciously, it was someone else's order.

Shoe locker 37: Erm... How do I return it?

I am afraid you can't do that dear customer. We don't do return policies.

Shoe locker 37: Can't you track your records, at least I can deliver back to them?

We apologise but we do not keep buyer records as we are short staffed.

Lu Han stares at the reply. What kind of irresponsible seller is that, short staffed? It doesn't take much to just type in transaction details! Or just fish it from the order record. This red string is supposed to be real, someone's destiny right?! It's serious right?
Shoe locker 37: So...am I supposed to discard it?
Look at your reply Lu Han. Who is more irresponsible?

Please do not worry. Let me introduce myself first. I am the shop's owner, Do Kyung Soo. Please call me Soo Soo.

Lu Han waits for shop owner to add on, before he thinks about it for a while.

Shoe locker 37: Soo Soo.

Soo Soo: Hii! Please find out who my beloved customer is by tying the red string to your pinkie. Once you have found, cut the strings off for your emotional well being, I will deliver a scissors for free to you once you have found them. Please login again at midnight and give me the name.

Soo Soo has logged off.

Soo Soo has logged in.

Soo Soo: Please be warned. If you do not tie the red string before expiry (following midnight), you will pay on behalf of my beloved customer's stead for the scissors in full. Also, I have made changes to the red string, so instead of matching it to the purchaser's original crush, I have matched it to you instead, so the string can only work on you.

Soo Soo has logged off.

Lu Han stares at the directed page back to the error message.

Can't the seller, or Soo Soo, whatever, wait for his reply before logging off just like that?
He takes a glance at the red string.

Firstly, how much does this string cost?
Secondly, the scissors actually exists? How much is it even?
Thirdly, why should he be tying it to his pinkie? That is just scape goating!

Lu Han takes a deep breath, sinking the words into his mind when he peered at the letter that was already changing text on its own that he almost fell off from his chair. 

Just a reminder again!
Please find out who my beloved customer is by tying the red string to your pinkie. Once you have found, cut the strings off for your emotional well being, I will deliver a scissors for free to you once you have found them. Please login again at midnight and give me the name.

Please be warned. If you do not tie the red string before expiry, you will pay on behalf of my beloved customer's stead for the scissors in full. Also, I have made changes to the red string, so instead of matching it to the purchaser's original crush, I have matched it to you instead, so the string can only work on you.

- TheRedStringShop -


With a ready to accept 'come what may' mindset, he sums up the whole thing he has to do.

So someone ordered their red string from the shop, but it gets delivered wrongly to Lu Han's locker.
If the red string is tied to their crush, their crush will fall for the purchaser and be their destined soulmate.
However, because of the wrong delivery with no buyer records, Lu Han as requested, has to tie that buyer's red string to his pinkie (which is matched to him now), which means that...

The string will only be effective if tied on him, and he will start falling for the buyer!

------Chapter 2 end--------


A/N: Thanks for reading till this chapter! ^^ 
I have the full plot in mind now, but author nim needs to translate them to words... 
which somtimes feels like SME begging down on their knees for Lu Han, Tao and Kris to come back to EXO after their China success.

Hee hee, but I would still love to hear from you guys! :D

Have a great day! And stay tuned for chapter 3...kekekeke.

And if you like hunhan one shot, you guise can read this.
No obligations, just shamelessly promoting. >v<

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747 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker