Love Light

Into You

They lay in bed together, both now, hands intertwined, faces close, talking about everything they'd done, thought, and felt while they were apart. It was nearly 3 am when Amber finally confessed to needing more sleep. 

"I'm not leaving tomorrow, so we can wake up together, spend the day together, the night." 

Krystal snuggled up to her, tucking her head under her chin. 

"I love you, Krys, and one day we'll have a home together and more time together. I know it's hard for you, for me too, and we'll both try to hold on until then, okay?" 

"Okay," Krystal murmured, kissing her chest lightly. "Being with you reminds me of how much I love being with you and the pain seems to become a distant memory. I don't even know what it felt like missing you right now." 

Amber rocked Krystal's head back and kissed her deeply, sweeping her tongue into and savoring her lips. She rolled Krystal onto her back and they made love one more time before falling asleep. 

"What?" Amber asked, brushing out her little mop of hair. She'd showered and blow-dried it and it had become a fuzzy crown on top of her head. The texture had gotten weird from dying it so much, now Krystal was lying in the bed laughing at her as she tried to tame it smooth. 

"Come here. Let me do it," she said, sitting up. 

"I feel like you're trying to tempt me over there for different reasons," Amber said suspiciously as Krystal let her bed sheet drop around her waist. She still hadn't gotten dressed. 

"I promise I won't try and kiss you," Krystal said, patting a little spot on the bed in front of her. 

Amber still didn't believe her but went over anyway. She handed Krystal the brush and folded her bare legs. She'd put on one of Krystal's boy shorts and tank top outfits for fun, the white fabric straining over her slightly larger frame, the shirt hovering above her belly button. 

"You should really stop bleaching your hair," Krystal suggested, pulling on a little tangle until it smoothed. "You're going to end up bald." 

"You'll still love me though," Amber said confidently. "I'm awesome." 


"I am," Amber said, turning toward her, giving her short hair a little flip. 

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" 

Amber tugged on the tiny strap holding it on her shoulder. "y, right?" She crouched up on her knees and started pulling the little spaghetti straps down her arms. 

"Oh my god, you're completely stretching it." 

Amber gave her chest a y little shimmy. "I'm too y for your shirt, too y for your shirt~" 

Krystal laughed, covering as Amber continued to sing and strip for her. The fabric of that shirt would never be the same. 

"Why do I like you?" Krystal asked out loud, shaking her head at herself, hooking her finger in Amber's underwear, well, her underwear. 

Amber grabbed her arms and tackled her at the same time, smushing her flat on the bed. "No idea, but I'm glad you do." She kissed Krystal on the chin. "I like you too, you know?" 

Krystal looked up into her eyes, brushing the hair off of her forehead, feeling that tiny ache in her chest knowing Amber was leaving tomorrow morning, but that crazy glow in her heart knowing she would get moments like these when Amber came back again in a few weeks. 

She sighed happily, wrapping her arms around Amber's shoulders. "Yeah. I know. "

Krystal sat in the meeting room of her entertainment company, wondering if she was doing the right thing and hoping she wasn't being impulsive. Relationships weren't certain things, but on the other hand, neither were careers, but she wanted to be able to give both a fair chance. 

"Are you sure about this?" her manager asked. 

"No. But I'm starting to want different things out of life. I want to try to explore what else is out there and how hard it would be to still work with my brands from a different location." 

"You're really thinking of leaving Korea?" 

She gnawed on her lip and nodded. "I love living here and working here, but I think I could be just as happy somewhere else." 

"Is this about Amber," he asked bluntly. 

Krystal stared at him in shock. 

He saw the worry and fear in her eyes and put a calming hand on her arm. "Listen, I've known for a long time. You're different when she's around, and she's different when you're around."


"I won't tell anyone. It's not my business. I just want to make sure that you know what you're doing. I've seen people completely ruin their lives trying to be in a relationship that isn't good for them, or caring more about someone else than they care about themselves." 

"That's not the case," Krystal said confidently. "I just want to look into how hard it would be to work with my current brands from a different location, using different photography studios or flying in from California." 

"And your dramas?" 

She hesitated. She loved filming dramas and they required being on location, often right in Korea. There most likely wouldn't be as many acting opportunities stateside. Her face wasn't the sort looked for in American commercials and shows when it came to Asians. 


"Rather than making this decision by yourself, shouldn't you talk with Amber? She wouldn't like it if she felt like she made you give something up to be with her. She's not giving anything up to be with you and she expects you to do the same." 

"How do you know that?" 

"Did she ever ask you to give up anything? Did she ask you to follow her or be more available that you are?" 

"No. She encouraged me to work hard on the things I like because she's just now getting the opportunity to do that herself," she realized. 

Krystal slumped back in the chair and frowned at her manager. "Can you cancel the meeting?" 

"I never scheduled it." 

She glared at him, but only held it for a few seconds. He was right and he'd known both of them for a long time. She couldn't believe she'd been about to do something that probably would've worried Amber and made her stressed about wanting to work on her solo career in Los Angelos if it made Krystal want to give up her own career in Korea. 

They'd find a way to make it work, just not like this.

She slipped her purse over her shoulder and walked out of the meeting room, a new appreciation and desire for Amber in her heart. 

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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2077 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!