Food for the Heart

Into You

Amber hated the winter. Yes, the snow was pretty, but the cold was so awful. She'd be glad when she was back in California, but she had a song to record with Luna over the next few days. Another directing opportunity, she was ecstatic. But also stressed. She walked around the location, getting ideas about how she wanted to frame things, where she wanted she and Luna to be at certain moments in the song. 

Her breath fogged before her and she walked back and forth, jotting things down in her notebook. 

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, alerting her to a text message. She almost didn't want to check it since she was so focused, but she didn't want whoever was on the other end to feel ignored. 

She sighed, her nose running a bit as she checked the screen. 

>What are you doing?


Warmth settled somewhere in her stomach, spreading through her limbs. The feeling that came with Krystal texting her or calling her these days was indescribable. 

>Working, Amber responded. 

>I'll be back in Korea next week. You?

She immediately sent back an all-caps 'YES'. 

>Want to meet?

Her heart fluttered, thinking of the last time they'd been together, Krystal's warm cheek resting against hers, lips touching skin briefly. 

>Of course! Amber responded quickly. >I'm responsible for filming me and Luna's new video so I'm a little stressed, but I'll be free a few days before we need to film. 

>Amber PD-nim. 

Amber smiled.

>You already did a good job with an MV that I was in. I don't think I've ever seen myself like that before. 

>That's how I always see you, Amber replied. 

A long time passed before she received another message. 

>It's cold in Korea, Am PD-nim. You should probably head home and sleep. Have some warm tea. I know you like to work until you're done, but you have tomorrow. 

Amber's fingers flew over the screen and her eyes widened when she saw that she'd typed out 'I Love You' without realizing it. She quickly deleted it and sent back instead, >Okay. She wanted to smack herself on the forehead. They'd told each other 'I love you' thousands of times over the years, why did it feel weird all of a sudden?

>Night Am PD. 

She couldn't shake the smile from her face even if she wanted to. Despite what Krystal asked, she stayed out a few more hours. It was nearing morning when she finally headed home to cuddle with her pets and sleep for a few hours. She woke up and had some tea, then went back out to the recording site to make sure she liked the decisions she'd made the night before. 

Time seemed to both fly and crawl until she saw Krystal again, but when she entered the private booth of the cafe and saw her sitting there, waiting for her, time seemed to stand absolutely still. 


Krystal smiled back. "Hey. I already ordered for us." 

She looks so good, Krystal thought to herself, watching the girl walk toward her. She had a beanie on, a sweatshirt, and a flannel jacket. 

She slid into the booth next to Krystal and just looked at her for a moment. Krystal blushed, wondering why. 

"You look good," Amber said. She flicked the ends of Krystal's short hair. "You look like you own a company." 

Krystal laughed. "You look good too." 

Amber looked down at herself in disbelief. She'd been too cold to make much of an effort on her appearance and the tip of her nose was red. "Adorable." 

Amber blushed, making Krystal smile. She leaned over and kissed Amber on the cheek. Hoping it was fine. Amber made no objection and leaned in as well. Her kiss on Krystal's cheek sort of lingered, her nose resting against Krystal's cheekbone. Another soft kiss followed electricity seemed to dance from the contact. Krystal bit her lip, wanting to turn her head to catch Amber's lips in a kiss. It had been so long since they kissed. Her entire body vibrated with the desire of it, but Amber pulled back and started in on her salad. 

"I'm only going to be here a few more weeks." 

"Me too," Krystal answered breathlessly. 

"I need to get back to LA." 

"How are your videos going?" 

"Good. Exhausting, but good. It feels so good to have so much control over what I want to do for a while. I'm learning so much. I'm working with some great people." 

The sparkle in Amber's eye was all Krystal needed to know Amber was really doing good. She briefly squeezed Amber's hand under the table. "I'm glad. I wish I could see you more though." 

Amber stared at her for a while then said. "Me too." 

She wanted to take that moment to ask Amber what they were if they could be something, but Amber went right back to her salad. 

Is it still too soon? Krystal wondered. Should I let Amber be the one to approach me this time? The way Amber had kissed her cheek had been so different from how she and Amber had been intimate in the past. And even as she was thinking that she could feel Amber's leg pressed against hers. When had that happened? 

She studied the side of Amber's face, but she gave nothing away. 

Krystal smiled shyly to herself and also dug into her food. 

When they finally finished eating, they just sat there beside each other for a bit. After a moment she felt Ambers fingers trancing against her palm until their fingers were entwined. She was pulled gently into a one-armed hug, tucked under Amber's chin. How did that simple move make her feel so shy?  What's happening to me? She wondered, giggling foolishly. 

She felt Amber's lips at her hairline, then trailing down the side of her face. If I tilt my head back, will she...

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. It felt like an eternity passed, then Amber's soft lips were on hers. It was a light kiss that turned into soft pecks, then Amber slanted over hers kissing her more firmly. Krystal released a soft gasp and parted her lips. Amber's hand was on her neck, holding her in place as she explored Krystal's mouth until she sighed and pulled back, resting her forehead against Krystal's. 

"Why'd you stop?" Krystal asked breathlessly, her eyes still closed. After a while she opened them to find Amber looking down at her. "What is it?" 

Amber shook her head with a soft, kind of sad smile, then moved away from her. "Nothing." 

"No, seriously Amber-" 

Amber leaned in and kissed her cheek. "We'll talk more seriously in a few weeks, okay?" 

"Why not now?" 


Krystal realized she was being demanding of Amber again when she'd only asked to do something in her own time. She was impatient, but what was wrong with waiting just a few more weeks until Amber was ready to talk to her? She bit her lip. "I'm sorry. A few more weeks?" 

Amber nodded, relieved. "A few more weeks." 



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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!