
Into You

>I know you really don't like to read, but this book is really good. We can spend some time talking about it when we see each other again. 

>I saw you've been in the gym more from your Instagram stories. There's a new restaurant opening with healthy courses as their theme. 

>I forgot your shoe size, so I bought you these socks. Hope they fit comfortably. 

Amber had more than ten hand-written cards from Krystal over the past few weeks. They hadn't talked about them when they saw each other for their Cowboy photoshoot or their encore concerts in Japan, but they'd felt a little easier around each other. Maybe that's what Krystal was trying to accomplish with the messages and gifts. So Amber decided she should put a little effort in to repair their friendship as well. 

She felt a little awkward sending the presents to the Jung household, especially since Jessica probably knew everything that had happened between them, but Krystal was important to her, so she fought through the awkwardness. She sent over some pajamas, some house slippers, a cooling pillow, a sleep mask, soothing oil diffusers, etc. 

A few weeks into her response messages, she received a text from Krystal with a laughing emoji asking her if she was trying to put her to sleep for the rest of her life. That had sparked their texting almost daily again. Amber found herself sharing things with Krystal she normally wouldn't share with her or anyone for that matter. Explaining the loneliness she felt even when surrounded by people, the frustrations she was going through with her music, how she felt lost somewhere between America and Korea, and had felt that way for nearly ten years, how she liked spending time with people, as many people as she could, so she never had to think about those feelings. 

And Krystal listened, asking deeper questions, encouraging her from afar, talking about frustrations and struggles she herself came up against simply trying to exist as a woman in the entertainment industry. 

Krystal felt satisfied that they were closer than they'd ever been, even though they were barely on the same continent anymore. Amber always made sure to keep her updated on how she was feeling, what silly new thing she'd found interesting. And Krystal understood that this relationship was a lot more meaningful than the one she'd tried to force between herself and Amber previously. There was actually happiness when they spoke to one another. They were communicating, so now she could understand Amber the times she became closed off. She no longer felt like she was talking to a wall since she was no longer treating Amber like something she wanted that absolutely had to be hers. It was so stupid that she couldn't see before that she hadn't been treating Amber like someone she cared about. She'd been treating her as a person to fulfill her wants and needs rather than one who had them as well. 

She hoped that when all was said and done she'd get another chance with her. Their closeness now was great, but she also wanted the intimacy. Speaking these words to one another with only the skin of their separate bodies between them, not yards, not miles, not oceans and continents. 

"Hi..." Krystal said shyly. It had been weeks since she'd seen Amber face to face, but now the older girl had flown into Korea from LA to attend the wedding of one of their managers. 

"Hey!" Amber said brightly, pulling her into a hug. "You look good in a suit." 

Krystal laughed. "I know." 

Amber rolled her eyes. "I left Luna at the buffet. I'm so glad they're serving food before this thing starts because I've barely eaten." 

Krystal couldn't help but reach out and shift the dark hair from Amber's forehead. "This color looks so good on you." 


Was that a blush? Krystal wondered, staring at Amber's cheeks. 

"Anyway, we should find our seats. We don't want to be late when we're already here," Amber joked nervously. 

Krystal slipped her arm through Amber's, earning a wide-eyed stare. "I'm wearing heels and we're walking on grass. I really don't want to take a nosedive." 

"Ah-" Wow! That really is a blush! "Right. Yeah. Okay." Amber carefully escorted Krystal over the lawn to the chairs and tables framing the makeshift aisle. She settled Krystal into her seat, then made her way to her own. 

She shook her head at herself for thinking Krystal was flirting with her. Not that she wanted her to. She had to head back to Los Angelos soon and would be busy with her own projects for a while. She had no time for distractions. 

She found her eyes drifting to Krystal again, wanting to talk to her. They'd both purchased new cameras recently and had been sending each other photos from them, trying to get feedback and opinions though they were both amateurs, but too insecure to show them to anyone else. They could meet up somewhere and talk about that. Yeah. 

She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Krystal, asking her if she had time to spare in the next two days. 

Krystal looked up with a smile and sent her the okay sign. 

Amber cheered in silent victory, wondering if Krystal would maybe hold her hand while they talked, or if Krystal would mind if Amber held her's. It had been so long since they touched. The hug early had come out of nowhere. She'd just been so happy to see her again and not just have to read her words on a screen. She hadn't expected to feel like that. 

She glanced over at Krystal again and found her looking right back. Amber felt heat appear in her cheeks and looked down, fiddling with the hem of her sweater and trying to focus on the event of her manager and friend getting married. But throughout the day, she constantly felt someone's eyes on her and knew that someone probably felt the same. 

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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!