No Going Back

Into You

The minute they slid into the private booth and the waiter left with their drink orders, Krystal launched herself at Amber, throwing her arms happily around her neck. 

"I thought about you all day." She kissed Amber's lips lightly. "I missed you," she said softly. 

Amber shifted away slightly from her affectionate embrace, feeling embarrassed for some reason. Or shy. She looked at Krystal through her long lashes. "How was your shoot?" 

"Good, exhausting. Would've been more fun if you were there." She leaned in to kiss Amber again, but the older girl shifted and her lips ended up somewhere near Amber's sharp jawline. 

"What if the waiter comes back?" 

Krystal sighed and peeled back into her own space. Silence fell as they looked at their menus, considering what might be going on in the other girls' head more than what was on the menu. Amber knew she was being a jerk to Krystal, but she couldn't seem to stop. The affection made her nervous, the cold stares made her tense, the smiles made her giddy. She didn't want to feel all jumbled up inside. 

Krystal didn't know what was going on with Amber. The morning had been perfect. So had the night before. But now Amber was being so stand-offish. Hadn't she said she missed her? She on her lower lip and tapped the table, trying to distract herself from the thoughts in her head. She'd hoped to come here and clarify their relationship, move forward. But now her stomach wasn't sitting well and Amber was staring into space, stiff, and distant from her. 

The waiter returned to the room, oblivious to the tension in the air. "I'll have the number seven with chef's choice of wine." 

Amber glanced up. "A water and a salad, please." 

'That's all you're going to eat?" Krystal asked incredulously. 

"What kind of salad?" 

She dropped her finger onto the image of one, picked out her dressing, then sat back to wait. 

"You should at least eat some grilled chicken," Krystal suggested. "Are you feeling okay?" 

Amber shrugged. "I'm fine. I just feel like having a salad." 

"Amber?" Krystal said softly. 


The slim girl placed a hand on Amber's wrist, causing the eternal fidgeting to pause for a moment. Their eyes met for a few seconds, but Amber flicked her's down again, long lashes shielding her thoughts. 

Krystal ran a slender finger up her arm and brushed it against Amber's high cheekbone. Those large, vulnerable eyes flickered up again and Krystal felt her breath catch. How could someone be so beautiful? 

She leaned toward her as though drawn by a magnet. "Touch me," she demanded breathlessly. 


She caught Amber's mouth in a kiss so she couldn't speak anymore. 

"Upmph," she fumbled at the buttons of Amber's shirt. 


Krystal reached across her and locked the door so the waiter couldn't come in.

"Not here," Amber whispered as Krystal pressed her against the leather back of her seat. 

"Here, then?" Krystal teased, nipping the side of her neck. 

"Krys, I'm serious!" Amber said, pushing her away. She rebuttoned her top, running a hand through her mussed hair. 

"Oh..." Krystal rubbed at her lips then gently reached out for Amber. "I'm sorry. I-" 

Amber banged her fists on the table, causing Krystal to jump, the pressed her palms into her eyes. 


"You've been one of my best friends for years now..." 

"Have I?" Krystal asked sharply. "Have I really? You never go more than skin deep. With me, with your friends, your family!" 

"That's not-" 

"You're scared of opening up except when I'm buried to my palm in you." 

Amber flushed red and felt herself become wet at the thought and Krystal's sharp voice.

"I've figured it out. You keep me at arm's length and we don't touch in public, not because you're scared of being discovered, but because you don't want it to be real. I wanted to ask you today if we could be official, but I don't think that's possible." 

"You won't touch me first because then you won't have to risk yourself. I do that every single time that I reach for you," Krystal's voice broke. 

Amber turned her head away. "I can't do that." 

"We keep going back and forth. You backing away, me trying to pull you closer," Krystal aid angrily. She grabbed Amber's hands and pushed them down on the seat, invading Amber's space. She tilted her body over hers and waited for that sweet moment when Amber's breath would catch in . It happened, soft and short. She clamped over Amber's, feeling her warm skin give way. She parted with her tongue, Amber's short hair brushing against her face It was the best feeling in the world. Kissing Amber and having her kiss her back. Everything in between was painful and confusing, but kissing her...

"I want you," she whispered against Amber's skin. 

"Why?" Amber asked, her eyes wide and beautiful with vulnerability. 

Krystal tucked Amber's short hair behind her ear, pressing their foreheads together, breath mingling. "Because you're beautiful," she said simply. "And I want you." 

Amber scoffed in disbelief. "You want me because you want me." 

"That doesn't make sense to you?" Krystal asked, smiling. 

A knock sounded on the door and they sprang away from each other. After waiting awkwardly a few moments for the waiter to come in, they both chuckled as Amber reached over to unlock the door. They both ate their food quietly, but Amber kept tapping her feet happily against the floor. She froze though when she felt Krystal's body heat near her and her breath on the skin of her cheek. Her heart began to beat rapidly when the younger girl spoke. 

"How do I make you feel?" 

Amber released a trembling breath. "Nervous," she whispered. 

"I guess that can be enough for now," Krystal said happily, going back to her side of the table and her meal. 

Amber crossed her legs discreetly and nibbled on her salad. I'm a complete mess, she thought, flicking her eyes to Krystal and back down to her plate. But she couldn't ever remember feeling so alive. 



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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: stayed up until 3am to read this under the covers im glad i did. my favorite kryber fan fic so far. thank you author! will def come back and reread a million times
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 39: 2023
snackplate #3
Chapter 39: Still beautiful after all these years of rereading.. thanks author!
Chapter 39: Ohmygad. This is soooo dreamy. I'm crying.
bluesky2275 #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for sharing. Love to read this fiction cos its different from others . Lead roles of Krystal , Henry and especially Amber. Good job. Author
Zaynthe44_f #6
Chapter 39: This is gooooooood. Good job author
amberaddict #7
Chapter 2: Thank you for this awesome fic, it gives all the feels
nubjudo #8
Chapter 39: after the tough journey they've been through to get to where they are, i'm glad they finally understood each other and got their happy ending! great story author-nim!
2072 streak #9
Chapter 39: I'm looking forward to an epilogue, if you're planning to write one :)
Jheszie #10
Chapter 39: I love it!!! Kryber forever!