Degree of Density

Hormones' Hoax
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Son Chaeyoung sat on her seat and sighed. She did not get enough sleep. There was this unending whisper of the way you look at her in her brain. Up until now, she couldn’t quite understand what Dahyun and Jungkook meant about that. God really has some good timing though, Mina passed by her side and she ended up looking at her as she graced herself towards her seat. Chaeyoung felt uneasy when she didn’t receive any response from Mina at all. The girl usually has sharp senses when it comes to Chaeyoung laying her eyes on her. It was like she was avoiding eye contact, no, she is avoiding any contact. Chaeyoung furrowed her brows while still staring at Mina. This is disturbing.


“Sana is crazier than a headless turkey running amok on Thanksgiving Day!” Dahyun shrieked too close to her ear.


“I’m glad your cheek’s all better now but I’d appreciate it if you don’t destroy my eardrum.” Chaeyoung spoke while shoving Dahyun away from her as possible. She was panting. “Did you have a race or something?”


“She’s hunting me down!” Dahyun spat some saliva on her. Chaeyoung chose to ignore her flabbergasted buddy.


“I’m serious!” Her voice squeaked up a notch to the highest pitch, earning her snickers and glances from her classmates, “I’m still in the process of metamorphosis called puberty, y’all got a problem on that?!” She was all fumes and magma early in the morning.


“Okay. Calm down Hitler, we’ll talk about it later; class will start any minute now.”




They found themselves situated in the library because Dahyun was purposely hiding from Sana, in which was still a blur to Chaeyoung’s understanding. It was lunch time and Chaeng’s hunger was making her a bit edgy.


“Are we going to eat here?” The latter annoyingly and audibly sighed.


“I cannot stand to be near Sana. She’s ridiculously kissy and touchy and clingy!” Dahyun said with gritted teeth.


“And you have a problem with that because…?” The short girl enunciated every word clearly as if Dahyun was a 3 year old child but at the most, she was frankly curious why her fuse was broken down by Sana. Dahyun was known as a female Casanova amongst almost everybody, and the gist of this conversation was why is she agitated with Sana’s physical contact?


“I don’t like it when I don’t initiate the contact! It drives me nuts knowing I can’t read the spontaneity of her actions! I have this ultimatum to always take the lead so that I can estimate the amount of days before I leave her and make up an award winning excuse why I can’t call her anymore. And she’s breaking all of that easily as if it’s just a stack of cards for her. That girl is hazardous to my principles and beliefs in life.” Dahyun’s face became a hue of red; this really was a huge deal for her.


Chaeyoung eyed her carefully and chuckled, “I see. That’s what’s happening.” Dahyun squinted her eyes in retort, “You’re intimidated by her. You finally found your counterpart.”


Dahyun let out a laugh of mockery. There was no kind of word like intimidation in her dictionary and there was no way she’ll accept Chaeyoung’s analyzation and be somewhat of a submissive in anybody’s eyes. I have a reputation, for heaven’s sake.


“That’s where you’re wrong, smol.”




Chaeyoung went to the cafeteria alone. Judging from Dahyun’s stubbornness, she’d rather starve than face Sana head to head. She never saw Dahyun this cautious because of a girl. Now that Chaeyoung thought about it, Dahyun did have certain rules when she dates, like that one time when she literally cut all source of communications with a girl because she was very eager upon knowing Dahyun’s everything; she was poking her nose in Dahyun’s personal space and life. This is probably her karma from all those trickery.


Her thoughts were instantly cut by Myoui Mina’s sudden appearance in front of her, though she wasn’t looking or having any kind of hint of noticing Chaeyoung’s existence, she found herself staring at her again. Mina has this knack of being mercurial; one moment she’s all over Chaeyoung and the next would be this unawareness of her being. Not that I want her to notice me or something. She continued to stare at the Japanese beauty that was swaying her hips while walking back to their table.


“Hey!” Chaeyoung was startled making her jump a bit.


“S-Sana, hi.” She waved awkwardly at the not so unexpected guest.


“Where’s Dahyun?” Quite the foreseen question, Chaeyoung thought.


“Uhhh… She kinda went outside to, you know, get some fresh air.” The tiger cub’s not good in lying.


“Oh.” Sana stood up and was about to leave, well, not before she drops some of her views and opinions about Chaeng, “I though you like Mina?”


Chaeyoung blinked several times before answering her, “How did you even get to that?”


“It’s quite obvious with the way you look at her.”


The way you look at her. There it was again. Chaeyoung couldn’t respond to this one, she was taken aback. Seriously, though, what does that even mean? She was staring at Sana with wide eyes and mouth agape. Third time, it was the third time someone said like it was somewhat a normal entity they do every day.


“You better level up your game, Chaeng. You’re up for some tough rivalry.” Sana spoke while gesturing Chaeyoung to follow her gaze.


There Mina was, smiling and laughing, merriment so obvious you’d get infected with it. The problem lies on the person causing her to act like that, beside her was the well-known virtuoso Yoo Jeongyeon. Chaeyoung gawked and grimaced at the sight. She looks too happy with her, what the hell?


“They don’t even look good together, I mean, look, I see no chemistry. That’s not gonna last long. Mina looks like she was just forcefully shoved there to laugh in order not to be rude. Right, Sana-? Sana?” Chaeyoung craned her neck and searched the premises, Sana has disappeared. Great, she drops that bomb comment and goes AWOL.



It was already 10:00 PM and slumber was yet to knock on Chaeyoung’s door. She was staring at the ceiling, trying to compromise this whole the way you look at her contemplation. She kept on asking herself what she feels when she looks at Mina and the endpoint wasn’t even a bit helpful, for she can’t quite figure out the answer herself. Mina, for the lack of a better statement, is the most beautiful girl she ever met and the depths beyond that were still to be discovered. All Chaeyoung knows is that Mina can either make her go tralala or hyperventilate with her daring actions. And as dense as she could be, Chaeyoung would always assume that the pounding of her heart can only be associated with Mina’s physical appearance. But when she saw her with Jeongyeon, a stinging tug on her heart surfaced, sending yet another alien feeling to her. She shot herself up to a sitting position and began to speak.


“How do I look when I look at her?” she asked there was no reply, “I mean, Dahyun, she knows me, I could easily

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Guys! I'm so thankful for yall :((( HH couldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for ü


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cherrybbquet 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Absolutely no
SaiDa 🤍💜
Chapter 22: I cried a river (continuation)
Chapter 21: I cried a river
Chapter 15: I was planning on commenting after I finished reading the whole story but I just can't wait to let you know how impressed I am with the way you write. Well, impressed is surely an understatement but my english reserves are lacking so might as well say it properly than search for a more extravagant word and end up misusing it. The metaphors, the way you humor your readers- You're so witty and it really shows how great you are with words. ❤️
Sana7dahyun #6
Thank you for the good story 🤍
Sana7dahyun #7
Ahhhhh saida <333
iro_ori #8
Chapter 24: This story is sooooooo gooooooood. Worth the read and I haven't done my schoolworks yet cuz of this 😂
Chapter 24: amazing story!! i cant believe i only found this now
Chapter 2: Ahhkkk I'm so glad I'm reading this again. It's like I'm reading it for the first time, it's still as intense(〃ω〃)