The End?

Hormones' Hoax
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SAIDA Chapter


The sound of the alarm clock ringed in Sana’s ear. 5:45 am, Jesus. She rubbed the sleepiness that still clung on her eyelids. Though the disrupting sound was on its full volume, the lady beside her was unbothered; her soft yet audible snores battling the alarm. Sana smiled to herself and stared at the body on her side- at how pretty she was. She’s already spent several mornings with her that it was no surprise how Dahyun could still sleep like a child despite the noise. Sana bit back a gasp when Dahyun jerked all of a sudden and stirred with a groan; her brows furrowed and she was mumbling something about Tzuyu stealing the last piece of choco puffs. Cute, Sana bit her lower lip to suppress the urge of pinching Dahyun’s cheeks. She sighed dreamily before gently moving out from their bed. When the coldness of the dawn breezed through her skin, only did she remember that she lacked most of her clothing; she was left with an oversized shirt and her silky black . She shook her head and muffled her mirth with her hand. No wonder she and Dahyun was still together; they were up with whatever surprises that came between them, whether it was a challenge from the world or a quarrel that starts from either of them. They could always make it work. Sana picked up her jeans and stared at it intently, brainstorming if it really was necessary to still wear it. She smirked and threw the pants in the basket. It wasn’t a bad idea- giving Dahyun a good morning. Well, she did give me a good night, Sana’s lips tugged to a y grin.


Moments later, Dahyun staggered towards their kitchen and was totally caught off guard by what view her eyes came in contact with. She leaned on the wall for support while her free hand searched for anything to grab unto, until finally realizing there wasn’t much that the surroundings could offer her, she froze on her spot with the weirdest position- her back was flat on the wall and so were her hands, her knees were wobbly. She somehow forgot how to blink but that was the least of what ran on her mind.


Her lips did an ‘o’ shape when Sana spun on her heel slowly and smirked at her. Must her hair have some kind of slow motion effect?! Must she be half ?! She could barely move but she didn’t want to seem easy to get because with Sana, every day was a battle of who had a sturdier resistance to their own guilty pleasures. Sana walked towards her, her hips swaying in the most enticing manner. Dahyun was sweating but she still was in trance, her body still unable to move to her will. Damn! She shouted in her mind. With every flick of Sana’s hips, a tease of her lingerie shows. Sure, she’s seen it but she never could get enough of how pleasuring it felt to have someone enigmatically hot seduce you so early in the morning.


Sana stopped just a few inches from her and crossed her arms in front of her, intentionally emphasizing her rather hearty chest. The white, oversized shirt that Sana was wearing revealed too much of what treasures were underneath. Dahyun let out a throaty whimper. Her heart was beating dangerously fast. Her lips and throat were dry but the other parts of her were damp. She has to say something; a wicked retort to turn the tables. Dahyun mustered the strength to move her lips as it formed another ‘o’ in attempt to whistle but came out as a shaky blow of air. It struck her like a homerun ball hitting her gut; she didn’t know how to whistle. Well, I’ll be damned. Am I in a pickle, now? She cursed internally. She sighed in defeat and gave this morning to Sana’s win. She gave a final stare to Sana’s thighs and bit her lip as her eyes laid on her chest. Dahyun gulped and croaked the only words her mind could let her lips to slip,


“Pants… bra… please…”


Sana had a wide grin on her face and stuck her tongue out as an emphasis to her triumph, “Wasn’t that fun?”


“Yeah, it’s always fun when you’re wishing my death.” Dahyun sarcastically said as her hand massaged her neck that was beginning to stiffen, “Please get some clothes on. I’m dying here and it’s only 6:45 am! I’ve planned beforehand to die in a reasonable hour.”


Sana laughed cutely before pinching Dayun’s cheek and went to walk to their room. She bumped on Dahyun lightly, enough to graze her thigh with Dahyun’s fingers, whether it was intentional or not, Dahyun have to thank God for it later. She walked past her and, without full consent from her mind, Dahyun’s body turned to face her back that was walking away; her eyes scanning every curve of Sana’s body. God, she is so hot. And as if Sana read her mind, she halted her steps and turned her head and glanced at her with what appeared like a command to follow her in the bed room. Dahyun pulled her shirt that stuck on her back because of sweat,


“You do know I have to be in work in 45 minutes, right?” Dahyun called out, walking towards the room, nonetheless.


“I wonder what we can do in those 45 minutes… and how many times will we be able to do it?” Sana posed a thought as she leaned on the doorframe, a seductive smile formed on the edges of her lips; her eyes glinted mischievously.


Half of their mornings were like this, half were when they have their peaceful times, sharing a cup of coffee as the sun welcomes another start. Their days went smoothly; there was barely a rough road to pass on. Was there really none? One could only hope.





Sana found herself staring at a Ferris wheel on her way home, her heart got heavier when she remembered a distant memory from it. How long were they together? Was it six? Or seven years already? She let out a dry laugh. It’s been months since Dahyun last spent time with her. She’s been so busy with work that they could barely even talk. When was the last time they ate a meal together? Was it two months ago? Sana doesn’t know anymore. Dahyun goes home late and goes to work unbelievably early. Several times she tried to catch up with her but was turned down in an indirect manner. Tears stung on her eyes, threatening to roll down. She knew from the start that Dahyun wasn’t the type to settle down so easily but she really thought that, with everything they’ve been through, they passed the criteria made by nature for longstanding couples.


Sana shoved her hands in her back pockets and stride along the empty part of the park. She sighed to herself, smiling though it never reached her eyes, it was a Sunday yet Dahyun was off somewhere to a ‘seminar’. It was highly doubtful but Sana kept it to herself. A random guy passed and waved at her. She ignored it and went somewhere away from people, or, rather, away from men. Realizing there was no such place as that, she went off and walked to their apartment- but it seemed like it was only hers now; Dahyun made it appear like she only went home to sleep for an hour or two and to take a shower, then she was gone. No kisses, no hugs, no good byes. Sana’s heart clenched. She wanted to know how all this coldness started but she doesn’t have the slightest clue where to start. It went by just like that and before she could notice, they were slipping from each other’s touches. When was it- the day Dahyun slipped away? She bit her lower lip; she could feel her tears forming heavy clumps. Instinctively, her hand reached for the phone and dialed Dahyun’s number. To her dismay, the line was busy. Sana swallowed her urge to break down and hung up her head to stare at the magnificent sky. Her lower lip was still trembling. She covered with her hand and realized that it was her whole body that was shaking. Before, when she was upset or sad, hearing Dahyun’s voice could assure her everything was fine. But she knew, though the day was bright and cloudless, that nothing was fine anymore.



12:15 am. Sana was tracing the rim of her coffee cup. The television was on but she muted it. It was only to pretense as a bit of company as she waited for the door to swing open. She sighed loudly, trying to calm her nerves. But the ramming of her heart in her ribcage made it hard to be composed. A memory from a few nights ago flashed in her mind-


Dahyun got up in a very ungodly hour and went outside to answer a phone call. She quietly followed; her curiosity and doubt winning the best of her.


“Sana? Don’t worry, she’s asleep… okay… I know, I know… I’ll make sure she doesn’t have a clue about this… Yeah… Okay, good night. See you soon.”


Her eyes remained closed as she drew in another shaky breath. She wished she never heard any of that; she wished Dahyun could just not do this anymore. But her heart was so broken now, Sana can’t take it. She loved her for almost 7 years and she thought Dahyun was the one; she doesn’t know what will happen to her if she lets her go. It was hard but whatever happens tonight, she prays that it’ll not end just like how she feared.


When she stood up and decided to give herself another cup of coffee, the door creaked slowly and she saw Dahyun go inside tiptoeing. Her hair was a mess and she reeked of booze. Sana scrunched her nose and glared at her. Her lips were pressed on a thin line and her hands were crossed on her chest that showed her sharp intakes of breath. Dahyun stared at her blankly and turned away looking guilty, if Sana read her expression right.


“I told you not to wait for me anymore.” Dahyun quietly said as she made her way to the kitchen, ignoring Sana that was still staring daggers at her. She nonchalantly pulled out a glass and poured water in it.


“Dahyun.” Sana called out, her voice shaking.


“Sana.” Dahyun retorted. She sounded tired and exhausted.


“Why did you lie to me?” Dahyun could hear frustration in her voice but she didn’t face her anyways. She answered her with silence. There was nothing to say. She didn’t want to start an argument about pointless things. Dahyun just wanted to sleep to put all this to an end.


“Answer me.” It was only a hint, but Dahyun sensed venom in her words. She felt panic surge in her stomach.


“I didn’t.”


“I called your office.”


And with that Dahyun spun and faced her. Her lips parted and her eyes darted from Sana’s and finally focused on the ground. Dahyun was breathing heavily and Sana wondered what it was, was it rage or guilt?


“Why would you do that?” Dahyun calmly asked, though her hand clenched on the drinking glass.


Sana chose to ignore the question, “They said there was no such thing as a seminar today. And that they had no clue where you were.” Her body was shaking; all her pent up and hidden feelings aching to run wild.


Before Dahyun could stop herself, a scoff escaped her lips, she regretted it but it was too late, “Wow… It’s nice to know you trust me.” She spoke too soon. Though she wanted to remain still and quiet, her lips were moving on its own; words going rampant on their own will. Dahyun was tired and this was the least that she wanted to happen. She let out a disappointed sigh and run her shaky fingers through her hair, “Didn’t it occur to that maybe I took a seminar outside of my office? That maybe I had too much pressure on my shoulders to be excellent in my line of work? That maybe I wanted to at least be the best just once in my life?”


Sana stared at her with an unreadable expression. They looked at each other’s eyes and it was the first time that it lacked love and affection.


“Whatever.” Sana broke the silence and went to put her cup on the sink. It didn’t go unnoticed to Dahyun how her eyes glistened with tears. And she hated it.


Sana didn’t spare her a single glance as she made her way to their room. She kept her chin up and ignored Dahyun’s pair of eyes that followed her every move. She slammed the door shut with not too much force though there wasn’t a gentle touch to it also. Dahyun hesitantly reached for the doorknob. Her heart throbbed. She stared at the door, her hand still reaching for the knob but not touching it. Dahyun scrunched her eyebrows and leaned her forehead on the door for a while before giving a final apologetic glance. Before retracing her steps to the living room, she her dry lips and said the words that were stuck in the whole time,


“I’m sorry, Sana…”





Dahyun was up all night until morning running every necessary thought in her mind. The bags under her eyes were darker than the occurrence last night. She pinched the bridge of her nose and almost exclaimed the sigh that surged from her stomach. If only she was careful with her words, it wouldn’t have turned out this way. Stupid mouth. Dahyun clucked her tongue and almost kicked herself when the bedroom door clicked and was unlocked. In a very swift move, she was lying down on the sofa like she was peacefully fast asleep the whole time. She locked the door, huh? Dahyun chewed her cheek, her eyes closed and her breathing adjusted as if she really was sleeping.


“I’ve known you far too long to know if you’re sleeping or just pretending to be asleep.” Sana coldly said after only a glance at Dahyun, “Heck, I even know you’re pretending to be busy at work but the truth is you’re cheating on me.”


Dahyun got up too fast that she had a head rush; she was seeing tiny black circles and her surrounding spun, “What?!” she blinked several times before dashing to reach Sana but she was a second too late.


The door slammed shut in front of her for the second time but it was louder now than it was last night and she felt a stab puncture her heart. Dahyun groaned and punched the door. She cursed under her breath and mentally slapped herself for being an and a jerk combined. Could she ever fix them?





“I’ve been secretly practicing for this, I must tell you.” Chaeyoung said with anticipation that it made her eyes wide, “But don’t expect too much! It might still be rough around the edges…” She shyly added.


Mina laughed at her cute anxious face before finally giving in and pinching her nose, “I told you, I don’t think I could ever hate anything you put effort in for me.”


“Yeah, right, for all I know I could’ve put something that should not be in there.” Chaeng stared at the plate that she was handing out to Mina and briskly retrieved it before Mina could eve

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Guys! I'm so thankful for yall :((( HH couldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for ü


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cherrybbquet 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Absolutely no
SaiDa 🤍💜
Chapter 22: I cried a river (continuation)
Chapter 21: I cried a river
Chapter 15: I was planning on commenting after I finished reading the whole story but I just can't wait to let you know how impressed I am with the way you write. Well, impressed is surely an understatement but my english reserves are lacking so might as well say it properly than search for a more extravagant word and end up misusing it. The metaphors, the way you humor your readers- You're so witty and it really shows how great you are with words. ❤️
Sana7dahyun #6
Thank you for the good story 🤍
Sana7dahyun #7
Ahhhhh saida <333
iro_ori #8
Chapter 24: This story is sooooooo gooooooood. Worth the read and I haven't done my schoolworks yet cuz of this 😂
Chapter 24: amazing story!! i cant believe i only found this now
Chapter 2: Ahhkkk I'm so glad I'm reading this again. It's like I'm reading it for the first time, it's still as intense(〃ω〃)