Coffees, Omelet, and Kisses

Hormones' Hoax
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The funny thing about sleeping somewhere other than your home, was that you wake the bejesus up earlier than your ordinary days. It was not an overstatement as to Chaeyoung’s case; she was up even before the sun’s vibrancy shot out of the depths of the seas. She found herself walking down the stairs with eyes half open and, so was her consciousness. The kitchen was bustling so early in the morning that Chaeyoung was dragged by her feet there. One might wonder how someone could still look so beautiful wearing an apron, but another marvel caught her eye- a weighing scale, a timer, measuring cups, and a ruler were neatly placed atop the table. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating when she saw Mina weighing some tomatoes and then blinked a few times when she started measuring their height and width.


“Someone’s up early.” Mina took notice of the baffled Chaeyoung, her eyes still adjusting to the oddness light in the kitchen, her hair a painfully dashing mess.


“I’m not used to sleeping anywhere other than my bed.” She replied, her hands trying to fix her hair, and her eyes still glued to the measuring materials “What are you doing in the kitchen this early?”


Mina smiled at her and took a few steps to nigh their gap, she took the cub’s hands off from her hair and laid them to Chaeng’s side. She found her wee struggle to smoothen her hair cute. Mina couldn’t resist, though; she took the matter with her own hands, which gradually caressed Chaeng’s hair with the most delicate touch. It made Chaeyoung look at her with a soft gaze, instantly forgetting the precision of a cooking by Myoui Mina.


“It’s a surprise for later,” she answered, still finger-combing Chaeyoung’s hair, “Why don’t you throw in some sweater and have some coffee outside? Mom’s there and I believe she wants to have a word with you.”


Chaeyoung flinched a little, having a word with someone’s mother spelled trouble. She threw an anxious look at Mina, who chuckled in response.


“Don’t worry, she doesn’t bite.”



Chaeyoung stood at the doorstep and took in some relaxing breaths, while whispering encouraging words to herself. Mrs. Myoui was sipping coffee and gazing at the ocean, her back on Chaeng’s.


“It’s this kind of tranquility that you’ll never see in the city, it’s rejuvenating.” Mama Myoui chuckled.


The cub, already nervous about the talk, got into confusion and paranoia. Is she talking to me? She was searching for the appropriate words, or should she chuckle in return?


“Well, you might as well take a seat if you’re going to look so puzzled over there,” The mother turned her head and smiled at the cub, “anxiety grows wrinkles.” She winked.


With a little of an embarrassment, Chaeng did what she was told to, “G-Good morning, Mrs. Myoui.”


“You don’t have to be all nervous around me, Chaeyoungie. We’re going to see each other often in the future, if you know what I mean.” Mrs. Myoui giggled after her reply.


“Oh, you’ll visit Korea often?” Chaeng asked, unable to perceive what Mama Myoui actually meant.


The missus cocked her eyebrows up and let out a rather astounded chuckle, “I guess Mina wasn’t exaggerating about you on her phone calls.”


“She tells you stories about me?” Chaeyoung stirred the coffee that was already lukewarm, her eyes not meeting Mrs. Myoui’s, an act just to ease her mind.


“A few known facts about you, to be exact.”


The younger one nodded while sipping her coffee even though she didn’t quite get what Mina’s mother implied. The kind of facts she only knew about herself was that she’s a little bit of a late bloomer in accounts of her height and that she’s not pretty much talkative in nature. I don’t think Mina would tell her mom about that.


“Nonetheless, you’re doing a good job with putting a smile on my daughter’s face. You continue doing that and take care of her, okay?” Mina’s mother replied with a compliment of a soft pinch on Chaeng’s cheek.


The cub nearly spat the coffee she drank but managed to force a gulp, her face an epitome of utter concern, “W-Why? I-Is Mina… sick?”


Again, Mrs. Myoui was taken aback by Chaeyoung, she examined her face for any hint of a joke but she failed when Chaeng knitted her eyebrows and looked deep into her eyes, there or thereabouts, asking for an immediate answer. Mama Myoui erupted into a laugh while patting the younger’s shoulder. If Chaeng was some kind of a cartoon, a huge question mark would be spotted above her head.


“Oh no, honey, she’s completely fine.” Mrs. Myoui said reassuringly, evidences of laughter still present on her eyes and lips.


Chaeyoung unconsciously let out a sigh of relief and a small chuckle. Though she felt relieved about that, a pang of suspicion lingered in her mind, like she misunderstood some things. She shrugged off the tad feeling, thinking she was just overthinking.


“My sympathies to my dear daughter, this might take her a little while.” Mrs. Myoui lightly grasped Chaeng’s hand, “I’ve actually never seen her this patient, which is a good thing.”


Chaeyoung was about to question what she meant about that but Mina arrived, cutting her off before she could even open . Mrs. Myoui mischievously smiled at Chaeng before standing up to leave the scene, but before that, she leaned in to whisper something to Mina.


“Good luck, sweetie, seems like you’ll have to give her a long time before she gets everything.”


“I know, but I don’t mind.” Mina pursed her lips for a second, but upon seeing Chaeyoung look at her innocently with her round eyes like a kid waiting for candy, everything seemed well.


Mama Myoui entered the house with light chuckles, reminiscing about how fun and daring it was being young and carefree.


“I think your mother finds me funny which was really weird because I wasn’t even joking.” Chaeng said scrunching her nose.


Mina chuckled thinking how astonishingly blunt Chaeyoung might have been in her conversation with her mother, “Maybe. She loves a good laugh.” Chaeng hummed in reply.


“I made you breakfast, by the way. That’s what I was prepping so early in the morning.”



“That was some good sleep.” Dahyun spoke whilst going down the stairs.


She was up for a brisk walk on the beach until she smelled an enticing aroma from the kitchen, and within the snap of a finger, she felt emptiness in her stomach. Without much of a hesitation, she went in and smiled in glee when a plate of omelet and a club sandwich were sitting atop of the table waiting for grabs.


“Whoever cooked this must know that it’s a mortal sin to make food wait.” Dahyun declared as she took the meal, “But it’s a different thing when we talk about girls.” She added to herself and let out a chuckle, “I am so funny.”

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Guys! I'm so thankful for yall :((( HH couldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for ü


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cherrybbquet 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Absolutely no
SaiDa 🤍💜
Chapter 22: I cried a river (continuation)
Chapter 21: I cried a river
Chapter 15: I was planning on commenting after I finished reading the whole story but I just can't wait to let you know how impressed I am with the way you write. Well, impressed is surely an understatement but my english reserves are lacking so might as well say it properly than search for a more extravagant word and end up misusing it. The metaphors, the way you humor your readers- You're so witty and it really shows how great you are with words. ❤️
Sana7dahyun #6
Thank you for the good story 🤍
Sana7dahyun #7
Ahhhhh saida <333
iro_ori #8
Chapter 24: This story is sooooooo gooooooood. Worth the read and I haven't done my schoolworks yet cuz of this 😂
Chapter 24: amazing story!! i cant believe i only found this now
Chapter 2: Ahhkkk I'm so glad I'm reading this again. It's like I'm reading it for the first time, it's still as intense(〃ω〃)