Colorful Canvas

Hormones' Hoax
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The moment the cold water hit Chaeyoung’s body, she stiffened and shivered, who was to predict that she’ll wake up at an ungodly hour because she could barely doze off with her head picturing Mina wearing an apron and waltzing the premises of the kitchen to prepare a cuisine just for her. It made her imagine living under the same roof with Mina. With that thought, she covered when a shriek of excitement and giddiness echoed inside her bathroom. The cold water seemed dull when it came in contact with Chaeyoung’s now-warm-because-of-reverie-thoughts skin.


Chaeyoung came out of the bath and was drying her hair with a towel when she saw two figures eating Doritos while watching Scream Queens on her sofa. She sighed, checked the time, and massaged her temple. It was only 5:30 in the morning.


“Hello, people who do not live here.” Chaeyoung headed to them and sat in between.


Dahyun and Tzuyu only raised their hands in reply, and then continued to chill and watch.


“I allowed you two to come in my house any time and gave you my room’s spare keys for the sole purpose of emergencies.” Chaeyoung said while slapping Dahyun’s feet off the table.


“This is an emergency. We wanted to watch the latest episode in HD. Some people couldn’t afford to have the liberty of the highest quality of TV’s and a faster than my body reflexes wifi. And we are that some people.” Dahyun lifted her feet off the table and moved it to rest on Chaeyoung and Tzuyu’s thighs.


“And also Dahyun told me something disturbing like how you’re going to score one point with Mina later.” Tzuyu said after pulling Dahyun off the sofa by her feet.


Chaeyoung was never violent but by the mention of the words score one point, her ears turned red and her feet ‘unintentionally’ jerked, kicking Dahyun hard as a result.


“I-I’m not going to! I'm just b-being…” Chaeyoung stuttered while hugging the cushion. Even her friends found her aggressiveness unfamiliar, “How did you even know? Rumor-monger!”


“Mina told Sana and, Sana, being my number one, die-hard fan, told me about it. Lesson learned, right, shorty? Japanese girls talk to each other like any other human being.” Dahyun waved an index finger.


Chaeyoung disregarded what Dahyun said and pretended it was thin air, “What should I even wear?”


“Don't go out , at least. People throw garbage at you when you go . What is up with the world?” Dahyun clucked her tongue and shook her head with disbelief.


“If you don't stop saying unnecessary stupid things, I will flush you down the toilet and you are well aware how huge the Son’s toilet is, right?” Tzuyu said with a smile but also with a grim face; a ready to have the first blood kill kind of look.


They, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung, went inside Chaeng's wardrobe to mix and match some outfits, while Dahyun on the other hand, was locked outside the premises of the closet and was duly offended by her friends’ actions.


Casual and chic, aloof and nonchalant- Chaeyoung wanted all those. Tzuyu crossed her arms on her chest and held the urge to smite Chaeng's head. The piles of clothes were getting higher by the minute while Tzuyu’s patience was nearly depleted. She rolled her eyes and picked up the ripped jeans, striped top, and leather jacket, and shoved it on Chaeyoung's chest. The latter wanted to protest but upon seeing Tzuyu’s ominous glare, she found a new appreciation of her life and neglected death from Tzuyu’s harnessed sharp glare; she nodded vigorously and changed. Tzuyu patted Chaeng’s head and gave a motherly smile.


It took about only five minutes for Chaeyoung to change but they spent one whole hour inside the wardrobe digging clothes like how you would dig your way to Japan. When Chaeng stepped out, she saw, if on a stranger’s point of view, a disaster, as to Tzuyu was pulling Dahyun's ear yelling all sorts of muffled curses under her breath. It was something normal to Chaeyoung that she didn't bother break the two out. It was 100% guaranteed as Dahyun's fault anyways, seeing the huge cheese stain on Tzuyu’s favorite puppy-printed shirt and Dahyun’s fingers coated with cheese. It was the perfect time to wave goodbye and slyly exit the room. It was a good thing; she wasn't bombarded with series of invading questions about what plans she had for the day with Mina, in which she was also in blank with.



Being a foreigner, Mina had to stay at a penthouse somewhere close to her school. The place was shouting elegance and femininity; everything, maybe even the dust bunnies, was organized. If you enter the current battleground of Mina- the kitchen, you could easily mistake it as a Physics laboratory since measuring tools were lined up neatly on their designated places. The pasta and sauces were beside the digital weighing scale, the timers on top of the different cooking machines, be it the microwave oven or the baking oven, or even just the blender. (I swear I saw a caliper somewhere.) Only God knows what plans Mina had in mind to cook for Chaeyoung. There was pasta, mayo, carrots, cheese, ham, apple, turmeric, a questionable cookie, pieces of potpourri in a teeny tiny box, a psp, marbles, penguin shaped marshmallows, and Mina’s detox water, and some were not mentioned because Mina was secretive even to the narrator. She was bustling in the kitchen. Ding!’s of all kinds of timers could be heard even from the furnace. A different kind of alert was heard and Mina swiftly turned causing a dramatical hair flip that could easily be mistaken as a for a shampoo commercial.


A cute baby tiger dressed in rebellious clothing peeked inside. Mina pretended she was Cinderella for a moment; stirring something in a pan while wiping her sweats with a sigh. Whatever kind of drama the ballerina was doing, it was worth a shot. As Chaeyoung began to hum Never The Stranger’s Moving Closer, it almost turned into a kitchen musical if it weren't for the huge ceramic vase that Chaeyoung almost divided into millions of pieces because of her ogling at Mina’s exposed nape and collarbones, momentarily stopping Mina's attempt of being a Disney princess and resulting to Chaeyoung's heroic catch of a vase that probably costs half the organs in a human body. They both laughed at their sudden charades. Chaeyoung moved closer to Mina to peek and gave a smirk after seeing the dish.


“It doesn't look edible. Well, it seems like I should be eating you instead.” Chaeng teased.


“Patience, tiger. You'll have me for desert.” Mina advanced; she was looking at Chaeng's reaction through the corners of her eyes.


Chaeyoung swore she heard bombs being detonated inside her brain, causing her face to flush red. She cleared and took another step closer to Mina. Two could play a game.


“Should I help you?” Chaeng was up to some smooth talk. Growing up with Kim Dah

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Guys! I'm so thankful for yall :((( HH couldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for ü


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cherrybbquet 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Absolutely no
SaiDa 🤍💜
Chapter 22: I cried a river (continuation)
Chapter 21: I cried a river
Chapter 15: I was planning on commenting after I finished reading the whole story but I just can't wait to let you know how impressed I am with the way you write. Well, impressed is surely an understatement but my english reserves are lacking so might as well say it properly than search for a more extravagant word and end up misusing it. The metaphors, the way you humor your readers- You're so witty and it really shows how great you are with words. ❤️
Sana7dahyun #6
Thank you for the good story 🤍
Sana7dahyun #7
Ahhhhh saida <333
iro_ori #8
Chapter 24: This story is sooooooo gooooooood. Worth the read and I haven't done my schoolworks yet cuz of this 😂
Chapter 24: amazing story!! i cant believe i only found this now
Chapter 2: Ahhkkk I'm so glad I'm reading this again. It's like I'm reading it for the first time, it's still as intense(〃ω〃)