Chapter 5

New Destiny

It's been days since Nayeon's "accident" happened. Everyone in the house is confused on how Nayeon suddenly changed her mood. The rather self-centered and cold girl has been quite cheerful and friendly to everyone, especially to the short blonde haired girl she playfully named "Hero". She's been hanging around her a lot more times than usual, once even cooking for her, although Jihyo was the one who did the major parts of it. Nevertheless, it's her thought that counts so to speak.



One day Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Mina were hanging out at the living room when they saw Sana and Tzuyu carrying some bags. The two looked at the group and smiled.



"Where are you two going?" Jihyo asked with a raised brow as she inspects the two girls that came down from the stairs. "What's with the bags?"


"We're heading out to the archery range today, unnie." Sana said as she smiled. "There's a competition after our vacation and we don't want to get rusty."


"Rusty? You're the only one who needs practice." Tzuyu said as she lightly pushed Sana's shoulder. "I'm the queen of arrows. I do hairflips with my bow. That's how fabulous I am." she said as she playfully flipped her hair while acting chic. Sana just laughed at her.


"It was just one time, you little girl. Be glad your hair didn't get stuck at the string. You ripping your hair would be hilarious." Sana said as she laughed. As she and Tzuyu bicker, she noticed one girl in the living room staring straight at both of them. Sana immediately stopped and cleared . "Uhm, hey Dahyun! Wanna come with us? It will be nice for you to go get some fresh air."


Tzuyu looked at Dahyun and saw her emotionless face looking at her and Sana. Tzuyu smirked and wrapped her arm around Sana's and leaned her head against the other girl's shoulder. "Yeah Dahyun. Come with us. You can watch me and my wifey Sana doing our 'couple' sport,right babe?" she said before giving a quick peck on Sana's cheek. Sana quickly leaned away from her as she wiped the cheek Tzuyu kissed.


"Yah! Stop that! You're too young to do those kinds of things." Sana said as she looked at Dahyun, whose eyebrow is now raised a bit. "Don't believe her Dahyun. It's okay if you don't want to co--"


"Actually...." Jeongyeon cut her off as she smiled at Sana and Tzuyu. "Dahyun would LOVE to come with you guys." she said before looking at Dahyun, whose eyes went wide as she looked back at her. Jeongyeon smiled and whispered to Dahyun. "I saw your eyes light up when you hear the word archery a while ago. Trust me, you may look like a wimp but the legendary marksman Clinkz I know is still inside you. Go give them something to remember." she winked before pushing Dahyun to stand up. "Make it rain, brother." Jeongyeon said as Dahyun nodded. She saw how Dahyun, for the first time since they came to this world, smiled as she approached a surprised Sana and a pissed Tzuyu.







The trio arrived at the outdoor archery range after an hour of travel. They all went down the car as the driver finds a parking space. They were quickly greeted by the staffs in a friendly manner since Tzuyu and Sana are both regulars and they represent the archery range's company during competitions.


"Hey, Sana! Hey Tzuyu! Glad to see you both here." One staff said as she lead them inside.


"Goodmorning, Taehyung oppa~ Yeah it's been a while since we've been here. Busy with school. We just came here to practice." Sana said as they followed him, greeting other people they pass by.


"I'm happy to hear that. The Inter-state competition is coming soon, right?"


"It is. That's why we need to keep in shape."


"True. Say, who's the new girl?" Taehyung asked as he saw a white skinned girl trailing them a few steps behind.


"Just a kid who wants to witness how awesome I am." Tzuyu butted in as she shrugged her shoulders. She's been edgy whenever Dahyun is around Sana. Before she came, Tzuyu was Sana's favorite sister. Now it seems her affection is focused on one girl already; Dahyun. Tzuyu admits being jealous, and now she has the perfect opportunity to show her that she will always be Sana's favorite.


Sana nudged Tzuyu before pulling Dahyun beside her. "She's our new friend, oppa. Her name is Dahyun. She doesn't talk much. And by not much I mean she doesn't speak at all." she said as Dahyun gave the boy a small bow.


Taehyung smiled and bowed back to Dahyun. "Nice to meet you, Dahyun." he then turned his attention to Sana. "Does she do archery as well? We can lend her some equipments for her to use." he said as he noticed that only the red haired girl has no bag. Sana was about to object but Tzuyu was first to answer.


"She doesn't know anything but that will be great, Taehyung oppa. She can learn first hand from the best." Tzuyu said as she grinned. 'I want to see her mess up and embarass herself in front of Sana.' she thought as she looked at Taehyung.


"Ohh Tzuyu. You and your confidence." Taehyung chuckled as he called in another staff. "Hey Jackson! Get a bow and some arrows for this girl right here. And an arm and chest guard. Medium size. And a finger tab as well." he said as Jackson nodded and ran to get the equipments. He smiled at the three girls. "So Jackson would bring the gear here in a while. I'll leave you ladies here."


"Thanks, oppa. See you later." Tzuyu said as Taehyung walked away. They placed their bags on the table and started wearing their chest and arm guards. Jackson came and brought the gears to them. Tzuyu groaned as she saw Sana helping Dahyun with her chest guard. "Come on, hurry up!" she said hastily as she took her bow and quiver and walked in front of the target. The two girls followed her.


"Watch and learn, girl. This is how it is done." Tzuyu said as she loaded an arrow on her bow. She aimed on the target and took her shot, hitting 9 points. She gave Dahyun a smug look as she walked back. "Told you so."


Sana smiled and patted Tzuyu's back. "Nice shot! You're really good at this." she grinned as she stepped up the shooting spot. She aimed and shot the target, hitting an 8 point ring.


"Wow. I told you we're the archery couple!" Tzuyu said as she gave Sana a hug. She looked at Dahyun and smirked. "See that? Why don't you try it, huh?"


Dahyun nodded a bit and walked up to the spot. Sana was about to approach her to teach her how to but Dahyun raised her hand to tell Sana that she can do it by herself. She took aim and shot her arrow, making it fly over the target.


Tzuyu laughed hard as Dahyun didn't even hit anything. "Ohh my God, you're worse than I thought! You !" she said as Sana glared at her.


"Stop it, Tzuyu. It's her first time." she said as she looked at Dahyun. "It's okay, Dahyun-ah. That was your first shot. You'll get used to it.Dahyun-ah??" she tried calling the red haired girl who was not paying attention to them but instead was checking her bow. She then started walking away from Tzuyu and Sana. Sana tried to stop her but Tzuyu blocked her immediately.


"Let her be, Sana unnie. She might have realized she so much so she'll just return her equipments. We're here to practice, not to baby sit that girl." Tzuyu said as she pulled her unnie back to the shooting spot so that they can start practicing again.


They were retrieving their arrows from the target when they saw Dahyun coming back to the range. She was still wearing her chest and arm guard, but there was something different with the thing on her hand. It was a recurve bow like the ones they were using, only the stabilizer rods and the sight were removed, making it a simple bow. The two approached the red head with questioning looks on their faces.


"Dahyun-ah, are you sure you want to use that? That's harder to aim without the stabilizers and you won't hit properly without the sights." Sana said, a bit worried.


"And to think I said you a while ago. I take it back. You don't , you're dumb." Tzuyu said as she shook her head, smiling wide. She felt she already succeeded in making Dahyun look ridiculous, and it wasn't even her who did it. Tzuyu shot another arrow and hit a 9. "Let's see you do that." she told Dahyun who took the spot. Dahyun aimed and shot her arrow, hitting the bull's eye(10 points) right in the middle. Sana gasped in surprise while Tzuyu hissed. "Tsk. Beginner's luck." she said as she moved into another target, shooting it and hitting the bull's eye as well. "See? It's not that hard."


Dahyun aimed another one and shooting another bull's eye. Sana chuckled and clapped her hands. "Waaa! Dahyun-ah! That's two in a row!"


Tzuyu glared at Dahyun before taking aim on her target. 'Show her you're the best, Chou Tzuyu.' she thought as she took a shot, hitting a 9. Dahyun followed it up with another bull's eye directly above her first two shots. "That's three in a row already! Way to go, Dahyun-ah!" Sana shouted as she hugged Dahyun. This infuriated Tzuyu more, making her hands tremble in anger. The trembling messed up Tzuyu's accuracy, as her next shots were scattered along the 6,7 and 8 points while Dahyun kept on hitting 10 points one after another, even shooting Tzuyu's own bull's eye when her target's bull's eye is already full of arrows. Tzuyu groaned and start packing her bow back on her bag. Sana raised a brow and approached Tzuyu. "Hey, what's wrong?"


"Enough practice for today. I want to go home." Tzuyu said without even looking at Sana before she went to the target to retrieve her arrows. She took off her chest and arm guards and stuffed everything on her bag before walking to the restroom to wash up, maybe even to cool down her boiling anger. When she came back after cooling down, Dahyun and Sana were already gone. She took her bag and started walking out of the archery range, as she walked past some staffs, she heard the manager scolding Jackson.


"Are you crazy, Jackson? Why did you gave that customer this bow?" the manager said as he held the bow and Tzuyu recognized it was the bow that Dahyun used.


"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that the bow was broken and under maintenance. The girl was trying to tell me to remove the stabilizer and the sight of the bow she was using so I just gave her that simple recurve bow. I didn't know the lower limb of that bow is cracked."


"Well you're lucky it didn't break in her face. That could have caused us some serious trouble." the manager shook his head before giving the bow back to Jackson. "Get that fixed immediately." he said before leaving his staff to tend to the broken bow.


Tzuyu's face showed shock, amazement and anger all at the same time. "She hit all bull's eye with a broken bow? What the heck is she?!" she huffed. "Kim Dahyun, I'll make sure to know who you really are." Tzuyu said, her eyes burning as she exit the archery range.











Just an update to keep the fic alive. Added a bit of Satzu/Saida drama that might go big as the story progresses. I'm really busy with work and I don't have enough sleep as well. (I'm at work 15 hours a day). I hope you'll still support the fic. :*


Shoutouts to oncetwinkle and 2yeon_ for upvoting this fic. That means a lot to me. I LOVE YOU!~


Please subsrcibe and comment if you can. Thank you, you !


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Chapter 6: I am so sorry for just finding out about this fanfiction, it is amazing and deserves more recognition than it already has. I have been trying to find some really good Saida fanfictions for such a long time, and to read this so late is just annoying, but I am glad I have found it already. Anways, please update, even though it has been such a long time. I hope you can continue this story. Hwaiting author-nim!
Chapter 4: I know you probably will not see this comment, but I just found it after I searched for Saida fanfictions from descending order (oldest first). This is such an amazing book and I honestly love the unique plot that you have used, because it is truly something that not many people -- if any -- have used. Anyways, congratulations on such a successful story!!!
Chapter 6: This story is promising. But it's been a year since you updated. I wish you'll start noticing this fic again and update it as well. I look forward to read more from you, author-nim. :))
Chapter 4: your story
Yoo_Jung #5
Chapter 6: It's indeed a wonderful Story... *claps*... waiting for 2Yeon Scenes here... hehe... and Hey..! teach me how to do the Magics.. (how can you insert my name there..?) *deep thought* ... well... thanks For the Fantastic story again Author-nim... take your time.. i believe you'll come back with a lot of surprise here... ~~~
Chaotix #6
Waiting for more 2yeon and Michaeng interactions ❤ raging Tzuyu tho. But seriously, I'm more curious on how you mentioned our names
Rvniby #7
Chapter 6: Yayyyy. Im inlove with dahyun in this storyyy <3
Chapter 6: Yayyy finally saida, I love it ♡♥♡♥♡