Chapter 3

New Destiny

'suddenly the doors open...'



It was around eight in the morning already. Jeongyeon had just talked to her 'brothers' of their current situation. All of them agreed to take on their new life and try to cope with the world where they are now. The door of their room opened and a head peeked through the opening. Jeongyeon smiled.


"Miss Jihyo of the weird kids. A pleasant morning to you."


The girl grinned as she entered the room, followed by a few more girls, all of them bringing food. "Well, I'm glad you're awake already." Jihyo said as she approached Jeongyeon. " And oh please, you can call me Jihyo. These are the weird kids I was talking about. We brought something to eat for you guys." she said as she introduced the girls behind her. "So this is Tzuyu. She's the youngest among us. Definitely not the most polite, though." she smiled as Tzuyu bowed to them.


One girl walked to the sofa on the room and laid down on it. "I hope you're all okay now because Uncle is paying huge for your bills and we don't even have anything to do with you." the girl said nonchalantly before she focused on her phone.


"That's Nayeon." Jihyo said as she shook her head. She held on to Jeongyeon's arm. "Don't mind her. She may be the oldest but her brain is younger than Tzuyu."


"Now I know why you're the leader." Jeongyeon said as she smiled to Jihyo. She glanced at Nayeon before chuckling softly. "Weird kid, indeed."


Jihyo laughed which earned her a glare from Nayeon. She shook it off before pointing at the others. "Anyways, this is--"


"Hi. I'm Sana. What's your name?" one girl said as she stopped in front of another girl. Not to Jeongyeon, but to the milky white lady sitting on the bed. The girl pointed to the nametag on her chest which Sana read. "Kim Dayhun? Pretty name~ Nice to meet you!~" she said before hugging the confused girl. Everyone looked at her with raised eyebrows except Jihyo.


"As I was saying, that's Sana. Certified lady killer. She only approach those she wants to have for herself, and I think your friend there just got Sana's attention." Jihyo smiled as she points to Dahyun who was solid as a rock but was blushing like an idiot.


Another girl pulled Sana away from Dahyun. "Onee-chan, yamete~ Stop it. She looks like she can't breath." the girl said in almost a soft voice. She manage to pull Sana away but only for a while. She gave up and bowed apologetically to the others who's looking. "Sorry about my sister. She's really annoying like that. I'm Mina. Nice meeting you all. I hope you all get well soon." she said softly. The patient on the other bed reached out for Mina's hand and smiled at her.


"It's okay. Don't worry. I think Dahyun is enjoying it eventhough she can't speak." she smiled. "I'm Syl--" she stopped before reading her nameplate. "S..Son Chaeyoung. Yes, that's what I meant." she chuckled awkwardly as she almost told Mina her real name. "Nice to meet you, Mina. You're pretty." Chaeyoung said as she give Mina a wink. Jihyo and Jeongyeon chuckled.


"Well you have a player in your group as well." Jihyo said as she gave Jeongyeon an apple. "Is it true? Dahyun can't speak?" she asked.


"She can." Jeongyeon said before taking a bite of the apple. "She just haven't said a word for as long as I can remember. Her silence is an important part of our group. She reminds us that talking so much isn't always a good idea."


"I'm Momo and I'm hungry."


Everyone looked at the girl who spoke. Momo looked back at them. "What? I'm just telling the truth."


Tzuyu walked to where Momo was and offered her some food to eat. Momo grinned from ear to ear as Tzuyu gave her something that looks like a pig's feet. "What is this?" Momo asked.


"It's jokbal. It's good. You should try it." Tzuyu replied with a smile.


Momo quickly took a piece and ate it. Her eyes grew wide as her hands shake in excitement. "You call it jokbal. I call it love at first bite." she said as she started devouring the food Tzuyu gave. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Jihyo and her friends smiled as they recognize the knocking sound. It had a pattern that they always hear. The door opened and a man walked in. The five girls quickly went to him and gave him a hug.


"Uncle!" they grinned as they circled around him. The man smiled at them. "Sorry guys, I had a sudden emergency meeting when I was on the way here last night. The driver told me you'd come this morning so I followed." he said before looking at the other four people inside the room. "Hello. I'm the uncle of these girls who found you. I'm Jinyoung Park. You can call me  JYP." he said. The other girls bowed to him.


"It's nice to meet you, Mr. JYP." the short haired blond said. "I'm Jeongyeon and these are my friends Momo, Dahyun and Chaeyoung." she said as she introduced the others. "I heard from that person beside you that you are the one paying for us here. On behalf of me and my friends, I thank you, sir. We will try to repay this kindness of yours by any means."


"Why does she talk like she's some sort of a knight from fairy land?" Nayeon whispered to Jihyo.


"Don't mind it, unnie." Jihyo said. "Atleast they're polite and cool not like someone I know."


JYP smiled at Jongyeon before shaking his head. "Call me uncle, as well." he said. "Don't worry about anything. It's fortunate that these girls found you. I talked to the doctor about your situation. Can anyone of you remember anything?" he asked. The girls shook their heads and he nodded. "He said you all might have sustained some head trauma. That might be the reason why you all can't remember anything or your memories are remembering somethinng else. I'll check the school records for any information about you. In the meantime, you can all stay at my house. You'll be discharged this afternoon so you can stay there and recover." he said before looking at the girls beside him. "It's vacation time right now so you'll help them right?"


All of the girls nodded happily except for Nayeon. "Ugh. Whatever. Just don't let them anywhere near me." she huffed as she went back to the sofa. JYP shook his head a bit before looking at them.


"Just don't mind her. She's not fond of strangers." he said to the girls. "Anyways, I'll let you girls in here talk to each other. I'll go home and prepare the house for our new visitors." he said before leaving the room. All of the girls went back to where they were before JYP came.


"Your house might be too crowded with us being there." Jeongyeon told Jihyo. "I'm sorry if we're disturbing you."


Jihyo smiled at her as she shook her head. "Don't worry. It's more fun when there's more people." she said. "Uncle is a kind man. We are all thankful. Without him, we'd still be by ourselves, working or being sold as beggars."


"What do you mean?"


"Well we are not all blood related." Jihyo said. "All of us were either orphans or street kids.Nayeon was rescued from a human trafficker. Sana and Mina were both smuggled here in Korea from Japan, Tzuyu was an orphan from Taiwan and I was a street kid, trained by other low-lifes to be a beggar and steal. Uncle took us under his care and now we're doing good because of him." she said, smiling. "So I'm sure he doesn't mind helping you guys as well."


Jeongyeon smiled at her. "He's a great man. He taught you all to be good people. Well, atleast almost all." she said as she looked at Nayeon.


A few hours passed and the doctor came to the room. He told them they were cleared to go so they started taking off the syringes on their hands. Mina took a few cutely designed band-aids from her pocket and placed them on the girls' hands, smiling shyly as she placed a heart designed band aid on Chaeyoung's hand. Momo poked at hers and smiled. "Another one of those strange looking healing item. It's cute. But why do you have so many of this, Mina? Are you your team's healer?"


Mina shook her head. "No. I only bring this because of my sister. She's clumsy almost all of the time."


Sana tried to reach her with a kick but failed. "Hey, don't embarass me in front of Dahyun! And we won't be sisters from now on because I'll be Mrs. Kim Sana soon." she said before smiling cutely at Dahyun.


"Guys, the driver's here. He just messaged me right now." Tzuyu said as she looked at her phone.


"Why would he be texting you and not me? I'm the leader here." Jihyo asked.


"Because I'm cute. And I'm his type. Not some big eye girl like you." the younger girl said before sticking her tongue out.


"Yah, Tzuyu! Are you crazy? What are you saying?"


"What? You all love to sit and lay down on the car where we make love at night." she said flatly. Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.




"I'm just kidding! Help me!!" Tzuyu shouted as she tried to run away from her unnies who were all wanting to strangle her.


"Weird kids, indeed." Jeongyeon smiled. "What more can happen to us?"


Unfortunately for her, things are just starting....

















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Chapter 6: I am so sorry for just finding out about this fanfiction, it is amazing and deserves more recognition than it already has. I have been trying to find some really good Saida fanfictions for such a long time, and to read this so late is just annoying, but I am glad I have found it already. Anways, please update, even though it has been such a long time. I hope you can continue this story. Hwaiting author-nim!
Chapter 4: I know you probably will not see this comment, but I just found it after I searched for Saida fanfictions from descending order (oldest first). This is such an amazing book and I honestly love the unique plot that you have used, because it is truly something that not many people -- if any -- have used. Anyways, congratulations on such a successful story!!!
Chapter 6: This story is promising. But it's been a year since you updated. I wish you'll start noticing this fic again and update it as well. I look forward to read more from you, author-nim. :))
Chapter 4: your story
Yoo_Jung #5
Chapter 6: It's indeed a wonderful Story... *claps*... waiting for 2Yeon Scenes here... hehe... and Hey..! teach me how to do the Magics.. (how can you insert my name there..?) *deep thought* ... well... thanks For the Fantastic story again Author-nim... take your time.. i believe you'll come back with a lot of surprise here... ~~~
Chaotix #6
Waiting for more 2yeon and Michaeng interactions ❤ raging Tzuyu tho. But seriously, I'm more curious on how you mentioned our names
Rvniby #7
Chapter 6: Yayyyy. Im inlove with dahyun in this storyyy <3
Chapter 6: Yayyy finally saida, I love it ♡♥♡♥♡