Chapter 4

New Destiny

The four was finally discharged from the hospital and was now on their way to JYP's house. It had been a hell of a ride of them, literally and figuratively. It was the first time they rode a car while conscious, the real first time was when they were brought to the hospital from the crash site. Chaeyoung described the car as "the base of a catapult with iron walls, iron doors and a person operating it by himself." They were uncomfortable the whole ride, luckily the other girls were there to distract them.


When they arrived at JYP's mansion, they were brought to their own rooms. Sana insisted that Dahyun stay with her in her room but Mina quickly stopped her sister from doing such strange things. Once settled, the four quickly pulled Jihyo for a small talk. Jeongyeon figured out that they can trust Jihyo with their secret. Jihyo didn't believe it at first, but the look on the girls' eyes convinced her that they were telling the truth. So as a help to them, she organized a lesson program at the mansion's library. They come there every night and Jihyo did her best to teach them about the world they are in right now; brief history, current events, technology and a lot more. JYP informed them a week ago that there were no records of them at school and since they still can't "remember" anything, he let them stay there. He left the girls at the house because he had to go overseas for a business trip. Everyone was determined to learn and by the second week of their stay all of them had basic knowledge of the things around them. Momo usually stays longer in the library with Jihyo for some 'additional information' but the three knew that their sister just wanted to hang around with the leader of the weird kids.


As she came from the kitchen one morning, Jeongyeon noticed a certain girl sneaking out to the hallway. It had been days that the girl had been leaving the house at daylight and returning at night. Jeongyeon decided to confront Jihyo about it.


"Hey, Jihyo. Have you noticed that Nayeon had been acting strange recently?"


"Yeah." the big eyed girl said as she sighed deeply. "She's been leaving discreetly for a few days now. I'm worried about her."


"Then why not talk to her about it?"


Jihyo shook her head. "It's no use. Nayeon unnie always had that stubborn side of her. If I talk to her about it, she'll just get mad and we'll just fight. We love her and we trust her so we just let her do what she wants."


Jeongyeon nodded and handed the glass of water she was holding to Jihyo. She wore the hood of her jacket over her head and smiled. "She may still be near. I'll keep an eye on her." she then took Jihyo's phone and placed it on her own pocket. "If we're not home by ten in the evening, call me." she said before giving Jihyo a pat in the back and went running out of the house, leaving Jihyo dumbfounded.


Nayeon had been walking for almost half an hour now. She kept on checking her surroundings because she felt like she's being followed. Nevertheless her journey came to a stop when she arrived in front of a big gate. She went into the gate quietly and entered the building in front of it. As she closed the door, she heard a voice.


"Nayeon noona is here!"


"Bunny unnie, we missed you!!!"


Nayeon smiled as a few kids ran towards her, some clinging to her arm while the others hug her legs. An elderly woman smiled as she approached Nayeon.


"Omo, Nayeon. What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you yesterday that you can take a rest already? It's not your responsibility to come here everyday."


"It's okay, eomoni." Nayeon said as she carried a little girl on her arms. "We're on a school vacation and I have nothing to do at uncle's house." she smiled at the old lady before walking towards the other volunteers inside the building. Turns out, it was an orphanage where Nayeon had been coming to for weeks  whenever the girls stay at their uncle's mansion. All the kids love having their "bunny" unnie/noona around so Nayeon did her best to come here often.


"Hey Nayeon, why are you here? Didn't we tell you we can manage it?" One guy grinned as Nayeon helped him prepare the food for the children.


"Come on, Chansung appa. You know the kids love me here. Besides, I know you miss your cute rabbit dongsaeng when I'm not around." Nayeon teased the guy as she smiled, showing her front teeth.


"Well, I don't miss you that much. I mean, this place is full of kids. And you're just a few years older than them, so if I miss you, I just look at the kids and it feels like you're here as well." he chuckled, earning him a playful slap from a pouting Nayeon.


"Hey, hey. Stop playing around when you're preparing food for the kids." another girl smiled before flicking Chansung's ear. "Stop messing with our bunny baby and start cooking these sausages." she said as she handed the guy a big plastic bag. The men left the two girls and the older one hugged Nayeon. "I'm glad you're here to help."


Nayeon hugged the girl and smiled. "You know I'll always be here, Sunmi unnie." she said. "Come on. It's almost lunch time."


The kids had their lunch that afternoon and Sunmi and Chansung left at 3PM. Nayeon stayed to play with the kids and to help ahjumma prepare for dinner later. They were all playing at the playground at the backyard of the orphanage when Nayeon noticed a kid crying. She ran to the kid and wiped his tears away. "What's wrong, Daebaki?"


"My airplane!" the kid cried as he pointed up the tree. Nayeon looked up and saw a toy airplane stuck on a branch. Nayeon sighed. Of all the things, why should it be up high? She kneeled in front of the kid and patted the head of the kid before giving him a weak smile. "Don't worry, Deabaki. Noona will get it for you. Stop crying." she said before standing up. Taking a deep breath, she started climbing the tree. She was climbing steadily which made her smile. "Oh my, I think I can do it." she said as she reached the large branch. As she started moving towards the toy, she made a mistake by glancing down at the ground. Vertigo hit her quickly, making her head spin and her vision blurry. She fell off the branch and closed her eyes tightly as she prepare herself for the impact with the ground.


"Ooff... Gotcha."


Nayeon slowly opened her eyes as she felt nothing of the hard hit she was expecting. gasped in surprise as she saw a short haired blonde holding her in her arms. She blinked her eyes quickly, still unable to process what just happened.


"You're kinda heavy, you know?" the girl said as she placed Nayeon down on the grass. The girl smiled at the kid staring at both of them. "I'll get that toy of yours, okay?" she said before backing up a few steps away from the tree. With a few strides, she jumped up the tree and hang on the branch where Nayeon fell. She climbed up and walked the branch, taking the toy airplane before jumping down the tree, landing perfectly on the ground. She gave the toy to the kid which thanked her before running away. The girl then turned her attention to Nayeon, who was still staring at her. "What? Are you okay?"


Nayeon pointed at the girl as she shouted. "Yoo Jeongyeon! are you doing here?!!"


The ahjumma came outside to check on why Nayeon was shouting. She saw her and another girl under the tree. "Nayeon-ah, are you okay?"


The other girl smiled and bowed at the old lady. "Annyeong haseyo, eomoni. I'm Jeongyeon. I'm a friend of Nayeon. I'm just here to check out on her." she said.


The old lady smiled and bowed back at Jeongyeon. "Is that so? Well I came here to tell you Nayeon that you can go home now. Sunmi and Chansung called. They'll be back here later. They'll be the one bringing dinner for the kids. Thank you for your help today."


Nayeon nodded softly and stood up, ignoring Jeongyeon's outstretched hand to help her. She bid the kids and ahjumma goodbye before hurrying out of the orphanage. Jeongyeon followed behind her.


"Can you stop following me?!" Nayeon shouted angrily as she looked back at the blonde girl. "What are you even doing here anyway?!"


"Easy, tiger." Jeongyeon said as she raised her hands up in surrender. "I was just checking on you. You've been leaving the house a lot recently and the girls are worried about you. And with that happened a while ago, I now know why they should be worried."


Nayeon took a deep breath. She was right. She could have been seriously injured with that fall. If she had been hurt that day, her family would worry about her. The kids at the orphanage would worry about her. And that's one thing she would like to avoid; making people around her worry because of her. Nayeon looked down and the ground before closing her eyes. Emotions start to pour in as tears fall. She could have been in a hospital right now if not for the girl in front of her saving her, and the best she can do is ignore her and get mad at her.


"I.....I'm sorry." Nayeon said as she cried. She walked towards Jeongyeon and hugged her tightly. Jeongyeon's face turned red as she stood in place, but Nayeon's cry made her hug the girl back. "I'm sorry for making all of you worried about me."


"It's okay." the blonde girl said. "You don't have to be sorry. We understand you. But next time, please don't leave us like that. At least tell Jihyo where you're going so she can calm the others when they start looking for you."


Nayeon nodded as she hugged Jeongyeon tighter. "Thank you....Thank you so much. I owe you my life right now."


Jeongyeon was about the say something when.....




Nayeon stopped crying and looked up at Jeongyeon. "Was that...."




Nayeon chuckled as the sound came on again. "Your stomach's rumbling, Jeongyeon-ah." she said as she wiped her tears away.


"Uhh, yeah." Jeongyeon said as she smiled shyly. "I haven't eaten anything yet since I followed you here."


Nayeon smiled at the girl. "Come on. I'll treat you somewhere. I know a place where they serve ramen in large bowls." she said. She held on to Jeongyeon's hand and squeezed it tightly before leading both of them to walk.




Jeongyeon's stomach might be empty, but her heart is full right now.....

















Late update. Sorry about that. I'll be busy with work by the whole week. :'( :'( but I'll try to squeeze in a chapter or two when I'm free. Anyways, don't forget to subscribe and comment!~  I love you all!!~~

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Chapter 6: I am so sorry for just finding out about this fanfiction, it is amazing and deserves more recognition than it already has. I have been trying to find some really good Saida fanfictions for such a long time, and to read this so late is just annoying, but I am glad I have found it already. Anways, please update, even though it has been such a long time. I hope you can continue this story. Hwaiting author-nim!
Chapter 4: I know you probably will not see this comment, but I just found it after I searched for Saida fanfictions from descending order (oldest first). This is such an amazing book and I honestly love the unique plot that you have used, because it is truly something that not many people -- if any -- have used. Anyways, congratulations on such a successful story!!!
Chapter 6: This story is promising. But it's been a year since you updated. I wish you'll start noticing this fic again and update it as well. I look forward to read more from you, author-nim. :))
Chapter 4: your story
Yoo_Jung #5
Chapter 6: It's indeed a wonderful Story... *claps*... waiting for 2Yeon Scenes here... hehe... and Hey..! teach me how to do the Magics.. (how can you insert my name there..?) *deep thought* ... well... thanks For the Fantastic story again Author-nim... take your time.. i believe you'll come back with a lot of surprise here... ~~~
Chaotix #6
Waiting for more 2yeon and Michaeng interactions ❤ raging Tzuyu tho. But seriously, I'm more curious on how you mentioned our names
Rvniby #7
Chapter 6: Yayyyy. Im inlove with dahyun in this storyyy <3
Chapter 6: Yayyy finally saida, I love it ♡♥♡♥♡