

According to Jung Hoseok, high school was an adorable place with adorable people and the most adorable and fascinating lessons and the awesomest teachers. According to Min Yoongi, high school was the tackiest prison to ever exist. And they would know, considering they went on a joint mission a couple of years back to a little high school somewhere near Seoul and were stationed there for about an entire school year. (Taehyung wouldn't stop making fun of Yoongi clinging onto Hoseok the entire time.)


“What about you, Tae? How’d high school go for you?” Baekhyun lounged next to the boy as he pulled out a black metal slingshot and a couple of glowing vials from his pockets. They shimmered and glowed a lusty pink, making Taehyung wonder what plan his hyung had up his sleeve this time.


Some of the demons were hanging in Chryslair; the land between Heaven and Hell meant for immortals, an enormous place acting like its own dimension. It was famous for being overrun by young half-bloods and pure-bloods spawned from creatures unimaginable, where Taehyung and the rest of his friends/siblings remained in the Korean division. The angels and demons. . .they were frenemies, really. Somehow they got along well and clanked teacups together while still managing to rage back and forth over the stupidest things. It was always entertaining, though. Especially considering all of the drama.


The angels and demons were together in various ways; some enemies, some best friends, and some involved in . . .romantic desires. It wasn’t like they could date another one of their own - that would be like , considering they shared at least one parent.


Maybe that’s why Baekhyun had turned his attention to a tall angel with big ears yapping away to a couple ignoring him out of annoyance. Baekhyun, like Taehyung, was a demon - one who also commit himself to pranks and stupid antics he got punished for every once in awhile. He opened a vial filled with pink pellets, loaded his intricately designed slingshot, aimed at the angel’s heart, and fired.


“You’re gonna miss,” Taehyung commented. He had his feet propped on Yoongi’s lap and his head rested on Jimin’s legs, who was busy removing any ratched knots in Tae’s hair. Jihoon was lounging over a loveseat by himself and was practicing his fire skills - something he attained from his father’s blood where he lit up paper roses one by one and watched them burn. He and his brother were exceptionally skilled at this.


Sure enough, the pellets were aimed slightly off and the angel’s large wing had accidentally swatted them, causing them to burst at the ground of the couple sitting on a white velvet couch.


Baekhyun groaned in defeat after staring for some time. “My aim is always top-notch and i’m boss at weaponry but when it comes to Chanyeol I always just. . .uGgh.” He wrinkled his nose as sparkly pink fumes seeped into the couple and they gazed into each other’s eyes with deep love and passion and cuddled even closer. Baekhyun gagged. The angel wildly looked around in a ninja stance to find who the offender was.


His gaze locked onto Baekhyun’s and he violently pointed a finger in his direction. “yOU!”


“Oh no,” Baekhyun meekly muttered. His face erupted into red as he leaped off the couch and scrambled away while Chanyeol rampaged after him.  


 Yoongi sighed. “Who wants to bet that those ers won’t get together until 20 years pass?”


“I say they’ll get together within 20 days.”


“Jimin, you’re like, 80 and you’ve never dated before.”


“Well, what about you, huh? You’ve barely dated a. . .a. . .Tae, help me out.”


“Hyung, with you looking at Hoseok like that all the time you’d be whipped before Jimin could ever get a date.”


“Stop turning this on me!”


Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at his hyung as Hoseok flew past with a flash of white from his wings, laughing airily while playing a game of air-podge with some other angels and demons. He huffed as Jennie, a demon, hurled a hot weighted ball towards him; catching it with ease and tossing it to another angel.


Yoongi sighed with a dreamy look in his eyes.


Jimin giggled. “Whipped,


“Yah, punks, shut up or Jihoon and I will light your butts on fire.” He turned to Taehyung with a more serious tone. “But, you didn’t answer Baekhyun’s question before. How’s high school?”


Taehyung felt his stomach churn. How was high school? He didn’t really know what to expect since everything he’s heard was so jumbled, and even his overall view of the school was so. . .complex. “It was kinda hard finding my classes. It’s much, much smaller than the palace, obviously, but it was still hard to find my way around. Some of the kids were super nice, but some were. . .”


He thought back to the dark-haired boy who ‘helped’ him with his lock. He was getting a weird vibe from him - a tingly feeling telling him to stay away. There was something intriguing about the boy, something that made him stand out fro the rest, and he didn’t like it. “Some were questionable -I think i’m gonna have to toughen up a bit towards some peeps. Uniforms , by the way. I don’t know if I really like that place. It’s not like those movies where everyone’s having fun and singing and crushing the bad guys, but they’re all actually studying, can you imagine?”


“You must be suffering so much,” Jimin sympathized.


“Are you gonna join any clubs? You could make your life down there more fun by doing something you like, and search for the angel.” Jihoon had stopped burning his roses and was folding some more with newspaper he found from the mortal world. He had one earphone in his ear while the other dangled off the seat.


“Clubs? Like what?”


“They have stuff like math club, chess club, anime club [we have an official anime/manga club at our school in america how awesome is that??], band club, choir club, volunteering clubs, dance club-”


“Dance club?” Taehyung felt his ears perk up. Lately, he’s found that he really liked to dance. He’d let himself loose whenever upbeat songs would ravage down the halls of Chryslair, and would learn choreography to some songs and realized that it made his heart pump in a pleasing way. An exercise that kept him in shape, allowed him to jam and be stupid crazy, and it wasn’t boring and mopey like lifting weights.


“Yeah, dance club. Just figure out what days and what time they meet. You’ll probably have some sort of show during the year where you’ll perform. Go join, it might be fun. Just don’t forget that you’re there to do a mission.”


“Maybe i’ll find the angel at dance club, too!”


Yoongi hummed. “Slim chance for that, but go nuts.” He rose from his seat and lazily stretched. “Let’s go back to the mortal world. We have to check out your new uniform, get some school supplies, and I kinda wanna sleep after looking at the stars. They’re really pretty from up there.”


“Hyung, you’re getting more cheesy these days, you know that?”


“That’s ‘cause he’s in loooooooove,”


The red haired boy was given a piercing death glare before Yoongi hauled Taehyung up by the arm and they waved goodbye to the others.


“Did you make any friends?” Yoongi opened a tall door with a glowing opal in the center, Taehyung following behind.


“There was a kid named Jooheon who was pretty nice. A girl, I forgot her name, gave me a sticky pencil during math, and this person smiled super bright at me at one point. I sat by myself at the edge of a table during lunch, though. There were some older kids sitting there who were pretty loud and would look at me every once in awhile and it was so aWWkWARD.”


They walked down a long, royal violet carpeted hallway until Yoongi stopped in front of a mahogany door. He placed a pale hand at the center, and the door glowed around the edges before he turned the knob and walked into. . .an apartment. Their apartment building in the mortal world, actually. They passed through the mortal world and godly world through “enchanted” doors, as magical as it sounded.


Yoongi ran towards the couch and dived into the cushion to shed his pants and hook his legs over the armrest. He grabbed the TV remote and flipped to some reality show. “Yeah? Anyone suspicious?”


Taehyung willed for his wings to vanish. Even after years of transferring back and forth between worlds, he still didn’t understand how he was able to rid of his wings in the mortal world at his command while he was plain old stuck with them in the Underworld. He toed of his shoes and padded in his socks to the kitchen, where he brought a bag of chips and plopped down at the foot of the couch. “Suspicious? No, not really.”


“Anyone shady? I heard kids these days are super shady. They’re getting more corrupt by the minute, I swear.”


Taehyung buried half of his face in his black hoodie while crunching loudly on cheese puffs. He was getting crumbs all over the place, but he didn’t care. This fat guy on the screen was barrel rolling himself to knock down human-sized styrofoam pins and it was hypnotizing. “Nah. I was kinda out of it today, you know, the new place and all? Hyung, you want some?”


“With your grubby hands shoved down there? No thanks, you maggot.”


“Hyung do I really have to wake up at six every morning? Like, are they trying to kill me? ‘Cause I had to listen to a bunch of chemical formulas and I don’t even know what the heck a carbon is. What the heck’s a carbon?”


“The stuff you breathe out. You’re made of carbon, you know that?”


“And you’re made of salt and turtle doo doo, Appa.”


“Call me that again and I will slit your throat and burn your guts.” Yoongi playfully kicked Taehyung’s head and ruffled his hair, while the younger laughed and clutched the cheese balls close to his chest.


“Okay, let’s go school supplies shopping now! I wanna choose my backpack and folders and crayons and stuff!”


“I don’t think you’d need crayons. . .but sure. I’m just gonna,” Yoongi yawned and curled into the couch. “Take a nap first and we can go. Alright?”


“Okay.” Taehyung munched on some more cheese balls and flapped his legs in a butterfly position. He was going to try again tomorrow. A brand new day of school, a fresh new chance to settle himself in and find the culprit. He was beginning to get a hopeful feeling about this.






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Chapter 4: Oh god! Can't wait for the next chapter!!
Betkababo #3
Chapter 3: I like this story a lot. Keep writing. :)
Chapter 3: They finally met! And Kookie, that little bunny acting like a bad boy. Ahah cute~
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD! THIS IS GREAT! For some reason some parts of this reminded me of Rick Riordian, his books are hilarious! I love this! Btw who will be the bottom/top?