
Taehyung watched the firey river flow from where he stood at the palace, scorching ember molting it's way down the land. He couldn't hear the screams from where he stood, feel the burning heat from below, or see the souls themselves get punished and that's what makes him glad.


Glad that he was able to live in the dark world his father reigned - the colossal underworld mortals called Hell. A kingdom meant for punishment to those souls who didn’t value their life enough. The mortals also gave his father a name - Lucifer. Taehyung thought it sounded like a cat’s name. Well, it didn't seem to bother the Lord since he had some thousand black cats roaming the land, some of which slept in Taehyung’s closet. He didn’t mind.


His spike-tipped tail hung between his legs and his dark wings were folded on his back, so they didn't bother him much. Taehyung was just about to swoop over the railings for a good fly when his brother bursted through the doors. Well, half brother. Jimin’s mother was different from his own, Jimin’s being some lady spirit thing somewhere downtown and his being a mortal. He never met his mother. Mortals didn't really like demons.


“Wow Kim Taehyung, congratulations!”




“You really got yourself in big trouble now. The Big Almighty Boss himself wants to talk to you.”


“Wait what did I do this time?”


“Do you even need to ask?”


He didn’t. And that’s why Taehyung sent Jimin a bashful grin, faked a punch in his direction, then patted his hair down with his hands while walking into the palace. The shiny black flooring was cold, yet it glowed blood red every time Taehyung took a step. Tormented statues posed on pillars bolted down next to each door; hundreds of large, ornate doors in long hallways created for whatever purpose the Lord wished for.


The palace was enormous.


Even after living there for about 120 years, Taehyung still sometimes found himself lost among the tall, mocking walls. But he’s always found his way.


With Jimin giving him a rough pat on the shoulder and sauntering off, Taehyung gave a roll of his shoulders and let his wings stretch out. They were made of feathers of a dark obsidian, absorbing light and spanning out for a length as long as a minivan. And he would know; he’s ridden a car a couple of times before. Demons could walk upon the mortal world like an angel could - they would just need to hide their wings, and for demons, their tails as well. He found it unfair that only demons had tails. They were a pain in the .


Deciding that a walk to his father’s throne would be too long and boring, Taehyung set out to find a stone balcony and stood on the ledge to let his wings feel the chilly breeze. He was far above the ground. The ground which held too many fires, chains, shards of glass, tortured souls, and other things that the underworld was in custody of. He stretched his arms outward like a child, and fell.


“Okay, so if father wants to actually see me, then what’s gonna happen? Poo you, Kim Taehyung, you really screwed up this time.” He cut through the intoxicating air and landed in front of the palace gates; two enormous doors made of the darkest metals, the smallest designs showing apparent from the light that the two huge chalices of blue fire gave off.


 Blue must be his favorite color today, Taehyung thought, as his eyes flitted over the deep turquoise roses blooming in the garden behind him. The strangest fruits of purple grew in the midst of an ocean of flowers; all of which had prickly thorns and threatening vines growing around it. “Must be her doing,” he muttered. He didn’t really like his father’s wife. His stepmother was very dazed, loony, and kinda. . . dominant. She liked being in charge of things. Taehyung learned that the hard way when he once plucked a bunch of fruit and made a hat out of them, samba-dancing his way through the flowers which got himself tied to a spiked board for a week. The Greeks imagined the Lord’s wife to be all la-dee-da and princessy, and sure, she was la-dee-da. In a terrifying way. It was still a mild punishment though, he thought, considering all of the how-dos and what-nots going on in Hell.  


This time was an accident. An accident caused by an on-purpose accident. Lets just say that it involved a couple of tortured souls, three corpses, a hoverboard, five apples, and four pairs of the Lord’s royal underpants. No more needs to be said.


 The tall gates creaked open once the guards did a thorough scan-through of him (a simple head nod was sufficient) and Taehyung reluctantly stepped through. His footsteps on the onyx floors were silent among the towering walls of the head building, yet he remained a cool composure. Besides, it was an accident. The Lord was a cool guy! Except for the fact that he was almost always near fire. Or, quite possibly had fire running through his veins and had fire power and his eyes burned in rage whenever things didn't go his way and stuff tended to blow up and now Taehyung was slightly freaking out.


But too late, he had already reached the ultra-mega-supreme-sized throne and stood at the foot, where his father was sat atop and was discussing matters with another demon. One of his other hundreds of half-brothers, Jihoon. He liked Jihoon. The small boy was pure-brothers with one of his closest pals, Yoongi, and was known to be a very hard-working music lover. But he was still kinda terrifying.


“You. . .you wished to see me, father?”


The man sitting on the throne paused. He craned his neck towards the bowing boy and heaved a sigh. His tan skin and slightly thin eyes gave hints that he was one of Lucifer’s many forms - the form meant for the continent of Asia. The Lord of the underworld had 7 different forms, one for each continent except for Antarctica. Those people just hung out with Australia. His seventh form was his ultimate form; something most people didn't like to talk about. He was the one who discussed matters with the Heaven’s ruler and took care of disputes.


 “Kim Taehyung.”


“Y-yes, my lord-”


“You bozo.” His pale, slender fingers carded through his sleek black hair. “Straighten your back, will you? A demon doesn’t need to bow to someone for so long. Then they’d just become a pawn for someone else, and I don’t really like using my kids that way.”


Taehyung slowly rose and cleared his throat. “Jiminie said you called me down? Uh, Father, if it was because of what happened a few days ago, i’m so incredibly-”


“How did you think of that, huh?”




“You know, I always wondered how you got a hold of my underwear. Even I sometimes forget where I keep them.”


Taehyung cracked a smile. “I’d say you’re getting old but. . . you’re as handsome as the day you were born.”


“What are you saying you were nowhere near alive the day I was born, I could be a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather stop getting me off topic! I have to be somewhere in a few minutes so let me make this quick.” He shifted his weight on the seat. “You’re a pain in my neck, you know, and I wear a necklace weaved from souls of the damned. Do you know how many complaints I get from creatures around here? Not just them, you pull pranks on innocent mortals and you’re not only putting them in danger, but yourself and everyone down here! I get it, you’re at that age where you want to play, what’s that game called, Jihoon? Ghostbusters?”


“I think that’s a movie.”


“Yeah whatever. That, and rampage down towns with your. . .hoverboard. I think that’s what it’s called. The point is, i’m giving you a punishment. A punishment in the form of a mission.”


“Ooh, a mission. But that sounds cool! Am I going to be like some sort of spy or an agent-”


“I’m taking your wings away.”


Taehyung faltered. His wings were his most favoritest things in the entire world. “Wait. . .but-”


“They’re going to be what’s on the line so you push yourself to finish the mission. Which is. . .Jihoon, help me out if I miss anything.”


A curt nod came from the boy who flipped through the papers on a clipboard. His pink bubblegum hair deeply contrasted his dark wings and brooding glare, resembling his brother on multiple levels.  


“A mortal who had died a few nights ago was turned into an angel. That’s what the big ol’ man up there told me, since one of his angels seemed to have given his immortality up. Thing is, they can’t find that mortal-now-angel. Or the not-anymore-angel. They say that it might be because the transfer wasn’t smooth enough, which can affect a couple of things, and I honestly I don’t know much about their holy stuff so i’ve been presented the mission and decided to hand it to one of my sons, and guess who came right in time to be punished?”


“Me.” Taehyung said meekly. He bared a weak smile and wished that he had Jimin by his side. Jimin always knew how to cheer him up when he felt uneasy.


 The Lord folded his legs and his polished shoes glinted in the ferocious light of the blue fire. “Right. So, your job is to live in the mortal world until you find the human and bring him to us. We have to figure out what to do with him when you do. I’m taking your wings away and will hold them custody until you bring him. . .or her to us. Starting from tomorrow, you’ll be attending Sanghwa High School in South Korea, which a bunch of other kids around your mortal age. That’s where they’ve narrowed it down to. Great, isn’t it? It’s even in the country that you’re from, so I would take that as a good omen and go on. Find the child quickly. I have to be somewhere, so let Jihoon help you with the rest of the details. I assume. . . . that you’ll do well?” He rose from his seat and lightly smirked, winking at Taehyung while doing so. “Don’t let me down, Taehyung.” With a snap of his fingers, he unraveled into a billow of black smoke dusted with blue, then dissipated on the spot, leaving the brunet to stare at the empty throne.


A tap from the side snapped him out of his thoughts. It was Jihoon.


“Follow me, Hyung.” Even though the boy was small, his walking pace was quicker than Taehyung could stride. His small wings fluttered while his tail slightly wagged behind him, something the older boy grinned at.


 “Okay, so I checked up an identification card for you and enrolled you as a new student entering your second year in high school. You’ll be living in a small apartment, which is decent enough for an annoying dud such as yourself, and your legal parent is going to be Yoongi hyung. If you ever need a guardian. I’d do it. . .but I don’t think anyone would be convinced that i’m your father.”




“Save the sarcasm, you dweeb. Okay, so Yoongi hyung’s gonna help you out if you need it. He mapped out the place and learned all of the expense stuff, even taxes.  He and I were studying this entire mission while you were out playing with your crummy toys. You better be grateful; you owe us.”


“Hey! I didn’t know that Father would plunk me into a mission like this-”


“Can it, carrot-face.”


“But my hair isn’t even orange anymore!” He unconsciously smoothened his hair down with his hands; an ocean of brown with lilac tips. [A/N: yEaH HONEY THIS NEVER HAPPENED BUT I REALLY WANT THIS. bROWN HAIR WITH EITHER LIGHT PURPLE OR BLOOD RED TIPS IMAGINE :DDD]


Jihoon led him down a large hall and into one of the doors, tossing him a backpack and struggling to drag over a large suitcase. “This. . .” He puffed, “these are your clothes and necessities and stuff and everything you need. They’re not enchanted, just normal mortal bags that are as big as they look. But. . .it’s everything.”


“Alright, punks, why’d you have to drag me into this.” Yoongi looked sleepy as he entered the room and took care to flop on the large four-post bed. His black hair fanned over the deep red pillows like a ruffled bird wing. “YaH, TaeHyuNG wHy dO YoU hAvE tO Be SuCH a roTTEn tUrNip, eH?”


Okay, Taehyung’s been called a bunch of things by the broody-brothers but ‘rotten turnip’ was definitely new.


“Why do you keep pulling yourself into these types of situations? I HAVE TO BE YOUR DAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!”


“True. Uncle, sure. Grandpa, sure. But dad? Yoongi hyung, you’re gonna have to wear a beard for this.”


“Ugh, i don’t know. Tae, pack whatever else you need we’re leaving tonight.”




“Yeah, in about two hours. You do know that you can come back here whenever you want, right? Like usual? Pass through the mortal world and underworld as you please. The mortal world isn’t your prison - you just won’t have your wings or tail.”


“Oh thank goodness.”


“We can go soon, but. . .lemme. . .lemme just take a nap first. I’ve been helping Jimin spy on the angels and i’m so. . . tired.” Yoongi curled up against the thick duvet while Jihoon poked his socked feet with his pencil. Much to his dismay, Taehyung also flopped on the bed next to the elder.


“Hyung. Hyung, this is my room go away.”


“I dont caaaare~”


“Fine,” Jihoon grumbled. “I’m gonna go play Spike with Kyungsoo hyung at the arena. You guys sure you don’t wanna say goodbye to any of the guys? Some of the angels were throwing a party later.”


Taehyung gasped as realization struck him. He let out a long whine. “Aww I really wanted to go. . . .tell Seokmin and Seungkwan and Jeonghan and Joonmyeon hyung and Daesung hyung and Hoseok hyung and Yixing hyung and Chanyeol hyung and Jongin hyung and Taeil hyung and Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung and all of the other hyungs that we can’t make it. Because of my stupid mission.”


“You brought this upon yourself.”


The brunet just groaned. “What’s high school gonna be like?”


“You’re lucky since you can fail your classes as much as you want. I had a mission a while ago and I had to learn things. At school.”


“Sounds like a nightmare.”


“Well you’re gonna live your own nightmare tomorrow. Get some rest.”


Jihoon poised his hands on his hips before giving up. “Well, i’m outie. Bye-bye, people. Try not to kill anyone in the mortal world. Good luck, Tae-hyung.”


“Thanks.” Taehyung muttered, while playing with his fingers. He sighed. “I’ll need it.”


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Chapter 4: Oh god! Can't wait for the next chapter!!
Betkababo #3
Chapter 3: I like this story a lot. Keep writing. :)
Chapter 3: They finally met! And Kookie, that little bunny acting like a bad boy. Ahah cute~
Chapter 2: OH MY GOD! THIS IS GREAT! For some reason some parts of this reminded me of Rick Riordian, his books are hilarious! I love this! Btw who will be the bottom/top?