

 It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Jimin wasn't supposed to be alone at 9 p.m. when his husband, Yoongi, should have been home already. He shouldn't have been snacking on goldfish crackers when dinner was right in front of him, though he was only waiting for the other to come before he could start. And he shouldn't have taken a sip of his cup of wine since wine and Jimin do not go well together, but swirling the deep red in the round wine glass just wasn't enough for him.

He clasped the glass in his small, stout hand and tilted it to his lips, feeling the pungent liquid settle on his tongue. He choked it down while mindlessly churning the liquid. It always smelled like a weird bread and stale grapes to him, but  this one seemed to be a fountain of velvet as he took another sip.

Soon enough, Jimin had drained his glass and his head was slightly pulsing. The throbbing in the back of his head wouldn't go away with every sip he took, but he definitely felt more light headed and cheerful the longer he went on.

His eyes flitted to his water bottle in the corner of the kitchen counter. A small bottle with a sippy tip, one where you had the pull the knub up for you to be able to drink from it. Jimin rose from his seat, felt the blood rush to his head, stumbled a bit and laughed at himself, then proceeded to  grabbing the bottle.

Without a second thought, he poured wine into it until it reached halfway, hen screwed the cap back on with a soft sigh. The living room was almost bare except for the small couch, a city painting, a TV, and a string of fairy lights on the wall, but Jimin found it incredibly cozy as he snuggled up on the couch with the bottle. He immediately began sipping wine like a child would sip his grape juice, except the child was a lot older and his grape juice even more.

  It was when he started to hum Sober by Big Bang that he heard a jingling of keys outside the door and then Yoongi walked in - his black hair falling over his forehead and his blue button down neatly tucked into some pants. "Chim, I'm home- wait, what are you-"

It was odd for Yoongi to find the younger curled up on the couch coddling a bottle like a baby, his long vanilla sleeves covering his palms. A light gurgling sound came as Jimin removed himself from the sippy and shouted. "Yoongioongioongi I've been waiting for ages, oh my gosh, you dumb baby carrot I was so alooooone!"

"Are you. . .are you drunk?"

"Nope! I'm Jimin!"

  "Chimmy, we're you drinking wine from that bottle?"

"What bottle. Are you TALKING about THE BOTTLE OF LOVE CAUSE TONIGHT IMMA GET DRUNK!" He began to slide a little when he clutched onto Yoongi’s leg like a koala.

"I'm pretty sure you already are drunk."

"Ha, what are you talking about I'm perfectly f-fine." Another blood rush coarsed through his head and Jimin tripped over his own feet, causing the two the fall flat onto the couch. The brunet took the opportunity to place his hands on the couch on either side of Yoongi’s head, staring him down with slitty eyes.


Yoongi averted his gaze.



Jimin giggled. "I want you to call me oppa."

Yoongi’s eyes went as wide as saucers as he swatted the front of Jimin’s white shirt. "I am literally never going to do that."

Jimin leaned in further and whined. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy," He puffed. "Call me Oppa, just once, pleeease?"

"Nope! You're drunk! Now off to bed, nugget, you've got a big, tiresome morning ahead of you. You're gonna have to go sleep now if I'm supposed to make you hangover soup for tomorrow."

"But I don't want hangover soup,"

"Sorry, Chim, but a punk who gets drunk is a punk who suffers from a hango-"

"I want you."

Yoongi could feel a blush as deep as the pink tinted on Jimin’s cheeks make its way up his skin. Jimin rarely says anything like this, except for the small, cute, cheesy things he would say to him every so often.

The younger boy took a finger and softly poked two moles on Yoongi’s skin - one in the dip between his nose and his left cheek, and one on the left side of his nose. "Were those always there?"

"Um. . . yeah?"

Jimin caressed them once more with utter concentration before lightly pecking them both. He then rested his head on Yoongi’s chest and sighed.

The two sat in comfortable silence before Jimin let loose a long, high pitched whine. "I'm hungryyyy."

"Okay, then, nugget. Get off of me so we can get some food."

"But I don't want to,"

Yoongi groaned. With much trouble, he pulled Jimin off of him and dragged him to the kitchen, where the younger wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s middle and began to hum into his back.

"Never mind, I'm not really hungry. Just a little thirsty-" But before Jimin could reach for the wine, Yoongi swatted his hand away while glaring at him. "No more wine for you."

"But whyyyyy,"

"That's why."

"Agggh, I'm so hungryyy,"

"Then let's eat-"

"But I'm so thirsty-"

"Well now that just sounds a little weird-"

"Why won't you call me oppa,"



To that, Yoongi just sighed and turned around in Jimin’s arms. He squished Jimin’s cheeks around, something he always loved to do, and pressed a quick kiss onto his pouty lips. "Of course I love you, Chimmy."

The younger grinned. "I know that."

"Just promise me one thing,"


"That you'll never drink wine without me again."

A moment of silence passed before Jimin spoke.

"But whyyyyyyyyyyy."

Yoongi groaned. 



A oneshot where Jimin with wine tends to whine


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Poor Yoongi. Having to put up with a whiny Jimin ;) It's cute