Long OneShot - 5

My Crimson Petal


The final battle starts.

Somi performs ‘Again and Again’ by 2PM… with near perfect notes and dance moves. As much as I hate her, I have to accept the fact that she is a strong competitor. Moreover, she has connection inside the company. So even the Judges may favor her.


But I WILL beat her!


Now comes my turn. I have decided to perform ‘Overdose’. The only way to beat her is with stronger dance and stronger vocal. I don’t know how much my voice will be able to pull the high notes off, but I can NOT miss the dance.

My heart beat increases in anticipation… Honestly, I am under a lot of pressure here… but I will not let myself be beaten by her! Not after what she did to Mina!

My knee shakes as I walk onto the stage. Even though I am determined, I am afraid that I will mess this up… due to this tension. I am feeling my palms getting cold… and throat getting dry. I freeze momentarily on stage.

JYP - “Okay, Chaeyoung. You can start.”

But I still cannot move. ! I-is it the stage fear again? Or pressure of final? Or is it the fear of letting Mina down?? But as if my muscles are frozen…

If Mina was here… this wouldn’t have been a problem…!
JYP - “Uh… Chaeyoung?” JYP asks again.

What to do!? Why can’t I move, for GOD’S SAKE?!


Suddenly my gaze goes towards the crimson petal that I have now attached on my shirt.

I realize… that I shouldn’t have worried in the first place.

I am not alone. Mina is with me always… she has been all along. Even when she got out, she didn’t leave my back.

That’s why she has given me this petal.

It is not only carrying her grandfather’s blessings, but it is also carrying her determination, support, encouragement.

It is the bond between us.

Judge#2 - “Chaeyoung, is anything wrong?” One of the judges say.

Nayeon - “Chaeyoung, why are you not doing anything!?” I hear worried whispers of Nayeon from the contestants’ seats.

Jeongyeon - “Smol! Start or else you will get disqualified!” so does Jeongyeon Eonni.

Heh. I smile. I know what to do.

Sorry, Somi. Today, I am going to win. Because in this next performance… I am not dancing alone. Mina will dance with me.

Chaeyoung - “Sorry Sir. Was a bit distracted.” I say with a smile. I also smile at Nayeon and Jeongyeon Eonni to assure them that everything’s fine.

Chaeyoung - “I will start now.”


I dance with all my might, and sing until my lungs are almost out of air… as if I am the only one on the stage. All the surroundings get blurred. I am not afraid anymore. Because I am going to win it.

Last part… here I will have to do the lateral cartwheel. If I mess this up… it may ruin the whole performance. Mina… I need your skill here. Here I go… stay with me.

Chaeyoung - “…OVERDOSE!!”


People are standing on their feet… they are clapping for me. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Dahyun, Momo, Jihyo Eonni, Tzuyu… everyone is cheering for me. Somi’s face is serious… so, it all adds up. I must have done well.

But what is the result?


“That was magnificent!” JYP says. “I didn’t even imagine you will actually include that cartwheel! How long did you practice for it?”

Chaeyoung - “I was practicing it for a long time but I was unable to do it. I was successful mainly because Mina had guided me after I joined Sixteen.”

JYP - “Ah, I see. Awesome work in executing it nonetheless.”

Chaeyoung - “Thank you Sir.”

MC - “So, judges. The Result?” The MC asks.


Judge#1 - “As impressed I was with the whole singing and dancing, I say I will go with Chaeyoung.” It’s that judge whom I keep talking about.

Judge#2 - “As for me… even though I liked ‘Call me Baby’ very much… I shall go with Somi. She captured the feel more, I feel.”

Somi’s face lightens up with the comment.

JYP - “What about you?” JYP asks the 3rd judge.

Judge#3 - “Hmm… for me… I will go 50-50. I cannot decide.”

JYP - “Why so?”

Judge#3 - “I… LOVE the powerful dance explosion of Chaeyoung and the high notes that she pulled off. She was really good until now but I didn’t expect her to be THIS good. But still, I think Somi has equal chance.”

JYP - “Hmm…”

MC - “So, Park Ji Young-ssi. What do you say?”

It was up to JYP now.


JYP - “Well, judging all the factors that I consider for my candidates to have… I choose…”


Thunderous cheers erupt. The loudest I have yet heard.

After I get free from the embraces of all the contestants, I take a look at Somi’s face. She is utter disbelief. I don’t know what her inside plan was, but it didn’t work. I don’t know why, but it just didn’t.

I too, cannot believe it. But it happened just now. I look at the Crimson Petal.


I… we did it.


MC - “Congratulations to all the Winners. Park Ji Young Ssi… I would like you to say something to all the contestants.”

JYP - “Well, I would like to say things that you haven’t already heard until now. That means… ‘congrats’, ‘those who didn’t win… do not feel bad…’ … these kinds of phrases. I won’t repeat those. Instead I would like to thank all of you for your dedication and love for music and art. We are the privileged once to have you with us. I only want the same hard work, effort and love from you after you join us. We will do the rest and in no time, you will be the stars that not only our nation, but the whole World will come to love. And those who didn’t win, I have good news for them as well… I will announce it later.”

MC - “Beautifully said, JYP. Before we make the announcements, I would like to request all the eight winners to come on to the stage again one by one and perform something for all the audiences and judges. Give them a taste of the good things to come.”


Tzuyu - “Chaeyoung! Where are you going??”

Chaeyoung -
“Be right back. I am going to fetch Mina!”

I run off the stage. I want her to be at my side when I give the performance. She must have got the news… she must be very happy! I squeal inside while I run towards the doctor’s room.


Doctor - “Hey Chaeyoung! Congrats!!”

Chaeyoung - “Thanks doctor! How is Mina?”

Doctor - “She is well. I gave her painkillers for now. Also prescribed medicine. She will be as good as before with good rest. Didn’t you meet her?”

Chaeyoung - “Meet her? Where?”

Doctor - “As soon as the news came, she went off saying she wants to congratulate you on the stage.”

Chaeyoung - “Stage…? No, she didn’t come.”

Doctor - Okay, that is weird.”

Chaeyoung - “When did she leave?”

Doctor - “15-20 minutes ago… as soon as the announcement was done.”

Chaeyoung - “Okay… that IS weird. Let me call her.”

I try to call her, but her phone is not reachable.

Doctor - “Well?”

Chaeyoung - “No, nothing.”

Doctor - “Try asking the security outside… they probably have seen her. Maybe she went to washroom or something.”

Chaeyoung - “Good Idea.”


I ask every person in the vicinity about her, at the same time trying to reach her by phone. Many of them saw her but don’t know where she went. Where did you go, Mina? And why is your phone not reachable??

After asking about 15 people, I come across the guard at main entrance.

Chaeyoung - “Oppa, did you see one beautiful girl with long hair wearing black… or red dress leaving from here within half an hour?”

Security - “Do you mean a contestant?”

Chaeyoung - “I… yes! She is a contestant! Did you see??”

Security - “Yes, I did. She left here around 15 minutes ago. Why?”

Chaeyoung - “Left?? You mean outside??”

Security - “Yes. I noticed because I still remember her dance from the audition day. I think her name is… Mi…Min…”

Chaeyoung - “Mina!”

Security - “Yes! Right. Yes, she left. I knew she is going to be one of the Sixteen. But why are you looking for her? Did she not return?”

Chaeyoung - “No! Did she tell you anything??”

Security - “No. I thought she had some business to attend to.”

Chaeyoung - “I-if… you see her again, please tell her to call me… My name is Chaeyoung.”

With that, I run outside. Where is Mina?? Don’t tell me it’s Somi’s work again! Can she go this far?!


I search all around the complex but didn’t find any sign of Mina nor of anything suspicious. I run back to the doctor’s room.

Chaeyoung - “Doctor! Any news of Mina?? One guard said that she went outside but I couldn’t find her anywhere! I am worried!”

Doctor - “Uh… Chaeyoung… I think you should have this.” She hands me a piece of paper.

Chaeyoung - “What is this…??”

Doctor - “I found it just now on Mina’s bed. She knew you would come here… so she kept a message. But…”


I open the piece of paper.



I know you will win. Keep working hard and become the best there ever was. I am sorry to leave like this, but there are reasons why I decided to. I will be okay, so don’t worry about me. Just take care of yourself, remember that I am always thinking about you. Also, keep that petal safe, it will guard you… and who knows… one day I may come and take your autograph as a fan… it will be fun! 

I am not good in writing letters. So, I will keep it short. But I have to say this. Since the time I was born… having you by my side… was the best time of my life.


Take care.

- Mina

What on earth… Mina…

Doctor - “Chaeyoung… are you okay?”

Chaeyoung - “I… I… No! S-she left…? Is this a joke?! S-she… can’t leave like this. I won’t LET her!”

Doctor - “Do you know her address?”

Chaeyoung - “N-no… But… I WILL get it. She registered here. The people here surely would know!”

Doctor - “Good idea. If you need something, give me a call.”


 I run towards the reception.

Receptionist - “Hello… Hey… you are one of the winners, right?? Congrats.”

Chaeyoung - “C-can you please check and tell me the address of one of the contestants??”

Receptionist - “Uh… address… right now?? Can we not wait until this is over?”

Chaeyoung - “Yes, please! It is very important.“

Receptionist - “Okay, if you say so. What is the name?”

Chaeyoung - “Miyoui Mina!”

Receptionist - “Let me search… Mina… Mina…”

Chaeyoung - “Please tell me you have it!”

Receptionist - “…um… Yes, I have.”

Chaeyoung - “Thank God! Can you tell me??” I grab a paper to write it down.

Receptionist - “Surely, it is...”

The address she told, makes me look at her in disbelief.

Chaeyoung - “W-what?!”

Receptionist - “What? What happened?”

Chaeyoung - “A-are you sure that it is the right address?”

Receptionist - “Yes. It even says that she had updated it.”

Chaeyoung - “S-she…” she intentionally had changed it!

Receptionist - “What happened?”

Chaeyoung - “N-nothing. Is that the only address you have?”

Receptionist - “Yes.”

Chaeyoung - “Any phone number? E-mail?... Any contact?”

Receptionist - “I have a phone number… that’s it… here…”

Chaeyoung - “…I already have the number…. T-thank you.”

Receptionist - “Anything wrong? You do not seem… okay.”

Chaeyoung - “I-I am not. T-thanks.”

I leave the reception… my legs and heart… both heavy… both seems to be breaking apart.

The address in the database… it is MINE… she gave MY address. Why did she do that??

Her number is unreachable… and she doesn’t have any other contact… Did she want to make sure that I am not able to contact her again??

Is it really… the last time I will see her?

I tried her number once more. It is still not reachable. I felt like crying… it even makes the winning seem worthless.

Momo - “Chaeyoung, where were you?? Come’ on. It’s almost your turn to sing.” Momo Eonni comes running towards me.

Chaeyoung - “I-I… was… just…”

Momo - “What’s wrong?”

Chaeyoung - “N-nothing. Let’s go.” I say with a broken voice. I am trying my best not to cry.


I follow her to the stage. It is indeed my turn to sing.

JYP - JYP says with a smile. “Where were you?”

Chaeyoung - “I… I was… just having a call.”

JYP - “Ah, I see. Anyway… we are waiting for you to blow us away with your performance.”

Chaeyoung - “…Yes sir.”


I hold the microphone… hands are shaking… I cannot even look straight up. What is this feeling?

She… lied to me. She told she will stay here. Yet… she… she…

She even made sure I am not able to meet her. Did she not trust me? Or is there some other reason?? I don’t know! But you could have told me! You… did not have to LIE! Mina…

In my unknowing, I start singing. I was planning to sing something happy with Mina by my side. But Instead, this comes out of me…


“Couldn't save you from the start

Love you so it hurts my soul

Can you forgive me for trying again?

Your silence makes me hold my breath

Time has passed you by


I've been so lost since you've gone

Why not me before you?

Why did fate deceive me?

Everything turned out so wrong

Why did you leave me in silence?


You gave up the fight

You left me behind

All that's done's forgiven

You'll always be mine

I know deep inside

All that's done's forgiven”


Everyone claps. It was a good performance.  Yes, I myself am saying it. It was really good.

But that’s also because I sang it from the bottom of my heart which was oozing out the pain it is bearing. It felt like I was seeing Mina walk away while I was singing the song, with my eyes closed.

Mina. Why did you have to lie to me?

Why did you leave me like that? Was that really necessary??


JYP - “That was a beautiful performance, Chaeyoung.” I see JYP giving me a standing ovation. It is a proud moment for me. JYP has not given a standing ovation to anybody up until now. But… I am not… I just cannot smile.

Chaeyoung - “Thank… you.”

JYP - “Can I ask the reason behind your tears?”

Slowly the clapping subsides.

Crying? Me? Oh… I really am crying. Tear is falling from my eyes… in my unknowing.

Chaeyoung - “It’s… nothing. Just… remembering someone.”

JYP - “Whoever it may be, must be really close to you.”

Chaeyoung - “…yes. She is.”


All the winners, including me, have just returned from the dinner offered by JYP himself. Everyone is tired and has gone to take well-earned rest. But I don’t feel like sleeping. If I sleep, she will come to my dreams and will make me suffer more. I don’t want it. Not now.

I have asked the other contestants if any of them knew Mina’s address. But no one did.

Now, clueless what to do, I am looking at the night sky. It’s full of stars. I have a chance to reach them now, thanks to JYP, Mom and Dad and… her. I wish she was here…

I look at the pay cheque that I was awarded at the end of the show. 50 Thousand Dollars. I never seen such amount before in my life… more so, this is my first earning. But all of this… seems to have no meaning at the moment.


“Hey Chaeyoung.” A bubbly voice draws my attention.

Chaeyoung - “Oh…? Sana Eonni.”

Sana - “Why are you looking so sad?”

Chaeyoung - “Ah… it’s nothing. Just… thinking about someone.”

Sana - “Hmmm… again.” She sits beside me. “Say, Chaeyoung… this person you think about all the time and make that emotional face like you are in a drama…”

Chaeyoung - “Eh?”

Sana - “…is it Mina?”

Chaeyoung - “W-wh… H-how… did you…” I stutter for no reason. As if she caught me stealing.

Sana - “Oh, so it IS Mina.”

Chaeyoung - “I…” I give up. Why would I hide anyway? “…yes. It is Mina.”

Sana - “Hmm… so you really miss her.”

Chaeyoung - “Yes… I do. I wish she was with me.”

Sana - “You are sad because she lied to you, right?”

Chaeyoung - “…Not only that. I ask… why did she have to do that?! Why would she do something so that I never be able to meet her again?!”

Silence ensues for a few moments.

Sana - “…She must be a really good friend…”

Chaeyoung - “…More than that. I only knew her like from the auditions. And it feels like…”

Sana - “Like?”

Chaeyoung - “…Like… we were together since we were… born…”

Sana - “…Wow… That’s… really romantic.”

Chaeyoung - “I… don’t tease! Let me be!” I say angrily. I don’t like when someone jokes about this.

Sana - “Whoa. Calm down, Tiger. I got something for you. It will make you happy.”

Chaeyoung - “Don’t need it.”

Sana - “You will LOVE it.”

Chaeyoung - “No.”

Sana - “Okay… I will just throw the paper into the pond which incidentally contains Mina’s REAL ADDRESS.”

Chaeyoung - “Do it- wait. WHAT?!!”

Sana - “What I said... he he.”
She smiles proudly and gives me a piece of paper.

Chaeyoung - “I… is this… real?? Are you joking with me?!”

Sana - “I am not. This is indeed real.”

Chaeyoung - “If t-this is real… then… then… I will have to go… Now!”

Sana - “Hold on, Romeo. How will you go in this hour?”

Chaeyoung - “I will call a cab and-!”

Sana - “No need to rush. You… we all are tired. You can go there tomorrow.”
Chaeyoung - “But-but!”

Sana - “No but, only Butts. And don’t worry. She will be there.”

Chaeyoung - “B-but how… did you know that I would need her REAL address??! And why didn’t you tell me about this earlier, when I asked you??”

Sana - “Yes, I knew that Mina must have given wrong address while registering here. And I could have told you about this earlier, but I needed to check something.”

Chaeyoung - “What??”

Sana - “That whether I should entrust you with this or not.”

Chaeyoung - “What do you mean? Why would you not give someone’s address??”

Sana - “Because that someone is Mina.”

Chaeyoung - “You two know each other??”

Sana - “Yes, as you know by now, we are both from Osaka. I have known her since middle school. We were not best of friends then, but I knew her. I even went to her house many times.”

Chaeyoung - “I-! But what’s the reason behind hiding her real address? I am her friend. And why did she need to hide her real address in the first place??”

Sana - “Because, even though we were friends, our situations were very different. Mina didn’t want anyone here to know that.”

Chaeyoung - “Different? How?”

Sana looks around for a second. “I can tell you the if you want. Anyhow, I don’t feel like sleeping. I want to chat.”

Chaeyoung - “Yes I do! Tell me!”

Sana - “Okay…” She leans on to me.


Sana - “Mina’s life is… made of struggle. What I heard is that her father had an affair with another woman after Mina was born. His real wife or Mina’s mom left the house with Mina and started to live at her Parents’ house. Mina’s father didn’t ever try to get her back or contact her.”

Chaeyoung - “Her father-!”

Sana - “Yes. Her Mother threatened him to take this matter to the court. But as her mother was from a poor family, luck was not really in her favor. She lost the case.”

Chaeyoung - “…Then?”

Sana - “Mina’s mom had to fight for survival, for Mina’s future. Somehow she admitted her to a good school. She used to work as Maid in houses to pay the bills for her schooling. But that was not enough… being a maid is not an easy nor a high-paying job… the pressure was slowly piling up.”

Chaeyoung - “…T-then?”

Sana - “Here’s where it becomes sad. One-day Mina’s mom had to be sent to Hospital.”

Chaeyoung - “! What happened to her??”

Sana - “I don’t know for sure… Mina initially thought it was only fatigue and she will be out in not time. But it has been six months since then and she is still admitted there. Must be something serious.”

Chaeyoung - “Oh no…”

Sana - “Now there was no source of income. Only Mina’s Grandpa’s saved pension money was the remaining. Hence someone had to start earning. This time for Mina’s mom as well. Hospital expenditure is costly.”

Chaeyoung - “Y-you mean…?”

Sana - “Yes. There wasn’t any boy in the house. Mina was the only person who had to start looking for job. She had a thing going in ballet. She was well known in the school for it. So Mina made a deal… if she could win this Sixteen, her school would provide her stipend… which will help her tackle the financial crisis.”

Chaeyoung - “Y-you must be kidding me. This was THAT important?! S-she never…”

Sana - “Yes. Every day is a fight to survive. Not only for Mina but her family as well. Even though she does not mention it, this really was important to her.”

Chaeyoung - “T-that Somi!! B-but… now what?! She didn’t win. So what will she do?!”

Sana - “That I don’t know. But I don’t think it will be anything good.”

Chaeyoung - “I…”

Sana - “After her Mom was admitted to Hospital, only her Grandpa and Grandma were there for her. When she came to Korea, she didn’t even have them with her. When I came to know that she came for Sixteen, I went to her room and found that she was not even eating properly… Her room was a mess… her clothes were dirty… My point is she was just living for the namesake.  Every night I used to hear her cry… but was not able to help her even though I knew her. It was you to whom she opened up… for whatever reason it may be. She hardly had people who really cared for her. I am sure that YOU are one who do. Will you help her, Chaeng?”

I clench my fist.

Chaeyoung - “You bet my I WILL!”


Don’t worry Mina. I have your back. I will not let you suffer anymore!

Your good luck charm is coming to save you!

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Chaeluri #1
Chapter 5: I love this story!! Please update soon !
swaglord #2
thank you so sharing!
Chapter 5: Yay update ^^ miss you author nim and OMG my Michaeng heart :)

By the way

No Sana No Life
BearLoves9 #4

Anyways I am so excited for the finale (although we all know how it ends)

Somi being a here (GOD JISOO, she is being a son of a here, but I love her tho)

Anyways always rooting for MiChaeng's relationship ^^
Chapter 3: Oh gosh Somi xD

Thanks again for the update :) I am really loving this storyline
Chapter 3: Somi be the villain.
Chapter 3: Somi is troublemaker again hahaha!!!
Chapter 2: I am really liking this story author-nim ^^ keep it up
Chapter 1: Ms.37 who??