Long OneShot - 3

My Crimson Petal

Third Round, the Sixteen will be decided in my Home City. And boy oh boy, it will be hosted in JYP Entertainment itself. Wow. Maybe some celeb will also come to cheer us on or maybe even judge us. Who knows. Just thinking about it makes me excited for this round!

Chaeyeong’s Mom - “Chaeng! A girl is calling for you.” My mom yells from the ground floor.

Chaeyeong - “Must be Mina! Tell her to come inside, mom!”


I asked Mina to come here, we will go together. I quickly put on my dress and go downstairs.

Chaeyeong - “Where is Mina?”

Chaeyeong’s Mom - “She didn’t come inside, I asked her so many times, but she is still standing outside the gate.”

Chaeyeong - “What? Wh… Ok, I am done anyway.”

Chaeyeong’s Mom - “Your new friend is really well behaved and sweet by the way. I wish your other friends were quiet like this as well.”

Chaeyeong - “I know mom. But what to do, my other friends are devils. Hehe.”


I quickly run out of the house. Mina greets me with a sweet smile.

Chaeyeong - “You didn’t come inside! Don’t you like my house?”

Mina - “You have a beautiful house. I just didn’t want to disturb aunty.”

Chaeyeong - “Come’on. You can always disturb mom… AND me.”

Mina - “I… hehe… okay. N-now let’s go.”

Chaeyeong - “Yes! 3rd round… here we come…. Hey, Mina! Where are you going?”

Mina stops in her way. “Uh? To the bus stop?”

Chaeyeong - “No, I booked a cab.”

Mina - “Cab? But I-“

Chaeyeong - “What?”

Mina - “I didn’t… bring much money.”

Chaeyeong - “Money?? Silly Mina. You brought yourself… that’s enough for me!”

Mina - “E-eh! Eyyyyyyyyyy….” She says shyly. She is so cute. And that line came out automatically. I am such a charmer. Anyway, on to the important topic.

Destination: 41 Apgujeong-ro 79-gil, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Or you can call it JYP Entertainment.


Upon arriving, the first thing we saw is another Electronic Banner. The quote this time round is –

“Welcome to the playground of the Stars.”

I love these quotes. Motivating and Exciting at the same time. The next thing we see is lots of cameramen and reporters near the entrance. Up until now, we haven’t seen anyone covering the auditions. But as we are getting close to Sixteen, finally the news is getting around. I hear that they are talking about some starts being present here. Ooh boy. Things are going to get serious.

All the participants are seen standing in a long queue which winds quite a few times around the premise. Both of us go and stand at the end of it.

But the queue is not moving. Time passes, many more come and stand behind us. The queue grows longer and longer but our positions do not improve.

Chaeyeong - “Excuse me, why are we not moving forward?” I ask the person in front of me.

Random Participant - “Ah, they didn’t open the doors yet. They are preparing the hall for us as far as I heard.”

Chaeyeong -Ahh I see.

I look at Mina.

Chaeyeong - “Looks like we will have to wait for a bit.”

Mina - “Mmm…”

Chaeyeong - “I wonder if JYP himself will be here…”

Mina - “Chaeng?”

Chaeyeong - “Hm?”

Mina - “I was thinking… What did you prepare today?”

Chaeyeong - “Well, I prepared one rap and one ballad. I don’t know what to sing though. What about you?”

Mina - “This will be the deciding round for sixteen. So I will perform my best ballet today.”
Chaeyeong - “You do ballet?? Wow!”

Mina - “Hehe, It’s nothing special. I started doing it early, that’s all.”

Chaeyeong - “So what’s the piece name? I don’t know about them much, but I read in internet that there are names…?”

Mina - “Yes, there are names and styles. Today I will perform Swan Lake.”

Chaeyeong - “Sounds Majestic!”

Mina - “Well, in that dance, there is one Grand jeté, which worries me.”

Chaeyeong - “What the heck is that?”

Mina - “It’s a move where you jump and do split in midair.”

Chaeyeong - “I can’t even do splits on ground… so I kind of understand how tough that would be.”

Mina - “Yea, that’s the main part and sometimes I pull my muscles way too hard.”

Chaeyeong - “You mean there is a chance that you may not be able to do that?”

Mina - “That’s I am afraid of. I need to give my best performance out there, but… if that move fails then so does the rest of the dance.”

Chaeyeong - “Nonsense!”

Mina - “W-what?” says Mina being startled.

Chaeyeong - “You will nail it.” I say with a stern face which makes silence ensue between us.

Mina - “Uh… T-thanks…?”

Chaeyeong - “Besides, you should encourage me instead!”

Mina - “Why??”

Chaeyeong - “You are the one in charge of encouragement!”

Mina - “Who said that?”

Chaeyeong - “You started it first. And today I will also perform my best rap. At least I want to perform the rap instead of the ballad.”

Mina - “Hehehe” Mina laughs. She looks like a mouse… no, a penguin when she does that. “I have something for you.”

Chaeyeong - “What is that?”

Mina - “This is a good luck charm.”

Chaeyeong - “Uh…”

Mina - “I know, it’s just two leaves. But it’s my good luck charm. There is a plant at the place in which I work… Sorry, I mean the place I frequently go to. These leaves are from that plant.”

Chaeyeong - “Is that some special plant?”

Mina - “The owner thinks so. He doesn’t anyone to touch it. But me, I just took these off. I need a lot of luck today.”

Chaeyeong - “Hehe. Keep it safe.”

She tears off one leaf and gives it to me.

Chaeyeong - “You are giving it to me…??”

Mina - “Yes. So that it can shield both of us from the bad luck.”

Chaeyeong - “But wouldn’t that cut the amount of luck by half?” I smirk.

Mina - “Nope, the formula of luck says if you share luck, it doesn’t decrease but increases instead.”

Chaeyeong - “I give up.” I look at the leaf. “Thank you…”


Announcer - “Participants…! Please come forward.” I hear an announcement. They are calling us in.

We walk along the queue and finally enter the JYP Building.

Chaeyeong - “Here we go Mina!”

Mina - “Yes! Fighting! Let’s win this!”

Chaeyeong - “Yeah!”
We are directed to a big Hall. The building is huge, from the outside you hardly fathom its size.

Announcer - “Welcome again Participants. Congrats for emerging as the best 64 contestants in JYP Audition which is by no means, easy. But the road is only going to get tougher. To be the top 16, or to become a SIXTEEN, you need to prove your worth.”

Then he smiles. “By no means I am trying to scare you. Do enjoy the fight and give your best. And also, I have a good news for you all. You can say it’s MOSTLY good.”
Good news? What may it be?

Announcer - “You probably heard of Taecyeon.”

Damn sure I have. Taecyeon is the rapper of the famous boy Group from JYP, 2PM.

Announcer - Well, he is here today.”

90% of the girls present here couldn’t believe what they are hearing. At least it seems like it from their expression. Well, it is no surprise. He is a star and damn good looking. But I knew something like this is going to happen. So I am not that surprised. I look at Mina. I see she shares the same opinion.

Announcer - “That is the good news and the bad news is… He is also a judge.”

Oh boy. Once again, 90% of the girls make the “Oh No what to do” expression. If it’s real or overreaction I don’t know. But once again, I knew it.

Announcer - “Come out here Taec.” He calls him out.
And so he does. This is my first time seeing him from so close. And damn he looks good. Tall, dark and handsome. Not to mention the oozing charisma. The hall erupts in cheers and screams of joy.

Taecyeon - “Hello everyone, it’s great to see such enthusiasm from you guys. I’ll keep it short as we have a huge schedule ahead of us today. Instead of the ‘star’ Taecyeon, think me as your friend today. I want to spend a great time with you guys and I am also expecting some awesome performance.”

With that he shows us the thumbs up and then disappears into the next room through the sound of the applaud.

Mina - “Ready?”

Chaeyeong - “Hm?” I look at Mina. She is opening her shoes. Her leg is so… fine. And her toes also look so slender… this is a ballerina’s toe. “Did you bring another pair for today?”

Mina - “Nah. I will go bare foot.”

Chaeyeong - “Bare foot?”

Mina - “Yes. I will give my best, remember?” She smiles. Man! That was such a cool line. She is fired up and she just made me the same way.

Chaeyeong - “I do. I also remember that I am going to do the same.”

Mina - “Yes! Let’s show them!” We bump our fists together. Now we are ready!

This time I am called first. I mean between Mina and me that is.
Mina - “Gambare.” She says before I go in. Now I cannot lose, right?


After going in, I find the same three judges whom I met on round 2. Only this time there is Taecyeon sitting with them. And there is the cap wearing judge, who smiles as soon as he sees me. It may sound like he is a creep. But that’s not the case probably. Because his smile is different, as if he is really happy to see me. Uh… I think so. Maybe he does the same with others also. Who knows.

Anyway, one of the other judges speak up.

Judge#1 - “Hello again Chaeyeong.”

Chaeyeong - “Hello, good morning.”

Judge#1 - “Good morning. Congrats on making this far. But without wasting any time… do you what is the rule of today’s round is?”

Chaeyeong - “No.”

Judge#2 - “This is judge’s choice round. You will have to perform accordingly.”

Okay, that is a surprise.

Chaeyeong - “… okay.”

Judge#3 - “Now don’t worry too much. We will give you choices, and even if you don’t want to perform any of those it’s okay. But the thing is it is preferred that you do.”

Chaeyeong - “I understand.”

Judge#2 - “Okay, so for you… I think Taecyeon should choose. Taec?”

Taecyeon - “Ah, yeah. Hello.” He is a charmer with that boyish smile. “Chaeyeong, I saw you wrote ‘rap’ in your profile.”

Chaeyeong - “Yes sir. I love to rap.”

Taecyeon - “Hmhm.  Do you know what role I fulfill in my group?”

Chaeyeong - “Yes sir. You too, are a rapper.”

Taecyeon - “Bingo!” He smiles widely. “And that is your task today.”

Chaeyeong - “To… rap?”

Taecyeon - “Yes. Perform the BEST rap you can. Something unique. Impress me.”
He is leaving the key to Sixteen in front of me. My Luck is with me. I can’t let it pass!

Chaeyeong - “Sure Sir. I want to perform a rap that is modified by me.”

Judge#2 - “Modified?”

Chaeyeong - “Yes. I mixed a rap with an alternative rock.”
Everyone raises their eyebrows hearing this.

Taecyeon - “Rap plus alt. rock? Wow. Which songs?”

Chaeyeong - “Alone by Outsider. Followed by Ink by Coldplay.”

Taecyeon - “Outsider?! That’s risky!”

Chaeyeong - “I will try my best Sir.”

Judge#3 - “This is going to be SO MUCH interesting.” The cap wearer says, beaming with excitement. Here we go!



Sang cheo reur chi ryo hae jur sa ram eo di eopt na

Ga man hi nwa du da gan kkeunh I’m eops I deot na

Sa rang do sa ram do neo mu na do geop na

Hon ja in ge mu seo wo nan it hyeo jil kka du ryeo wo


All I know

All I know

Is that I'm lost

Whenever you go

All I know

Is that I love you so

So much that it hurts



I stop, gasping for air. Outsider’s song is classified as speed rap. Huge number of words need to be pronounced perfectly within short time. That is why the judges were worried whether I can do it or not. I think I did good, but I am not sure. I was so focused on remembering the lyrics…

Taecyeon - “Wo...” Another judge nudges Taecyeon. “I mean. Thank you.”

Judge#1 - “I will say at least this. Rapping Outsider is really difficult at its own, but the way you combined Coldplay into it, that is… impressive.”

Chaeyeong - “Thank you.” I bow to them.

Judge#2 - “Please be seated.”


I go back to the hall.

Mina - “How was it?”

Chaeyeong - “Good, I think so at least. Anyway, it is a judge’s choice round.”

Mina - “Judges choice?!”

Chaeyeong - “Yes. But you can perform other than what they say. But it is preferred that you do something they ask.”

Mina - “Hm… that is troubling.”

Chaeyeong - “Nope! Even though I just said that, I know you will do awesome even if you do something they don’t ask.”

Mina - “I…Thanks. Then that is what I will do!”

Chaeyeong - “Huh? What?”

Announcer - The announcer calls out for her. “Miyoui Mina?”

Mina - “Here!” She gets up and looks at me. “Wish me luck, Chaeng.”
Chaeng? That is cute.

Chaeyeong - “Go and show them who’s boss, my Black Swan.”

She blushes. But makes a v sign.


After 20 minutes or so, she returns. Drenched with sweat. She looks SO beautiful like that.

Chaeyeong - “Here you go.” I offer the towel to her.
Mina - “Thanks. I am really sweaty though.”

Chaeyeong - “It seems you did the ballet?”

Mina - “Yes, that was not one of the choices.” She smiles.

Chaeyeong - “W… Really??”

Mina - “Yes. I could have sung and all. But I had to do this!”

Now this is called confidence! Wow!

Chaeyeong - “I can’t lie. I am impressed.”

Mina - “Thanks to you, I stuck to my decision.”

Chaeyeong - “You mean for what I told??”

Mina - “Yes.”

Chaeyeong - “It was risky though. How was the Grand… ‘move’ what is it called…?”

Mina - “Yes, did it.” She smiles widely. “It was not one of the choices. So some marks are already deducted, but I am hopeful.”

Chaeyeong - “They will not dare to reject my Black Swan.”


The deciding hour comes.

Announcer - “Okay. So Taec. I want you to do the honors.”

Taecyeon - “Thanks brother. Before telling out the names of the successful SIXTEEN, I want to say that today, I saw some of the most mind boggling performances that I have ever seen. I can’t even imagine the level these sixteen members will evolve to when they are guided correctly. I am kind of scared of ourselves actually… Hehe. But nevertheless, these girls will surely become the future of JYP and K-Pop itself… and I am happy to say… that future looks AWE-some. For the rest, don’t give up… you were so close. You will get it the next time. And, without further delay… here are… the SIXTEEN!”

  • Nayeon (나연) 
  • Jeongyeon (정연)           
  • Momo (모모)   
  • Sana (사나)       
  • Jihyo (지효)      
  • Natty (나띠)      
  • Minyoung (민영)            
  • Jiwon (지원)     
  • Dahyun (다현) 
  • Tzuyu (쯔위)     
  • Chaeyeon (채연)            
  • Eunsuh (은서)  
  • Somi (소미)       
  • Chaeryeong (채령)
  • Mina (미나)      

Mina is in!! With a performance that was not even a choice from the judges. Wow! I look at her to congratulate her. But instead of jumping in joy, she holds my hand tightly.

I hold my breath. 15 names down. Then is it next time for me…? Just then.

…And of course, Chaeyoung (채영).


I could not control myself. I jump and kiss Mina on the cheek. I think that startled her.

Chaeyeong - “Oh… Sorry.”

Mina - “No…! It’s…fine. Hehe. I am happy! We both Won!!”

Chaeyeong - “Yes!!”
We both hugged each other and jumped around in joy. I cannot believe it. We are the chosen few! We are SIXTEEN!

We will perform in front of JYP Himself next. And other stars. We will have our own show! It will be broadcasted and people will watch it! People will know us! I will be able to express my love for rap and music!

I cannot finish this list.

In a word… this feeling… is AWE-SOME!! One of the happiest moment in my life for sure!


Suddenly someone hugs me from behind.

Chaeyeong - “Yikes!!”

Somi - “You won!”

Chaeyeong - “S-Somi! Y-yes…”

Somi - “I knew it. Now we will be able to be with each other.”

Chaeyeong - “U-uh… yes.” She was a winner too. As if she knew from the very beginning.

Mina - “Uh… if you don’t mind. We are getting late.” Mina says. She knew I was feeling uncomfortable.

Somi - “Hey sis. It’s no issue, she can be a bit late. Who are you anyway?”

Chaeyeong - “She is my friend.” I answer her right away.

Somi - “Hmm.” Then she looks at Mina. “You will be on SIXTEEN also, right? I do NOT like third parties to interrupt me. Remember that from the next time.”

So rude. Then she holds my hands. “See you on Sixteen. Bye bye cutie.”

And with that cringe worthy gesture, she leaves.


Chaeyeong - “I don’t know what she thinks she is.”

Mina - “I don’t know but she is rude as hell.” Mina is obviously angry because of her behavior. And she got insulted by trying to protect me.

Chaeyeong - “Forget her, we won!” I make a cute aegyo expression. Though I am not good at doing it, it makes Mina laugh. And that’s enough.

Mina - “Hehehe …yes we did.”

Chaeyeong - “I am eyeing the final. What about you?”

Mina - “Me too!”

Chaeyeong - “I got your back. Will you have mine?”

Mina - “W-what does that mean??”

Chaeyeong - “That means, being together no matter whatever challenge is thrown against us.”

Mina - “I… yes. Of course.”

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Chaeluri #1
Chapter 5: I love this story!! Please update soon !
swaglord #2
thank you so sharing!
Chapter 5: Yay update ^^ miss you author nim and OMG my Michaeng heart :)

By the way

No Sana No Life
BearLoves9 #4

Anyways I am so excited for the finale (although we all know how it ends)

Somi being a here (GOD JISOO, she is being a son of a here, but I love her tho)

Anyways always rooting for MiChaeng's relationship ^^
Chapter 3: Oh gosh Somi xD

Thanks again for the update :) I am really loving this storyline
Chapter 3: Somi be the villain.
Chapter 3: Somi is troublemaker again hahaha!!!
Chapter 2: I am really liking this story author-nim ^^ keep it up
Chapter 1: Ms.37 who??