Long OneShot - 2

My Crimson Petal

Unread Mail: 1


Dear Ms. Chaeyeong.

Congratulation on passing round 1 of JYP Audition. We will be awaiting you in the next round. Your venue and timing are as follows:


Venue: Smith Auditorium, Jeonju, South Korea

Timing: 9:00 AM


Good Luck.


- JYP Recruitment Team


Now that’s the kind of mail I want to wake up to. 2nd round… it’s time to battle.


I had to come to Jeonju for this. Mom was asking to come with me, but I told not to. I don’t want her to be burdened for this. Finally, she accepted but packed an extra big lunch for me to replenish my strength during the audition.


I had to took the train to get here. I came here once, with friends. So I am not completely unfamiliar with the city, but finding the auditorium sure took some time. I had to ask many people, who had directions opposing each other… anyhow, finally I am here.

“Welcome to JYP. You are on your way to stardom.” Is what one Electronic banner says.


And yes, the crowd still makes me tense. There should be only 256, right?? Why does it look so much?!

I walk up to the reception desk.

Chaeyeong - “Hello, I am here for the 2nd round.”

Receptionist - “Hello. Can you please show your mail and id?”

Chaeyeong - “Yes sure…”

Receptionist - “Ah, thank you. It’ll just take a minute.”


While waiting for the receptionist, I look around. And suddenly one girl catches my attention. Guess who that may be.

Chaeyeong - “Ms. Miyoui Mina!”

That girl stops in her way and looks at me, and smiles.

Mina - “Good Morning.” She walks to me. “Ms. Son Chaeyeong.”

Chaeyeong - “I am surprised you remember my name.”

Mina - “I… if you don’t become angry, I will tell you why.”

Chaeyeong - “Ok. Why?”

Mina - “You…(suppressing laughter)…looked so funny while you hopped all around to see the result that day!”

Chaeyeong - “Yah!”

Mina - “You told you will not be angry.”

Chaeyeong - “Ah…seesh. Okay.”

Mina - “And you found out my name… Why?” she displays an intriguing smile.

Chaeyeong - “The beautiful, famous girl who helped me when I was suffering due to my height… I had to know her name.”

Mina - “I…” she suddenly is taken aback it seems. “…ahem… famous??”

Chaeyeong - “Yes, I saw you when you got selected in 1st round. You were in A2, right?”

“Oh, that… It’s nothing.”

Chaeyeong - “Nope it is. I don’t know what you performed, but you sure made an impact. You are one strong participant.”

Mina - “…thank you.”

Receptionist - “Hello…?”

Chaeyeong - “Oh, sorry.” I totally forgot about the receptionist.

Receptionist - “It’s okay. Your number is 29. Please be seated inside.”

Chaeyeong - “Thanks.”

I took the id and pin it on my shirt. “Did you get yours?” I asked Mina.

Mina - “Yes, mine is 37.”

Chaeyeong - “Whoa! So everyone got their old numbers?”

Mina - “Hmm… you too? Then I think that’s the case…”

Chaeyeong - “What are you going to perform today?”

Mina - “Last time I danced, so this time I will sing something. Change the variety.”

Chaeyeong - “Me too! Last time I rapped, so this time I will dance and sing. We are so alike!”

Mina - “…” she smiles. “…yes, it seems.”

Chaeyeong - “You seem pretty skilled… I am not that sure about myself though.”

Mina - “How did you say that??”

Chaeyeong - “You look like that… I mean there is an aristocracy about you…”

Mina - “No, I am not talking about me. Why are you not sure about yourself??”

Chaeyeong - “Oh… I mean, I am confident. But not sure if my skills will be enough.”

Mina - “Don’t think like that.“
she puts her hand on my shoulder. “You will pass.”

Chaeyeong - “I… thanks.” I smile.

Mina - “Oh sorry… I just…” she quickly retracts her hand.

Chaeyeong - “It’s no problem. Thanks for the encouragement. I will try my best!”

Mina - “That’s the spirit! By the way… I look… aristocratic??”

Chaeyeong - “Yes! You know… like perfection.”

Mina - “Hehe… okay…” she blushed, if I am not mistaken. “We are getting late. We should sit inside.”

Chaeyeong - “Yes, let’s go.”


Time flies as we keep talking about mindless topics, hardly relevant most of the times. I got myself a new friend it seems. Finally, they start the 2nd round.

“Welcome again, are you ready for the 2nd round??” The announcer says like a MC Host.

All of the participants answer with even more enthusiasm. At least one thing is good in this round. In 1st round, the environment was very tense. But here, it looks pretty cheerful. I don’t know why, but it feels better. And also, I suddenly realize that talking with Mina has also freed me of all the tension of 2nd round.

Chaeyeong - “Hey, Mina. Why don’t we share our phone numbers?”

Mina - “S… sure. I was thinking of the same… to be honest.”

Chaeyeong - “In case I don’t get to the next round… then at least I can contact you…”

Mina - “Then I won’t share my number.”

Chaeyeong - “Why?!”

Mina - “You have to promise that you will pass.”

Chaeyeong - “I… I will try. But the competition…”

Mina - “Shh.”

Chaeyeong - “Huh?”

Mina - “I have a feeling we will succeed.”


Announcer - “Number 29, please come forward.”

Mina - “Fighting!” I smile. That pep-ish talk really acted like a booster. I feel like I can. I enter the audition room.

Judge #1 - “Hello again, Ms. Chaeyeong.”

There are three judges in this round as well. One of them, who is wearing a cap, I recognize him from the 1st round. The other two are different though.

Chaeyeong - “Hello. Good Morning.”

Judge #1 - “So, what do you have for us today.”

Chaeyeong - “With your permission, I want to perform Me Gustas Tu by Gfriend.”

All of them were surprised.
Judge #2 - “I… heard that you rapped in 1st round. Now you are performing a track which needs a lot of vocals and requires powerful dancing.”

Judge #1 - “We are not forbidding you, but are you sure you are up for it?” the cap wearing judge asks.

Chaeyeong - “Yes sir, I will try my best.”

Judge #3 - “Okay… that’s good. I like the confidence.”

They smile. “Stage is all yours.”

This song is one of my two trump cards. Tough as hell, but if I can nail it, I will surely make an impression! Let’s do this!


 널 향한 설레임을 오늘부터 우리는

꿈꾸며 기도하는 오늘부터 우리는

저 바람에 노을 빛 내 맘을 실어 보낼게

그리운 마음이 모여서 내리는

Me gustas tu gustas tu

수투두루 좋아해요

Gustas tu 수투루 수투~루…


Sweating and panting, I look at the judges as my performance ends. This was a long one.

There have been a few stuck ups. I could not reach one-two high notes in the middle and I think I missed two steps as well. I don’t know how far they will affect this.

Judge #1 - “Hmmm…” One of them hums.

The cap wearing one still smiles at me, but I don’t understand anything from his expression.

Then the third one tells something to him and he says “Ohkay… So, thank you again Ms. Chaeyeong. Please DO wait for the result.”

Chaeyeong - “Thank you…” I bow and leave.

What did he mean…? I don’t know. Anyhow I go back and take a seat.

Ah, I forgot to bring a towel. Now I will have to sit like this, drenched in sweat. Mina is also not here, probably called for the audition. Like the last round, here also auditioning is taking place in several auditoriums side by side.

??? - “Heyy…” a voice suddenly calls out to me.

Chaeyeong - “Y-yes?” A girl I think of same age as me, participant most probably. She is good looking, but has a smug smile on her face.

??? - “I see you are pretty sweaty.”

Chaeyeong - “Ah… yes, the performance…”

??? - “Uh-huh. And from the looks of it, you didn’t bring a towel, am I right?”

Chaeyeong - “…yes.”

She hands me a towel. “Use mine.”
Chaeyeong - “Ah, thanks but I cannot take that.”

??? - “No, I won’t use that. I have extras.”

I needed to wipe the sweat off. If I don’t wipe it, I may catch cold.

Chaeyeong - “Oh… in that case…” I take the towel. “Thanks.”

??? - “No need. I can always give a towel to a… sweating cutie like you.”

I was taken back a bit.

??? - “Ah, just my style of talking, don’t worry.” She winks.

Chaeyeong -  “Oh…” I smile awkwardly as she sits beside me.

Somi - “I am Somi. You are…?”

Chaeyeong - “Chaeyeong. Son Chaeyeong.”

Somi - “Ah… nice… name.” She says while looking at me… weirdly.

Chaeyeong - “So… uh… are you a participant?”

Somi - “Hm? Yes.”

Chaeyeong - “Is your audition done? How did it go?”

Somi - “Nah, not done yet. I am not worried about this anyhow.”

Chaeyeong - “Why not?”

Somi - “You will know, soon enough. My fight is at Sixteen.”

Chaeyeong - “Wow, you must be good…”

Somi - “Yeah, I am. But that’s not the point. I want YOU to be there.”

Chaeyeong - “Me? I mean I am trying to do the same…”

Somi - “Yes. Try… harder.”

Again that weird tone. I don’t like it. Good thing that someone came right at that moment.


Chaeyeong - “Mina!” I jumped right up and went to her. “How was it?”

Mina - “It was ok. I missed a few notes though.”

Chaeyeong - “You will do fine. Did you have lunch?”

Mina - “Lunch? No, but I have some breads…”

Chaeyeong - “Me too, let’s go to the lockers and bring those here, we have to wait until evening for the result.”

Mina - “Good idea!”

Chaeyeong - “We will go now… it was nice meeting you.” I say to Somi.  I don’t want to stick around her.

She glances at Mina once. “Hmmm… Okay, fine.”

I smile and walk towards the lockers with Mina when… “Hey, Chaeyeong!” Somi calls again.

Chaeyeong - “Y-yes?”

Somi - “You are forgetting something.”

Chaeyeong - “Ah…Oh! The towe-“

Somi - “Don’t worry, give it back the next time we meet.”

Chaeyeong - “…Next time…”

Somi - “I will be waiting for you at Sixteen. Don’t fail.” She winks and leaves in the opposite direction.

Mina - “Who was that?”

Chaeyeong - “Ehm… a friend. Just met.”

Mina - “Nice towel you got there. Looks premium, for a towel that is.”

Chaeyeong - “Uh… yes, that’s hers. I forgot so she lent me.”

Mina - “Oh… okay.”


We walk to the locker. I bring out my huge bag of lunch, filled with mom’s worries and love. And then I look at Mina’s. That’s like… seriously speaking… as if it was not meant for her, but her dog or cat… and she mistakenly brought that. Firstly, it’s small. Next the container is packed in a rug instead of a bag or something similar.

I didn’t say anything even though that’s really weird. I wait for her to open it, and she does.

Chaeyeong - “Only two breads? And ketchup?”

Mina - “Huh? Oh… yes.”

Chaeyeong - “With those, you will fill your appetite?”

Mina - “Yes, it’s enough for me.”

Chaeyeong - “Loads of bull. Here!”

Mina - “What…?”

Chaeyeong - “Help me open this up.”

Mina - “O-okay.”

Chaeyeong - “Now take this.” I hand her a spoon. “Good thing mom gave extra spoons.”

Mina - “Wh-what do I do with this? Eat bread??”

Chaeyeong - “Nope. We will share.”

Mina - “S-share? B-but this is enough for me. No need to-!”

Chaeyeong - “Stop! I command thee to stop talking and start eating.”

Mina - “But-!”

Chaeyeong - “Okay okay, we will share the breads as well. Now start eating.”

Mina - “Y-you won’t like it.”

Chaeyeong - “Bet I will.”


For the next 20 minutes, both of us don’t talk. I took a bread that Mina brought and took a bite. Hmm.

I am sure that she burnt the rest of what she originally planned to cook and found these as leftovers. That’s why she is shy. Yeah, that figures. I won’t embarrass her by saying this though.

Anyway, we go to the hall again after washing our hands and take seats.

Chaeyeong - “So how many left?” I break the silence.

Mina - “Uhh… I think still more than half left.”

Chaeyeong - “What should we do until then…there is no place to roam as well… and anyway… I am also feeling sleepy.” A yawn automatically gets out from my mouth.

Mina - “I understand. That was the most delicious lunch I ate, I am full! I am also feeling the same.”

Chaeyeong - “Really? Thanks. My mom made it.”

Mina - “Hmm. Anyway, you can sleep if you want. I will wake you up when they announce the result.”

Chaeyeong - “And you will keep awake?”

Mina - “Yes. I slept early yesterday.”

Chaeyeong - “Oh… okay then.”


Everyone will say, dozing off beside a stranger you met twice... is not recommended. Especially when you have your id proof and original documents lying around in your bag.

But I did just that. Somehow I knew it’s okay.

Maybe I am stupid. But I fell asleep.


Mina - “Wake up, Chaeyeong!”

Chaeyeong - “Uh-what… what??” I open my eyes half wide and at first it feels like an angel is beside me.

Mina - “They are announcing the result.”

Chaeyeong - “Oh…. Oh! Thanks for waking me up!” I sit right up.

I see the announcer has again taken the stage and two other peoples are hanging one big paper sheet. That’s the result sheet, obviously.


“Thank you once again for participating and waiting so patiently for us. Behind me are the result. Once again, the world doesn’t end if you don’t pass. It just means you need to try again. But your efforts are what makes all of you stand out from the crowd, and we salute you for that. For those who have passed, we will see you in JYP Entertainment House in 3 days’ time. Good luck to all and Thank you.”


Chaeyeong - “Yoohoo!!!”

Mina - “See! What did I tell you!!”

Chaeyeong - “Yes!! You were right.”

I say while holding her hands and jumping around.

Mina - “Now let’s go home and prepare for 3rd. Only that and then we are Sixteen!”

Chaeyeong - “Yes! We can!”

Mina - “We can!”

I bid her goodbye for the day and walk towards the gate. I was thinking about what to do in 3rd round when suddenly I saw Somi standing afar at a corner with a bunch of other girls. She notices me also.

With the same smirk, she shows me something with her fingers.




What… XVI…?

Like…. Roman? Sixteen??

I think so. Okay… what is brewing up here?

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Chaeluri #1
Chapter 5: I love this story!! Please update soon !
swaglord #2
thank you so sharing!
Chapter 5: Yay update ^^ miss you author nim and OMG my Michaeng heart :)

By the way

No Sana No Life
BearLoves9 #4

Anyways I am so excited for the finale (although we all know how it ends)

Somi being a here (GOD JISOO, she is being a son of a here, but I love her tho)

Anyways always rooting for MiChaeng's relationship ^^
Chapter 3: Oh gosh Somi xD

Thanks again for the update :) I am really loving this storyline
Chapter 3: Somi be the villain.
Chapter 3: Somi is troublemaker again hahaha!!!
Chapter 2: I am really liking this story author-nim ^^ keep it up
Chapter 1: Ms.37 who??