Long OneShot - 4

My Crimson Petal

We are Sixteen!

Seven days or Missions as they say here, have already passed like a breeze and we are at the finale.

Instead of going to details, let me summarize this experience called Sixteen. Live audience, tough and unexpected challenges, hardcore competition, tired nights, giving our best. That sums it up in a sentence.


If we go into a bit more details, the program is being held in Gangnam. All of the participants are allotted one of two dorms to stay during the program. It is made like this so that we get habituated with dorm life, just like we will have to be if we get selected by JYP after this.


There are four teams. Major A and B, Minor A and B. But that’s not just a division for the namesake. There is a harsh twist in it. At the end of each mission, 8 girls, who performs better, are sent to major and the rest are minor. Majors have, sometimes unfair, advantages over the minors.

I mentioned about the dorms earlier, right? Well one of them is far better than other. That’s for the majors. The minors are not so lucky. Even in case of procurements, practice timings… Minors are always kept at a disadvantage.

Why this kind of harsh rule, you ask? It is to train us for the unfair times that may come after we debut. Or to train us in such a way so that we don’t let an unfair time come upon us.

Also, at the last, when all the performances are tallied, minors literally mean less points. So being in minor means more chance to be eliminated at finals.

I have been to minor for two times until now. And man, those were not good times. Members in minor always have a tension going on in between themselves there, as everyone tries to come to major.

That’s why all of us fight with all of our might to become or stay as Majors.


About the missions… no, it’s not simple sing dance or rap, as a matter of fact. That we have to do every day additionally to these missions. Sometimes it’s a jacket photoshoot and sometimes running out through street, handing out colored balls to random people. Difference was this was not a variety show, it was a battle.

The dancing and singings also vary a lot. Sometimes it’s a group dance, sometimes it’s 2x faster dance challenge and sometimes you have to sing a song right after hearing it on the day before for the first time.

I struggled a lot like the others, maybe more. It


The participants… Oh man, they are a diverse bunch. And really good, just to get it out of the way.


Nayeon, the elder most girl yet looks and acts like a kid. Rabbit teeth, beautiful, a really good singer. Really Popular as well.  Jeongyeon, another elder member, famous for her boy cut and tomboyish charm. Aggressive, fiery performer. Very good singer and has a leader like virtue in her. Momo, From Japan, is acknowledged to be the best casual/hip hop dancer by most of the participants. Quiet otherwise, but when she dances, it gets HOT1!

Sana, Another one from Japan. Cutesy and Bubbly, has a tendency to trip over everything. She is a really good singer and master of weird skills. Great person to have fun with. Jihyo, Acknowledged by the group as the best power vocal. Chubby yet beautiful. Always smiling and cracking jokes. Got a mature side to her that shows up now and then, making her even more attractive. Natty, The youngest in the group. Yet is here, when people twice as old as her are not. That says it all. Minyoung, another good singer, plays Piano very well. Writes songs. Great at playing Guitar as well. Jiwon, Hmm. Nothing that special that caught my eye. She is an overall good performer though.

Dahyun, in dorm she is like an old lady yet on the stage she is one of the most hyper girls. Rapper like me. Also has good voice. Tzuyu, Called as super maknae. Tall, beautiful, cute and has an angelic voice. From Taiwan. Word is she is already a champion singer there. Chaeyeon, The sportiest of the group. Plays Badminton, table tennis, golf and who knows what. Good Dancer. Eunsuh, great Dancer. Touches our butts all the time. Someone stop her!

Chaeryeong, Chaeyeon’s sister. Sleeps the most among us. Also a food junkie. She is a dancer.

And finally, Somi. Keeps clinging with me and makes me uncomfortable. Good thing the Majors and Minors are also divided in two groups each. Hence I didn’t have to spend much time with her even at times when she was in Major or Minor with me. But apart from this, I have to accept, she is a really good vocal. Knows Taekwondo as well, if that’s a trivia you were looking for.

The other two members are of course Mina and I. But I don’t have to tell about us, right? He he.


Oh, and there is JYP. Man! He is exactly what I expected him to be. Stylish, Funny, Expert at his craft, Skillful… what more to say… my vocabulary is hardly sufficient. He motivates us, reprimands us, gives us useful tips even makes us laugh and wipes our tears when needed. He is like a father figure under whom guidance anyone would love to work.

His judging is also spot on… it’s justified, but sometimes harsh. But I guess it is necessary when you are searching for the next stars of KPop.


The best and the worst moment up to now?


Well I will tell the worst first: As I told, I went to the Minors twice. Mina also went there, thrice. As I have told, Major and Minors were also divided in two groups each. That worked both in favor and against me. It kept Somi away most of the time but it also did the same with Mina. Up to now, most of the time Mina and I spent nights in separate dorm or in separate rooms. One night, she came to our (I was in Major on that day) dorm suddenly and cried her heart out. I was shocked, worried and afraid at the same time thinking what might have happened. Fortunately, it was nothing serious. Jeongyeon, the elder most participant in the Minor that day, had reprimanded Mina earlier that day due to missing steps in dance practice.

I was shocked to see how fragile Mina was… She is an awesome dancer. I hoped that she would be used to this kind of thing, but she was really afraid of failing.

That was the worst moment, seeing her cry. I didn’t know how to help her. I felt helpless. I don’t like that kind of situation.

But Jeongyeon Eonni is not a bad person at all, she also came to our dorm after half an hour hearing the news of Mina crying, to apologize to her. It is not unusual to lose temper when everyone is giving their all. Later both of them hugged and they became even closer friends.


Now let’s talk about the best. There are two.

One, when I saw Mina dance.

Before sixteen, I had only heard of her dance or saw other’s reaction. But here, for the first time I saw it with my own eyes. Man… it really felt like… I was seeing an angel fly in front of me. No matter Ballet or street dance… She nailed it all. At least for me. I also danced with her once, during a group dance battle. There was one step where she and I perform a combination of dance choreo with each other. Every night I see the video of it and smile like an idiot.

The second was, when she cried.

Unexpected, right? That was the worst moment as I have told. But that was also the best for one reason.

When she cried in my embrace, keeping her head on my shoulder, she told –

Mina - “You were the only one I could have come to.”

I don’t know why, but it felt… Really good. I don’t know… only in these few days we have grown so close as if we knew each other since birth.

Am I a bad person for being happy like this? I hope not.


Anyhow, the finales are just a day away. We are at the peak of preparations. I was practicing in the practice room alone, when suddenly Mina comes.

Mina - “Chaeng! You won’t like what I heard.”

Chaeyeong - “What? What happened??”

Mina - “The last round… it will be one vs one!”

Chaeyeong - “One vs.-!”

Mina - “Yes, all the points until now will be added but the maximum score will be given here… it will be decisive!”
Chaeyeong - “Oh no! What if-!”
Mina - “Yes, I am thinking the same thing!”


What if they put me against Mina??


Mina - “I-I...”

Chaeyeong - “I also… don’t know… w-what to do.”

I take a deep breath. “In that case, there is only one thing to do.”

Mina - “What?”

Chaeyeong - “We will give our best like we always do!”

Mina - “Yes, I know! But… how can I… because it’s you.”

Chaeyeong - “It’s the same for me! But… if we don’t give it all, we will not be able to forgive ourselves. The winning will be fruitless if we try to let each other win. And besides, win or lose, we will always be with each other.”

Mina also sighs then smiles. “You are… right. But there is chance that we don’t have to fight each other as well.”
Chaeyeong -
“Yes. I hope that’s the case. How will they decide?”
Mina - “I heard randomly…”

Chaeyeong - “Hmm… Anyway, have to eaten?”

Mina - “No, I will just keep this stuff in my room.”

Chaeyeong - “Okay. I am also done. I am waiting outside, come and join me.”

Mina - “Okay, I am coming.”


There is a big fountain outside our dorm. I wait for Mina near it. I was thinking of what songs to perform and how then suddenly someone back hugs me… Again. And who it could be? Yeah, you guessed it.

“Cutie Pie.”

Chaeyeong - “Hey, Somi.” I say in a dry tone.

Somi - “What are you doing here?”

Chaeyeong - “Waiting for Mina.” I don’t want to extend my conversation with her. I don’t like her, to be honest.

Somi - “Ah, that .”
Chaeyeong -
“Excuse me, Somi. But PLEASE don’t talk about her like that.”

Somi - “Ah, whatever, leave her. Hey hey…” she snuggles up even tighter. “Can you believe this?”

Chaeyeong - “Believe what?”

Somi - “Tomorrow may be the last time we will be visiting together.”

Chaeyeong - “…Yes, no, may be. So?”

Somi - “So… I was thinking what if you lose? How will I feel?”

Chaeyeong - “Maybe you will feel just like I will feel if you lose.”

Somi - “Don’t be agitated baby, what I mean is I was thinking what I would want to do now if tomorrow is the last time we will meet, after when you will go your own way and we’ll part…”

Chaeyeong - “I don’t know… maybe you can treat me with a pizza.”
Somi -
“No, I was thinking more…”

Chaeyeong - “Pizza with coke…?” Just then she kisses me. On the freaking lips. “Mmpph!!” I jump away.

Chaeyeong - “What was that?!”

Somi - “I don’t know. I couldn’t stop myself.”
Chaeyeong -
“Uh… P-Please don’t come close to me…” I say while walking away slowly. But she dashes towards me and catches me in her arms. “W-whoa! What the heck are you thinking!?” I shriek.

Somi - “I can’t help it babe. The way you resist me… it makes all the more interested in you…”
Chaeyeong -
“I really DO want to resist you. Believe me!” I say while desperately trying to get away from her hold. But she is strong. Maybe result of Taekwondo.

Somi - “That was only a kiss… you will LOVE me when you see what more I can do…”

Chaeyeong - “S-stop…”

“Hey!” Just then, at the brink of me being ually assaulted, someone pushes Somi away.

Chaeyeong - “Mina!”

Mina - “Chaeyeong is saying you to stop. So STOP.”
Somi -
“You came to interfere AGAIN!”
Mina -
“Yes, you are hurting her. Are you blind or do you normally act like a molesting creep?”

Somi - “I do molest. I molest es like you…” she clenches her fists. Oh ! Is she going to fight?! She knows taekwondo, Mina can get hurt!

She indeed is planning to fight. She dashes towards Mina to punch her, but Mina swiftly sidesteps. And as I said earlier, there is a fountain. And she(Somi) falls into it.

Chaeyeong - “Nice dodge!”
Mina -
“Hehe, thanks.”

Somi stands up once again, soaked to skin from head to toe.

Somi - “You -!! You dare! That was also my favorite dress!!”

Mina - “You brought it upon yourself.”

Somi - “I will-!”

Just then some security personnel come.

Security - “What is going on here?”

Mina - “Nothing, the lady just fell into the pool. Can you please help her?”

Security - “Oh… yes, sure.” They help Somi to get out of the pool.

Mina - “Come on Miss, I will show you the way towards the changing room.”

Somi - “No need!!” She says in rage, squatting their hands off. Then she looks at Mina. “You don’t know what you did. Remember, you also brought something upon you by doing this.”

What does she mean? Anyhow, she finally leaves.

Chaeyeong - “Thanks Mina. I owe you, again!”

Mina - “We have each other’s back, remember? And I got her back for calling me bad names before.”

Chaeyeong - “Yes! Now let’s have to lunch. She wasted a lot of time. We need to practice.”
Mina -
“You are right. Let’s go!”


It’s the finale day! Today some of us will really reach the stars. I couldn’t sleep well last night, but that was due to excitement. I am rested and ready to rock the stage. It’s afternoon now. Only a few hours left of the finale. I was checking my outfit when suddenly I hear Momo and Natty talking to each other outside.

Natty - “Did you hear? About Somi??”

Momo - “Yeah, I heard she fell into the fountain. So?”

Natty - “I heard it was one of us!”

Momo - “Again, so what??”

Natty - “So?? Do you know her father?”

Momo - “No. Should I?”

Natty - “Yes, he is one of the senior managers in JYP.”

Momo - “Do you mean…??”

Natty - “Yes. Whoever is responsible for doing that, maybe is in big trouble in the final round.”

What?! Really?? So that’s why she was so confident at the auditioning rounds! … does that mean Mina-

I walk towards their room, I don’t know exactly what I should tell her because not much we can do here, but at least I should inform her.


Chaeyeong - “Mina?”

Nayeon - “Oh, Chaengie.” Nayeon Eonni smiles. “She went outside. Good luck for today.”

Chaeyeong - “Thanks, Good luck to you too!”


I walk towards the premise when suddenly I hear a commotion. When I look at the direction I see some people… fighting? No… they are attacking someone… who… WAIT! Is that… YES! It’s Mina!! She is on ground!! Why are they…Who are they!?!

I run with all my might towards them.

Chaeyeong - “Hey!!” I yell.

There were 3 guys and 1 girl who were attacking Mina, as soon as they see me, they run away.

Chaeyeong - “Mina! Mina! Are you alright?!” I say, being scared out of her mind.

Mina - “T-thanks Chaengie! I-I am okay.” She says, covered in dirt and mud, catching her breath.

Chaeyeong - “Did they do anything to you?? Hurt you?!! Tell me!!” I say, searching all over her body for any blood or bruise.

Mina - “N-no, just some bruises.”

Chaeyeong - “God damn it! Where are the security when we need them?! Who were they?!”

Mina - “I don’t know, they just came and started to punch and kick me.”

Just then I look at her knee. The lower part of her knee has turned purple.

Chaeyeong - “Your knee! This looks bad!” Mina shrieks when I touch it.

Mina - “T-they targeted my legs the most it seems.”

Chaeyeong - “! We need to see a doctor.”
Mina -
Chaeyeong -
“Here… hold my hand.” I help her up. She was limping. The leg must really hurt. “Put your weight on me!”

Mina - “Thank you… Chaengie. For coming for me.”

Chaeyeong - “Only if I could come sooner…”


We quickly go to the doctor, who was assigned for us.

Doctor - “How did this happen??” She says after looking at Mina’s knee.

Chaeyeong - “Some people attacked her!”

Doctor - “That’s shocking! Anyway, the knee is badly hurt… it’s not serious and all and it will go away if you take medicine but it will take at least a full day with full rest for it to recover.”

Chaeyeong - “But today is… F-finale!”

Doctor - “I am aware. But… she won’t be able to dance like this.”

Chaeyeong - “! Mina, you need to inform this to the official! Now!”

Suddenly Mina’s phone rings.

Mina - “Hello…” next 5 minutes she doesn’t say anything. Only her face become pale. Then she puts the phone down.

Chaeyeong - “What happened?? Who was it??”

Mina - “N-no one.”

Chaeyeong - “…You stay here. I will be back within 5 minutes after informing the officials…”

Mina - “Wait! Don’t!”

Chaeyeong - “What??” I stop in my track. “Why?! Today is the finale! We have to inform this! You cannot perform in this condition! And this kind of crime cannot be allowed within this place!”

Mina - “Please don’t!” She yells that startles both the Doctor and me.

Chaeyeong - “W-why?...”

Mina - “I will perform today. Just please don’t inform the officials! Promise me!”

I stare helplessly. “W-why!? H-how can you… How can I stay silent after this??”

Doctor - “Mina, I know it is very painful. As a doctor, I am not at all allowing you to perform today.”

Mina - “D-don’t worry doctor. I-I can withstand a little pain.” She jumps down from the bed and immediately shriek.

Chaeyeong - “As if!” I say while helping her stand straight up. I see tears in her eyes. It’s painful… no doubt. Then why is she not letting me talk to the officials??

Chaeyeong - “Mina, I will not listen to you this time! I will inform them no matter what.”
Mina -
“PLEASE! SON CHAEYEONG! FOR ME! Please don’t inform them! PROMISE ME. If you tell them, I will NEVER talk to you again. You will NEVER even be able to contact me again.”

Chaeyeong - “MINA! W-why?? Who called you!?”

Mina - “Just don’t. Please… for me.”

Chaeyeong - “I-I…” I sigh helplessly. “But… how will you… win today like this.”

Mina - “I… will try. You are with me, right?”
Chaeyeong -
“I-I am. Of course. I-I’ll bring some ice and bandage.”


The Finale starts. It’s Mano a mono to reach the top. Everyone was surprised to see bandages on Mina’s knee, but as Mina asked, I couldn’t tell anybody what actually happened. Who on earth called her then that made her so scared?! But what will happen now?? The battles today will be like this:


Nayeon (나연)  vs Minyoung (민영)

Sana (사나) vs Jiwon (지원)

Jihyo (지효) vs Chaeyeon (채연)

Dahyun (다현) vs Eunsuh (은서)

Tzuyu (쯔위) vs Natty (나띠)

Chaeryeong (채령) vs Jeongyeon (정연)

Momo (모모) vs Mina (미나)

Somi (소미) vs Me.


I am not worried about Somi. But Mina is against, who is probably the best Dancer of the group. How will Mina win this with her knee like this?! Can all the points she has gathered until today enough to win this??


The finale starts as soon as JYP Arrives on set.

As expected, the battles are fierce! Everyone’s giving their best and fighting teeth to teeth for a spot among the stars. I am really… unsure of Mina now. Specially after seeing how top notch the performances are today.

Up to Now, Naeyeon, Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jeongyeon Eonni has snatched victory by performing awesomely. Either by Super strong vocals or by fiery unique dancing… they earned their places fair and square. But the next one… it will be unfair.

Chaeyeong - “Mina!... Think again…!” I hold her hands.

Mina - “No Chaeyeong, and now telling would be seen as an excuse anyway.”

Chaeyeong - “But… how will you beat Momo Eonni??”

Mina - “Maybe I can’t… but I just want to say…” she suddenly hugs me tightly. This hug was different. Like… it was tighter… tighter than ever. As if she didn’t want to let go.
Mina - “Thank you for… being with me. If I am in your mind… I am more than happy… I don’t want anything more.”

Then she leaves before I could even answer her. What was that?? What is the meaning of that? I don’t feel so good about it.


But now it’s too late to stop this.

First it’s Momo Eonni’s turn. And as expected, she burns the stage, hands down, with her super powerful street dancing… she is back to her root for this. She is not taking any chance here. I bite my fingers so hard, I accidentally cut myself. How on earth will Mina win this?!

Now it’s Mina’s turn. JYP asks about the bandage, but Mina lies that she slipped in Bathroom! I feel so angry, so helpless. But… please don’t hurt yourself more, whatever you do.

Mina starts with a jumping whirlwind kind of move… well it must have some name in Ballet, but that’s how I can best describe it! How did she even handle the landing with her knee like this!? Wow!  

She is mixing street hip hop as well with Ballet… T-this is good!! Her moves are… terrific. Sharp, perfect!

Woo! Just now she did one vault… nailed it! H-how is she doing this?! I am having the shivers! The crowd is also going wild for her! I-it looks better than Momo! S-she may win this after all! A smile appears on my face just thinking about it. But just then-!


Mina - “Argh!!” Mina falls on the ground, not being able to support herself with that injured knee.

Chaeyeong - “Mina!!” I run towards the stage, the music stops. All the other contestants also run toward her.

“A-are you alright??” I asked worriedly.

Mina - “I-I am okay.” She smiles weakly and tries to stand up, but falls once again. “Uhnnn…”

Jeongyeon - “Mina! Don’t try to move.” Jeongyeon Eonni says. “Your knee is badly injured.”

Chaeyeong - “Mina… please. D-don’t hurt yourself more. I cannot see you like this!”

Mina - “I-I couldn’t refrain myself.” She smiles… but with tears in her eyes. “…It was going so good.”


How can I describe this… that scene broke my heart into pieces. I couldn’t help but cry.

Chaeyeong - “I-I know… come ‘on. You have done your best… I know it!”

Mina - “I-I can still dance…” she says in a broken voice.

Suddenly I see JYP standing in front of us.

JYP - “Sorry, Mina. I feel bad myself to say this… but I can’t let you dance and ruin your knee. Even if this causes you to lose today.”

Mina - “B-but Sir!”

JYP - “Sorry, I cannot, Mina. I have called the doctor, she will treat you. Please go to the infirmary and take rest.”


The result was clear. Unfinished performance. Even if this was unfair, that is the rule. We cannot be unfair with Momo Eonni as well. The doctor comes to the stage.

All the contestants try to console her. But how can she be consoled?? Battered, broken, soaked with tears and sweat, Mina walks away. I wanted to go hug her so tight that she forgets this pain… but I don’t.

Chaeyeong - “Mina! I at least deserve to… know why!”

Mina -
“…Doctor… can you please give me a minute?”

Doctor - “Yes, sure.”
I help her walk to a corner.

Mina - “I can’t tell you who it is… but I want you to do something for me.” She says while panting.

Chaeyeong - “W-what?? Anything! Tell me.”

Mina - “I won’t ask you to win this. Because I know you WILL win.”

Chaeyeong - “M-mina…”

Mina - “I want you to have this…” she hands me a petal… a crimson colored Petal.

Chaeyeong - “What is… another good luck charm?”

Mina - “Yes, this one was given by my Grandpa. He told, whoever holds it, finds the love of his or her life. I want you to attain the love of your life… to be the best rapper KPop has ever had.”

Chaeyeong - “I-I…” My eyes become teary. I take the petal. “I will. Wait for me. I will take the first selfie with you after winning!”

Mina -
“I… Okay…”

Then she leaves, accompanied by the doctor.


Suddenly my sight falls over the contestant seats.

While all the other participants were around the stage now, due to the incident with Mina, only one person was still sitting there. I can bet that this is the person responsible for Mina’s condition.

She already had given hint that something may happen with Mina.

Maybe Mina is not telling the name because she has inside contact within JYP Itself. Was Mina worrying about me??

Yes, it all makes sense.


JYP asks to resume the finale. Only one battle left.


That person walks down and stands in front of me.

“I love you, babe, but I can’t let you win. Unfortunate that it came to this. But we will keep in touch.”

Chaeyeong - “Give it your best shot, Somi… for me, for Mina…” I grasp the crimson petal tightly.


Chaeyeong - “I will beat you!”






And also tell how the story is going on... :)


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Chaeluri #1
Chapter 5: I love this story!! Please update soon !
swaglord #2
thank you so sharing!
Chapter 5: Yay update ^^ miss you author nim and OMG my Michaeng heart :)

By the way

No Sana No Life
BearLoves9 #4

Anyways I am so excited for the finale (although we all know how it ends)

Somi being a here (GOD JISOO, she is being a son of a here, but I love her tho)

Anyways always rooting for MiChaeng's relationship ^^
Chapter 3: Oh gosh Somi xD

Thanks again for the update :) I am really loving this storyline
Chapter 3: Somi be the villain.
Chapter 3: Somi is troublemaker again hahaha!!!
Chapter 2: I am really liking this story author-nim ^^ keep it up
Chapter 1: Ms.37 who??