Chapter 4

My Awesomely Stupid Friend

Chapter 4

Keep getting hurt

Gui half changed her perspective of Aaron after that day, but she still found him a retarded gaybo who flirted with girls too much. The following morning, Gui stared at her timetable. There was one period of Geography, double period of science and then Gui sighed. Why was she looking at all the classes that Aaron was in?

After a while, Gui’s mum dropped her off at her bus stop, and saw her bus was already waiting there. She ran as quick as she could and jumped onto the bus, half hitting her knee on the way. She was quietly howling in pain while showing her bus pass to the driver. She dropped onto a sea and started rubbing her knee; luckily it wasn’t the knee she injured the previous day. After 5 minutes, they were at the stop Aaron got on, except he didn’t get on.

Maybe he doesn’t catch the bus in the morning-thought Gui. She stared out the window for a moment and then saw a figure running for the bus, but he was half limping. It did have a resemblance of Aaron, but why was he limping. Gui stared at the face for a while longer. And then she finally figured out it was him and that the bus was about the leave, without him on it.

“Mr Bus Driver, please stop for that limping person please,” screamed Gui from her seat. Gui didn’t expect it to work, but the nice driver sat there doing nothing waiting for Aaron. He finally made it on, saying thank you, showing his bus pass and then limping to the seat next to Gui. Usually Gui wouldn’t move her bag for random retarded boys in her grade, but since he seemed injured, she relented and shoved her bag on her lap.

It was awkward silence for a while and then finally Gui bursted what she wanted to say out.

“What happened?”

“Glad you finally asked, thought you were heartless for a while there,” replied Aaron, not answering her question.

“But anyhow, I was running for the bus and then I tripped,” he muttered.

“Proud bastard,” said Gui under her breath, half laughing on the inside.

“Look whose clumsy now,” said Gui, and pointed her tongue out to him.

“Knew I shouldn’t have told you, but yes, we all have our falling moments,” stated Aaron. The rest of the bus trip was again in awkward silence, until Aaron saw a giant red spot on Gui’s leg.

“What happened there?”

“Well I was running for the bus then I full whacked my knee against the thing at the side of the doorway.”


“Not as smart as you.”

“What I did was an accident.”

“Well what I did was an accident as well.”

“Well , you hit your knee because you were desperate.”

“And I hit my knee accidently. I’m not emo or anything, and you hit your knee because you were desperate.”

“Yeh but the thing is, you fell and hit your knee, which makes you more stupid.”

“Yeh and you tripped over nothing which makes you even stupider!” said Gui half shouting, then shut up for good, shoved her earphones in her ears, and ignored Aaron. Aaron, being the one that didn’t like to be rejected, shoved his earphones in his ears and turned away from Gui.

The bus finally arrived at school, being 10 minutes late, which made everyone on that bus, which was only like 5 including Aaron and Gui, run to their roll call rooms.
Gui and Aaron were both limping, but they just stared at each other and then full ran ahead, like it was a race. When they ran upstairs, Aaron literally fell into his room and Gui leaned on the door on hers. She pointed her tongue at him one last time, and then walked inside.

The second period of that day was geography again. Gui sighed as she and Hebe walked to the room. She didn’t want to get another detention but she couldn’t really help herself if she had to argue with Aaron all the time.

She sat down, and a minute later, Aaron came in and looked at her. Then he sat down. Gui wrote something on a piece of paper again and passed it to Aaron.

Aaron read it to himself: “Don’t talk to me or do anything to me at all because I don’t want to get another detention.”
This time Aaron didn’t blurt it out to the whole class. “Why would I talk to you? Those girls in front are much better to talk to,” said Aaron.

“Yeh, they love talking to a potato,” muttered Gui.

“So you finally admit I’m a hot potato,” said Aaron, with a grin on his face.

“Pftt, no, you’re a potato, an ugly old wrinkly potato that likes is a retarded idiot,” said Gui.

Hebe, who was sitting sort of behind them, sighed. Here we go again, she thought.

“Is that the only phrase you can use? A retarded idiot?” said Aaron.

“Yes that’s the only phrase I can use because you’re too much of a retarded idiot to deserve another one,” said Gui.

“Yeh yeh whatever,” muttered Aaron, then he started flirting with the girls infront of him, and Gui just ignored him.

During lunch, Gui, Hebe, Ella, Selina, Genie and Rainie were all up at the basketball courts, Rainie, Genie, Selina and Hebe playing basketball while Gui and Ella watched by the sidelines. They weren’t big fans of basketball. On the same court, Aaron and the popular guys were all playing a basketball game. They acted all pro and stuff, but they barely ever shot a goal. Gui was looking at only Aaron, and she didn’t have an idea why. Ella was pulling her around the courts, telling her to take a walk, but Gui just stood on the spot not moving.

“Come one lady, walk, or what staring at Aaron?” asked Ella, giggling.

“WHAT? Why would I stare at that stupid idiot,” exclaimed
Gui, and took a walk with Ella to try and prove her point.
After a walk around the basketball courts, Gui and Ella stood on the same spot again. They were watching their friends play again, and Gui was secretly cursing and psyching Aaron under her breath every time he tried to score a goal. Surprisingly, every time it worked, or maybe Aaron was just bad at basketball.

Suddenly, Aaron’s voice screamed ‘heads’ and before Gui could react, a ball came flying into her head, hitting her… quite hard.'

stuff will happen soon...hopefully
first few chapters blab on about their lives

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hello :) just wanted to say thanks for uploading this fanfic...i wrote this with my friend a few years back and unfortunately it got deleted from my computer and winglin died. so i'm really glad to have found this again and was able to reminisces my teen days haha