Chapter 15

My Awesomely Stupid Friend

Chapter 15

Talent quest and wanna be gangsters

After Calvin’s confession, everything was peaceful, and nothing happened, as only the people playing basketball knew about it.

One day, the Talent Quest came. It was held during classes, so there were no classes.

“Yes. No class” said Gui, as they piled into the gym.

“Wow. That’s a lot of people” said Hebe.

“It’s the whole school. About 700” said Selina

“I wonder who’s going to be in the quest” said Ella.

When they all sat down, the talent quest started.

“Hello, everyone. I would like to say that the talent quest has officially STARTED!!!”

And then everyone screamed.

“Today, we will start from the older grades and get down to the younger ones.”

Soon, it was the people Gui’s grade to perform. There were songs, plays, music and others.

Then, it was the grade younger than Gui’s, Calvin’s grade.
“So first, we have Calvin Chen, on the piano, with a beautiful piece called Why”

The curtains went up, and Calvin was sitting there, in front of the piano. He started playing, and then he sang as well.

When he stopped, everyone applaused, even Gui did.

“Quite good don't you think?” asked Selina.

“Yea. I guess so” replied Gui.

Calvin got up, and bowed.

“I just want to say something to someone in the audience. Give me a chance.”

Then there was hooting and whistling from the audience.

“I have ice cream” he said, holding another 5 litres of icecream.

Someone somewhere else started to scream Gui’s name out.

“Gui Gui. Gui Gui. Gui Gui.” And in the end, she was pushed up onto the stage.


The spotlights were blinding her eyes. Gui turned to look at the audience, 700 people, more or less, was out there, looking at her.

Gui started to get scared and embarrassed.

‘OMG. Don't make me accept him, I don't even like him’ she thought.

The crowd kept saying GIVE HIM A CHANCE!

She couldn’t take it anymore. She pushed Calvin off the stage and went over to the microphone. Clavin landed on Aaron at the front.

“Dude. Get off me. And she’s not gonna give you a chance” and Aaron pushed calvin off him and took the ice cream.

“Do you even know what he’s like? Do you even know how gay he is? Do you even know how retarded he is? He is the most ANNOYINGEST, most RETARDEDEST, most GAYEST IDIOT I've EVER SEEN!!”

The crowd was silent. Gui didn’t know what else to say.

“I don't like him, and I'm not giving him a stupid chance.”

The crowd started booing.

“How am I suppose to give him a chance if I don't like him?”

The crowd was silent. Gui took this moment and ran off the stage.

The host got up onto the stage. “Well, what a fail attempt to get a girl, but kinda sweet.”

Soon, they all filed out of the gym. Aaron ran upto Gui.

“Here’s your tub of ice cream” he said.

Gui took it. She didn’t say anything. She seemed sad.

“What’s wrong?”

“I feel, weird. Kinda guilty”

“Don't worry. It’s normal. You don't like him.”

Gui walked off.

After school, she went wandering around outside the shopping centre. She was wandering, and wandering and wandering,

She sat down on a wooden bench. Then there was a flashback in her mind.

It was the same bench she and Aaron sat on when she was fixing his nad after his fight with Calvin.

She smiled at the thought.

Then 2 fail wanna be gangsters approached her.

“Hey girly, you wanna come and play with us.”

“Leave me alone”

“Come on. It’ll be fun”

“I said leave me alone” and she stood up to walk off, but they wouldn’t give up.

“Come on” and this time, one of them held onto her wrist. Immediately, she flung his hand off, but they still didn’t leave her alone.

At this time, Aaron was walking and saw the 3 over by the wooden bench. He ran over to them and pushed the other 2 to the ground.

“You pushed me.”

“And me” then the 2 wanna be gangsters looked at each other, then screamed out “GET THEM”

Immediately, Aaron held onto Gui’s hand and they ran for their lives. They did not dare to look back.

They kept on running and running and running, until Gui tripped and grazed her knee.

“Are you ok?” asked Aaron.

“Yea” and Gui stood up. “OWW”

“You must have twisted your ankle.”

Aaron got lower and had his back towards her.

“What are you doing?”

“If you can’t walk, then I’ll piggyback you” and Gui reluctantly hoped on.

Aaron seemed to walk especially slowly. ‘I wish time would freeze’

Gui seemed to be quiet. ‘I wish time would freeze’

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hello :) just wanted to say thanks for uploading this fanfic...i wrote this with my friend a few years back and unfortunately it got deleted from my computer and winglin died. so i'm really glad to have found this again and was able to reminisces my teen days haha