Chapter 13

My Awesomely Stupid Friend

Chapter 13


Chun was the ordinary popular guy, who liked to play basketball, and was adored by girls. He was nice to everyone, and talked to nearly anyone, if he felt like it. The end of the year was approaching, nothing much happening between Gui and Aaron, they kept away from each other these days. Like any ordinary maths lesson, everyone would come in and sit where they usually sat, but for some reason that day, someone sat in Gui’s spot, so she went and sat next to Chun. She liked him as a friend, he was really nice.

Gui usually sat next to Hebe, who concentrated on her work, and so Gui did as well and they always finished their work that very lesson, but since Gui was sitting next to Chun, they just talked. Gui looked at Chun’s pencil case. It was a pattern of an anime Gui loved watching. She grabbed the pencil case and looked at it, commenting on how cool it was.

“Yeh, I stitched it myself,” said Chun proudly. Gui stared at him blankly.

“As if man, you did not stich that,” she said, and laughed.

“I did,” he protested.

“But…but you’re a boy,” muttered Gui.


“And…boys don’t stitch,” she said.

“Such a stereotypical person,’ said Chun. Gui poked her tongue at him.

“Fine, if you can stitch better than me, then you win,” said Chun, smiling.

“Fine,” agreed Gui, and then she realised what she had just agreed to. She couldn’t even stitch. She had no idea what she was going to do, but she hated looking bad in front of other people, so she couldn’t just say no to Chun.

“What happens if I win?” asked gui.

“I don’t know…but you won’t win,” said Chun evilly.
Gui was still wondering what she should do for the stitching thing. Then she remembered something about this stitching thing Ella and Selina did, so after maths lessons, she went to Selina and asked her.

“Why do you need it?” asked Selina curiously.

“Cos Chun said he could stitch but I don’t believe him and now we’re in a competition which I sadly agreed to,’ explained Gui.

“Idiot,” said Selina, but agreed to help Gui anyways.


Aaron was sitting down with Chun at the place where they usually sat, with all the popular people. He had an urge to ask what he and Gui were talking about throughout the maths lesson, but he didn’t, he didn’t even know why. Maybe it was because Gui kept ignoring him, but he was still clueless of what he did, and he still had a crush on Hebe, which he didn’t know why.

“Aaron?” asked Chun, waving his hand in front of his face, after screaming his name ten times.

“Huh” said Aaron as he looked at Chun.

“Aye, don’t worry,” muttered Chun.


After a few days, Gui asked Chun for his stitching.

“Ok, show me.” Demanded Gui, having the dreadful feeling that he could actually stitch.

Chun pulled a small piece of material out of his pocket and shoved it in Gui’s face. On it was a weirdly stitched apple.

“Show me yours,” he said. Gui slowly put Selina’s stitching in his hands. He stared at it for a while.

“I still win,” said Chun.

“Mine is way better than your stupid apple,” mocked Gui.

“What’s up here?” asked Aaron, a he suddenly walked into their conversation. Gui stared at him for a bit.

“Aaron, whose do you think is better?” asked Chun. Aaron looked at both of the stitching’s.

“Gui’s of course,” said Aaron subconsciously.

“Mine is way better than hers,” complained Chun.

“HA! Take that dude” said Gui smiling.

“You probably only spent five minutes on your,” said Aaron to Chun.

“Well…that’s sort of true,” muttered Chun.
Gui was thinking for a while. Maybe she should talk to Aaron again. She didn’t know. He was just so clueless sometimes.

“I win then” said Gui happily.

“That’s not fair,” demanded Chun, and then he and Gui started making excuses of why they should win. Aaron was standing in the middle of them. For some reason, he felt a little bit envious of Chun. For some reason…

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hello :) just wanted to say thanks for uploading this fanfic...i wrote this with my friend a few years back and unfortunately it got deleted from my computer and winglin died. so i'm really glad to have found this again and was able to reminisces my teen days haha