Chapter 3

My Awesomely Stupid Friend

Chapter 3


Today was detention day at lunch. Gui still couldn’t get over the idea she had got into detention because of that gaybo who killed her chips, and he still hadnt bought her a new pack.

They had geo just before lunch, and Gui had to sit next to Aaron. Gui did not want to get another lunchtime detention before the first detention even started, so she listened in class and was a good little girl.

Aaron was still flirting with the girls in front of them.

‘What a flirt. He thinks he’s the prince of this school. But he’s just some ugly old gaybo.’

Aaron suddenly saw Gui looking at him with a disgusted look.

“What? You jealous?”

“Me? Jealous? Of what? Your ugly face?”

“Ngaw, it’s so cute when your angry” he said, teasing her, and Gui went red.

“AHAHAHA. You think id call you cute. They(pointing to the girls infront) are way cuter than you.” and Gui got angry again.

‘Stay calm. Stay calm. I do NOT want to get another detention’ she thought.

That lesson passed by with a lot of flirting from Aaron. Then they both had to go to detention.

They waited by the door to the detention room. A teacher unlocked the door let them inside of the class. Besides them, there were only a few extra students that they did not know.

“Good Afternoon and I am the detention teacher. Please take a seat and be quiet until lunch ends. ”

Gui sat next to the wall and Aaron sat next to her.

“Why are you sitting next to me?” she hissed.

“You’re the only one I know in here” and she let him be.

The next 10 minutes were painfully silent and boring. The was reading a book and his face was behind it. Then all of a sudden, the book slipped out of his hand and you could see his chubby face leaning on his arm. He was asleep.

“AHAHAH, HE’S ASLEEP. What kind of a teacher is he” said Aaron.

“This time I agree with you. He looks like a pig. A really fat one.”

“No. He looks like a really fat ape.”

“A pig”

“An ape”

“A pig”

“An ape”

And then Gui and Aaron started arguing. They argued about this and argued about that.

Soon Lunch was over and they went back to class. Soon school ended too and they went home.

Gui caught the bus home. She her Ipod and started listening to her music. Just as the doors of the bus was about to close, Gui saw a boy who she knew running towards the bus. He had just jumped onto the bus as the doors were closing.

He saw Gui but didn’t sit next to her, instead he sat in the seat behind her.

“Hey Gui, I never knew you caught this bus.”

“I never knew you did.”

“We moved houses recently. I get off 2 stops before the shopping centre. You?”

“I get off at the shopping centre” she said without facing him.

The trip home was silent, until Gui got off. As she got off, Aaron got off too.

“I thought you said you got off 2 stops before the shopping centre.”

“I do. But I have to take you somewhere first. Come on” and he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the shopping centre.

“Let go!!” she yelled and she tried to uncurl his fingers wrapped around her wrist. She tried several times but still failed. ‘He’s quite strong’ she thought.

After she realized he was too strong and would not let go, she started hitting him. “Let go!! Let go!! Or I’ll scream!!”

“Aren’t you already? Besides Gui, I’m not going to hurt you” so she walked with him to wherever he wanted to lead her.

Eventually, they ended up infront of an icecream shop.

“ICE CREAM!!” she yelled and ran to the bench displaying the icecream behind some glass. She saw all the different flavours of icecream there.

“Yep. Pick one. I’ll buy it for you.”

“You? Buy it for me? ”

“In return for those chips I dropped. After you eat the icecream, we’ll be even.”

“If you owe me, then I’ll eat extra.”

Gui and Aaron sat down at a table outside in the sun, facing each other. There was grass and a playset with not many people. Gui had chosen Triple choc chip and Aaron had chosen Vanilla.

Gui started to eat her icecream in a cone.

“You got some icecream on the corner of your mouth” said Aaron.

Gui tried to it but couldn’t reach. Then Aaron leaned closer and helped her wipe it.

“You’re such a pig.”

“Then what about you” and Gui held Aaron’s hand and smeared some of his own icecream onto his own face.

“You’re so dead” and he started chasing her.

After, they had both eaten, they decided to go and play on the play set. They chased each other and scared each other.

“OWW” Gui had slipped off the playset and landed on the gravel with her knees and hand on the ground.

Aaron cam over and helped her up. They sat on the side and Aaron tended to her wound. He cleaned the wound and put bandaids over it.

“Does it sting?”

“Of course it does. You try slipping off landing on your hands and knees.”

“Gui, can I ask you a question?”

“Yea sure. What?”

“Why are you so clumsy?”

“Hey!!” and she started hitting him.

Eventually, the sun started to set and Gui had to go home, so did Aaron.

“Gui, I gotta go now. Cya tomorrow. And we’re even”

“Ok” said Gui with a smile. “Bye”


As gui was walking home, she saw the beautiful sun setting and the colours it brought to the sky with it. She could still taste that sweet taste of that Triple Choc chip Icecream in .

“That Icecream was really nice. I wonder when Ill eat it again.”

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hello :) just wanted to say thanks for uploading this fanfic...i wrote this with my friend a few years back and unfortunately it got deleted from my computer and winglin died. so i'm really glad to have found this again and was able to reminisces my teen days haha