Chapter 5

Destiny's Way

Chapter 5

Basketball Courts

@ninjacow, thanks ~ enjoy this one :)

@lalala, they will be happy forever ;)

@GL<3, hahahaha, on a high *_* hehe enjoy this one!

@sweetgguuii, ikr guilun rules !

@Guilun_LOVE, enjoy this one!

@Bubble, LOL, chill, here it is? See how fast I am? ;) hope you like it!

@Joly, hiiii :) hope you like this update!

@secretlyn, hiiiii, enjoy this one :D


They were all at the airport. There were tears and laughter. One of Gui’s best friends, Selina, was flying off to England to study aboard. She was going for 5 years. Gui didn’t know how she was going to survive. Selina always gave her the best advice, and always stayed by her side no matter what.

“Good Luck!” shouted Gui.

“I’ll be fine!” replied Selina, comforting Gui, as tears came dripping down her face.

“Take Care,” said Gui, sadly, “I’ll miss you so much.”

“Me too,” replied Selina.

Ella was getting emotional as well. Selina went over to her parents and embraced tightly, and bid goodbyes and so on.

Soon, the loudspeaker went on and made an announcement.

“Could all passengers going on the flight LO889, to London, England, make your way to the passenger gate and if you haven’t checked out, please hurry up and do so, the plane will depart Taiwan in an hour,” announced the guy over the loudspeaker.

Selina gave all her family and friends one last hug and headed towards the passenger gate. They were all waving their goodbyes til she was out of sight. Gui sighed, at least she had Ella and Hebe by her side. The next day was also a new beginning for her, the first day at Taipei Uni, she hoped to make new friends and have a blast.


Gui set her alarm extra early, so she could get there early and have a fresh and bright start. She had agreed to meet Ella and Hebe, near the front of the uni. After a bit, she arrived at the uni, after catching a bus. There weren’t much students and she realized she had arrived half an hour early. She observed the uni, and it was so big, almost ten times as big as her high school. There were tennis courts, swimming pools, basketballs and all sorts of different centres and audiotourims. No wonder it was no. 1 in Taiwan. Suddenly, there was someone next to her. She looked up smiling, hoping to socialize and make a new friend, but it was Aaron, her heart went crazy. He was as handsome as ever, his fringe covering a part of his eye. And those shiny and sparkling eyes she had loved. He just stood next to her. Gui felt really nervous, as it had been a long time since they had really spoken. Finally, he spoke.

“Pretty cool right?” he said.

“Yeah…it’s really nice, so much stuff and the lakes really beautiful too and all the scenery,” replied Gui, gesturing.

“Yeah, and the basketball court is really awesome, apparently its way pro,” said Aaron. He was a fan of basketball.

“I’ve never been into sports and stuff, but it looks pretty good,” stated Gui.

“There aren’t much people up there, c’mon, let’s go up there and play a bit!” said Aaron.

“No its fine,” replied Gui, quickly.

Aaron didn’t respond and pulled Gui up to the basketball courts. He spotted a couple of guys that looked around the same age as him, having a game of one on one basketball. He strolled up to them, pulling Gui along with him. The boys stopped when they saw Aaron approach and gave him a friendly smile.

“Hey, are you a first year as well?” asked the stronger looking guy.

“Yeah, my names Aaron Yan,” replied Aaron, confidently.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Wu Chun, but just call me Chun,” he replied.

“I’m Jiro Wang, nice girlfriend you got there,” joked Jiro.

Gui answered before Aaron could protest.

“I’m Gui Gui Wu, and I’m not his girlfriend,” replied Gui, cheerfully.

“Okay, we’ll see about that later, hey dude, you wanna play?” asked Jiro.

“Sure,” replied Aaron, then he turned to Gui, “You can just watch or whatever.”

Then, Aaron, Jiro and Chun started shooting hoops and passing the ball. Gui sat by the sidelines and watched Aaron dreamily. The way he moved, and the look of determination on his face, even though it wasn’t a proper game. She was in a lovely daydream, then got interrupted by a voice.

“Lady, you agreed to meet me in the front, and why the hell are you here?” asked Ella.

No reply. Ella noticed that Gui’s eyes were all dreamy and staring at something in particular. Ella followed her gazeline and realized what she was staring at. Ella whacked Gui’s head and Gui ‘woke up.’

“What was that for?” asked Gui, in a half day dreamy tone.

“You were staring at Aaron huh?” questioned Ella, “Well, I reckon that guy that has the ball now is pretty decent.”

“You mean Wu Chun?” interrogated Gui.

“How do you know them?” asked Ella, shocked.

“Because I am purely awesome,” replied Gui.

Before they could talk any further, Calvin appeared.

“Hello, Gui, you look nice today, and hey Ella,” said Calvin.

Calvin was creepy indeed.

“Oh hey,” replied Gui, rather uncomfortably.

Soon, some older students came. Many girls as well. They started giggling and pointing at Aaron, who had just done an epic slam dunk. All the girls ran over to him, complimenting him and even attempted flirting. His looks would sure charm all the girls in the world. He just smiled and glanced at his watch. It was nearly time for the first years to go to the auditorium. Aaron, Jiro and Chun walked over to Gui and Ella. The introductions took a few moments.

“C’mon, let’s go, it’s about to start,” he said to them all, and he held onto Gui and pulled out of the basketball courts along with the rest following. Gui’s heart was once again beating, as his hand was ‘pulling’ onto hers. His grip was strong but secure. He made sure Gui didn’t trip over. The senior girls shot her jealous and deadly looks, but were squealing at the same time. Being the casual one, Gui poked her tongue out at them and the girls got more furious, but she didn’t seem to care. The fact that they guy she had loved for a long time was half holding onto her hand was good enough for her. And they headed off to the auditorium, with a dreamy look pasted on Gui’s face.


Thanks for all the comments :) hope you guys can keep it up ~
By the way, this is actually a co author story, and we totally forgot to mention! But we hope that you guys will still continue to support us :)
We also wanna advertise a fanfic:
Fates Path.
Please check it out if you have time, it’s a guilun!!!
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