Chapter 3

Destiny's Way

Chapter 3

Letter Confession

@GL<3, sorry about the mess…

@Guilun_LOVE, enjoy this one :)

@Bubble, meh this better not make youse depressed…


It’s been a month already and Aaron and Gui had gotten closer, they’d sometimes hang out at school and would walk home together every day. Gui realized she was truly in love…for the first time. Those uneasy feelings of heartbeats and confusion. She knew she was in love and she couldn’t bear hiding these feelings any longer. Gui decided to confess by a love letter.

“Bye Gui! Tomorrow, I’ll wait by the convenience store, then we’ll go to the new chicken shop that opened just around the corner,” said Aaron happily in the elevator.

“Yeah sure,” replied Gui, nervous.

She had planned that today was the big day.

“My treat alright?” asked Aaron.

“Ok then,” answered Gui.

The lift stopped outside level 14, and Gui and Aaron bid goodbye. Little did they know that after today, they weren’t going to make eye contact nor talk for a long time…


“Gui, go and buy some bread! I just realised we don’t have any more!” shouted Gui’s mum from the kitchen, right after dinner.

Gui was just planning to go out anyway.

“Alright!” she replied as she put the shiny red envelope in her pocket. The envelope was small, so it fitted perfectly. She went out, bought the food and instead of going to level 14, she went to level 15 instead. The next thing Gui knew was she was standing outside the apartment door of Aaron’s and his family. She took the envelope out, stared at it for a while, took a deep breath and knocked on the door. In a flash she ran away back to her apartment.


“Aaron, go and open the door! I’m doing the dishes!” yelled Aaron’s mum.

“Alright!” said Aaron, as he trudged to the door and opened it lazily. There was no one there. Strange thought Aaron. He was about to close the door when he noticed a little red envelope lying there on the ground. It said in neat cursive writing, “Dear Aaron.” What the hell? Thought Aaron in his head. He stuffed the envelope in his pocket and headed back in.

“Who was it?” questioned Aaron’s mum.

“No one was there, probably a prank or wrong apartment number,” replied Aaron, as he headed towards his room.

The instant he arrived in his room, he took out the envelope and began to observe it. It was neat, and there was pretty silver glitter. What could it be? He slowly opened the letter, a little nervous and began to read:

Dear Aaron,
I know this is gonna seem really weird and cheesy but I really can’t say it to you face to face. So here it goes…it has been really awesome getting to know you and being buddies. I really cherish our friendship. But there is something I have to confess, let out…
From, Gui Gui Wu

Aaron dropped the letter in shock. How could this be happening? How was he going to act around her? He was only 14, he knew he shouldn’t be dating, and he had never loved a girl before in his life…and he wasn’t planning to until he found that ‘special someone’ but Gui was indeed one of the most special girls he had known…but it didn’t mean he loved her did it? He wasn’t ready for this kind of thing. How could one letter ruin their friendship? How was he going to face Gui tomorrow?


Gui was running late, she hardly slept the previous night because she was worried, nervous and excited at the same time. Was she just maybe get accepted and have a really handsome and smart boyfriend in the next 5 minutes, she thought dreamily in her head. Was it possible? The elevator door opened and she slowly walked to the convenience where Aaron had said he would take her to the newly opened chicken shop. No figure was to be seen. Maybe he was late thought Gui, hopefully and optimistically. After 10 minutes, no one turned up, she had no choice, but to run to school as it was going to start in 5 minutes anyway. She made it just in time.

“Yah, why you look sad?” asked Selina worriedly, as she observed Gui’s expression and realized she wasn’t he usual self. Gui didn’t tell them about the confession.

“I’m fine, just had a nightmare,” replied Gui, yawning.

Before they could continue talking, their strict teacher came in, and all the chattering had come to an end for the next 55 minutes.


“What do we have next?” asked Gui, as she opened her locker.

“Music,” replied Ella.

“Okays,” said Gui, as she took out her music folder from her locker. “WHAT? We have music?” Gui shouted surprised. Aaron was in that class.

“Yeah, isn’t music you’re favourite subject because of you-know-who?” asked Selina, winking at Ella.

Gui ignored them and stumbled off to class, daydreaming again, when she tripped on someones foot in the packed corridors. She had the slightest hope, that just maybe, a pair of strong arms would catch her in time…but she landed flat on her face. She groaned, as people walked past her, laughing. Selina and Ella quickly came over and took her to sick bay. In minutes, her nose had a big bandage and she looked like a mummy. She was embarrassed.

“Sorry, miss, we’re late, Gui Gui broke her nose,” said Ella sarcastically.

“Alright, girls hurry up and take a seat,” replied the teacher.

On the way, Gui spotted Aaron, looking cool as ever, she gave him a small smile, but he didn’t seem to notice at all. He just stayed calm, throughout the whole lesson, where they were learning about parts of guitar. Gui was very sad, her eyes were fixed on him, for the whole period. Selina and Ella noticed this, but thought it was best not to ask questions.


By the end of the week, they didn’t even say a word to each other. Gui knew this was over, she would probably in her whole life, never be able to talk to the one and only Aaron Yan. She told herself to move on, like what she did to the million previous guys she had crushed on. How come she moved on to liking someone else so easily before? How come she still had eyes for Aaron? Was this something destiny had set up for her? It was all over, she repeated in her head…


Enjoy this one :D
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