Chapter 17

Destiny's Way

Chapter 17

First Kiss

@Bubble, yesh ^^ im sad too. This is the last two chaps. I hope you have enjoyed it :)
@=), hope you like the ending :D
Calvin sat down at a park bench. Hebe came along and sat down as well. They were next to each other with a space in between them.
“You liked Aaron, I liked Gui, but in the end, we get nothing,” said Calvin, and he sighed.
“Yup, we’re such fails eh?” stated Hebe.
“I guess it was going to happen one day, and I knew I was always waiting for it,” said Calvin.
“And I should’ve known that Aaron liked Gui. I feel…stupid. Well at least my guilt has gone since they are together now happily,” said Hebe.
They sat there for a long time chatting and talking. This was the first time in their lives which they talked to each other for such a long long time.
“Aaron, can you like read the book and tell me what happens, I hate reading,” complained Gui, but Aaron just stared at her and shook his head.
“You know, I love reading, and things like that, but I won’t do your work for you lady,” said Aaron.
Gui stuck her tongue out at him.
“So cute when you do that,” and he pinched her cheeks, him ending up being whacked.
“So where are we going today afternoon?” asked Gui happily.
“You’ll see, you’ll like it a lot,” said Aaron mysteriously and Gui just smiled excitedly at him.
That afternoon, instead of walking home with their friends, Aaron and Gui caught a taxi and they arrived at this wonderful place. It was so pretty and interesting, and it made Gui’s eyes sparkle. Every direction she looked, she saw all these awesome things.
Gui started half drooling, staring at all the food there were. There was chocolate mud cake in one direction, the very brand that she liked, different kinds of chicken in another, chocolate bars in another direction, and right next to them was a bread shop.
“This is a cool place that I went to once. It’s like a plaza for food, come on, let’s go eat, I’ll pay for everything,” said Aaron.
“Well then you don’t know how I much I eat,” said Gui happily, and she pulled him in a million different directions until they came up to the perfect shop.
“There’s yummy bread as entree, chicken and rice as main course, and mud cake for dessert,” exclaimed Gui, staring at the window, and Aaron pulled her into the shop.
“We should’ve brought Ella and Chun along, they’re food lovers,” said Gui.
“You do realise this is sort of a date,” said Aaron.
“Well then next time we come as a whole group,” said Gui, and Aaron nodded his head.
Inside the shop, they sat down and there was a nice view of the nearby river. The shops in the food plaza were pretty high class.
The food came and Gui started eating straight away, gobbling everything up as quick as possible.
“Slow down lady, don’t need to eat so fast,” said Aaron, laughing at her.
She glanced at him, then continued eating.
After their nice meal, Gui called her mum saying she’ll be home late. Aaron was going to take her to another place, Gui hoping it wasn’t another food place because she was so full.
They arrived at a theartre, and met a guy.
“You got them mate?” asked Aaron, who knew him.
“Haha, yes bro, here, two VIP big bang tickets next month. I tried very hard to get them, but luckily our boss likes me so much,” said that guy.
Gui stared at Aaron. Her jaw dropped open.
When they left and was outside the big theatre, Gui started dancing about.
“OMG OMG OMG!” screamed Gui. She tried calming down but she couldn’t. This was Big Bang, the once in a lifetime opportunity to meet them.
Aaron laughed at her, and they walked around the streets together, hand in hand.
The next day was like any other day. Aaron and Gui were happy, and they walked to school together chatting with their friends.
“So you guys are so cheesy these days, always holding hands, smiling at each other and blushing,” stated Chun, “Me and Ella are so normal.”
Everyone else laughed.
“Yeah. Well we’re a couple. That just shows we’re a stronger couple. What else would you expect?” asked Aaron, grinning at Gui. And her face turned tomato red.
“How about...a kiss?” shoputed Jiro.
Everyone cracked up laughing while Gui tried to escape, but aaron was holding onto her hand tightly.
“Why not?” questioned Aaron.
And without hesitation, he leaned forward and kissed Gui. Her eyes widened in shock, but she didn’t push her away. After all, it was her first kiss and from someone who she knew that really loved her. He let go and smiled at her sweetly while all their friends were cheering and the crowd was shouting for another one. He leaned and whispered in her ear.
“I love you.”
Gui smiled, as if there was no tomorrow.
“ANOTHER KISS. ANOTHER KISS,” chanted the crowd, with Jiro in the lead.
Aaron looked at Gui, and smiled, that charming smile. Gui stared up at his charming fringe, the one she had admired for so long. He leaned forward and the crowd went mad. Then he gave her a peck on the forehead. He held her hand, and they walked away, leaving the crowd disappointed.

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