Fear and Fate

Begin Our Story Again
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11 years ago

Junmyeon held the wooden frame in his hand. He can’t help but smile at the picture of his family. They were perfect. It was just him being hugged by his mother and father. Well, late mother as for now.  His parents divorced when he was nine and he had been living with his mother the whole time. His dad? Does he even have a dad?

Junmyeon’s mother passed away 2 weeks ago. If you ask him, he had seen this coming. After all, cancer is not something can be easily cured. He was contended in living alone. The money his mother left for him was more than enough. But when his father showed up in front of his doorstep on a Sunday morning, he knew he had to begin a new life. A new life with his father.

He was excited. He really was. After not receiving any love from his father for 8 years, he would easily forgive his father. But when he arrived at his father’s house (more like mansion, he never knew his father was this rich), a woman carrying a baby in her arms greeted him. Now he felt like an outsider came crashing into a stranger’s home.


A woman’s voice which belongs to his stepmother had brought him back to his sense. Putting the wooden frame back on the nightstand, he stood up from his bed and peeked outside his room. “Yes, Victoria?”

The woman wearing a black silky robe turned around and her face morphed into a happy grin. “There you are, honey! Your friend is expecting you downstairs.”

“Okay…” Junmyeon replied softly before heading down the stairs.

“Oh and don’t forget to have your breakfast before you go! Invite your friend too!” his stepmother shouted from upstairs.

It was unnecessary really. He just wanted to get out of this house. Victoria is definitely a generous woman. She’s way younger than his father is and Junmyeon can see why his father is attracted to her. Sometimes, he thinks that his father had a for Victoria’s Mandarin. It didn’t bother Junmyeon that she was Chinese.

Victoria had been trying to make Junmyeon feel like home but the problem was Junmyeon was scared. Aren’t stepmothers supposedly to be scary and only nice to you in front of people?

Sometimes, he wished his step mother would show that she is indeed cruel, so that Junmyeon won’t be confused all the time in the house.

He was too deep in his thoughts that he missed a step at the bottom of the stairs. Before he could tumble on the floor, instead, he falls onto someone’s chest. A pair of strong arms wrapped around him to prevent him from falling.

“Woah easy there, Jun.”

Junmyeon registers the familiar voice and he craned his neck upwards to find his best friend smiling down at him. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around the taller’s shoulder and hug him so tight. “Taecyeon! Oh it’s so good to see you!”

“It’s been what, only 10 days since you last see me? Your clingy is getting worse, Jun”

“Ugh fine, go, go I don’t even need you here anyway” Junmyeon pouted and turn his body to leave. Chuckling, Taecyeon manage to grab Junmyeon’s hand and drag him to the door. “I’m just teasing you, Jun. I miss you too! Now let’s go for a walk.”

Junmyeon let himself being dragged outside and shortly after, they were walking down the street of the neighbourhood. “So how are you adapting to your new place? It’s been a while since you moved. Can’t help to say but Coco miss you.”

“Awwww of course he does. I miss that little ball of fur. Too bad Dad’s allergic to puppy. But it’s okay I can video chat him later.”

“Your’re not answering my question, Jun.” Taecyeon pressed.

Junmyeon sighed, knowing his best friend was probably worried about him. “I’m doing just fine. Victoria, she’s nice but… I don’t feel that enthusiastic to be part of the family, you know? It’s just…strange.”

Maybe Taecyeon could understand his feelings judging from the patting on Junmyeon’s shoulder. Junmyeon was so grateful that Taecyeon was with him. They’ve been friends since Junmyeon’s parents divorced and he wouldn’t trade him for anyone. As they’re walking, Junmyeon can’t help but think. What if Taecyeon goes away too? He’s going to leave me one day too right?

Just the thought if it was making him nauseous. He couldn’t let Taecyeon slip away from his life. No, he couldn’t and he wouldn’t. Call him clingy or possessive, but Taecyeon was the only person he got. Sure he has his dad but it’s not the same. His dad has his own family now with Victoria and their daughter. He didn’t want to be a disturbance.

“Hey..” Taecyeon called out.


“You look like you’re stressing. What’s wrong?”

“I…… Nothing” Junmyeon gave him an assuring smile. It was enough for Taecyeon that Junmyeon smiled. They bought ice cream on their way back from the walk. Even though neither of them talked, but the silence was comforting. 

“Oh I almost forgot!” Taecyeon gasped and Junmyeon almost dropped the ice cream in his hand. However, the grin from Taecyeon's face made him uneasy for a reason but the taller was already taking his hand with his.

“I may or may not have a present for your birthday!”

Junmyeon tilt his head to the side in confusion. Why would Taecyeon get him a present this early? “But it’s in May? Which is five months from now..”

“Well true but take it as an early gift?”

“So what’s the present? Make sure it isn’t something like last year. Mom almost went berserk when she saw a g-string on my bed. Why would you prank me like that? It’s not funny I almost died in the hands of my mother!” Junmyeon rambled as he remembered his birthday last year.

Taecyeon couldn’t stop laughing when his mother hit him with a box repeatedly saying how she made a mistake on not teaching Junmyeon about education. It was horrifying, he had to explain and convince his mom that it wasn’t his girlfriend’s.

“It was a prank, Junmyeon! A funny one! Okay okay , do you want to know or not?”



“Okay fine! What is it?” Junmyeon groaned.

“Alright, listen well. I know in this past two weeks have been hell for you and these past ten days I couldn’t be by your side. It worries me to death and you know how my mother always favours you and loves you and all that so….She let me stay with my aunt and I get to spend my senior year at Exo High.”

It took Junmyeon a few seconds to process what Taecyeon had said. Exo High..? Why is the name so familiar? It wasn’t until he remembered his father’s words about him enrolling Exo High that had his eyes widen like an owl.

“Oh my God! You mean.. my school?! You’re going to be with me? Until senior year? You would do that?”

“All for you, Junmyeon” Taecyeon smiled wider and he felt like crying. What did he do to deserve such a perfect friend in this world? “Thank you Thank you Thank you!” Junmyeon cried in the taller’s broad chest and Taecyeon couldn’t help but laugh while caressing the top of his head.











Days turns into weeks and with a blink of an eye, it’s already school season. Junmyeon wasn’t eager to start school. Not when he had to make a decision that would hurt him either way. A few hours ago, his father had told him that a friend in New Zealand can help Junmyeon to enter a private college there. He doesn’t need to graduate high school, he just needed to pass the test to enter there.

But…Taecyeon… He doesn’t want to leave him. He needs a friend. Even if he did agree to go there, he would be all alone. He can’t. He can’t deal with his anxiety. However, it was his dream that was on the line. The college offered in Teaching English as Second Language course, and he had always wanted to be an English teacher.

His mother was his biggest inspiration. It was his mother’s stories about how she used to teach in New Zealand and the people there are very kind and generous. She said she wanted explore there but were never given a chance to because of financial problems. Junmyeon promised his mom that they would go travel the country one day.

But that day never came as her time was already up. And Junmyeon, he still lives for his promise. However, Junmyeon can’t do it alone. He was afraid and was always a coward. That’s why no one wanted to befriend with him. That’s why he cherished Taecyeon because he’s the only one that would stay for Junmyeon.



“Why are you so tense, Junmyeon? We are going to school not war— Ah! That hurts!” Taecyeon rubbed his belly that was elbowed by Junmyeon. Puffing a sigh, Junmyeon continued walking down the street. “Exactly why I’m so afraid! Who knows something might change when we go there.” Junmyeon whispered the last sentence.

The taller knew that Junmyeon was scared of changes. Junmyeon too knew that his best friend knew Junmyeon has trust and anxiety issues. But Taecyeon would gladly help Junmyeon out because he thinks Junmyeon deserves all the beautiful things in this world. “Don’t worry, Jun. We’ll be okay. You will be okay, trust me.”

If it was Taecyeon then he will trust him.

Turns out Taecyeon joined the basketball team and Junmyeon was not sure how he felt about this. It wasn’t that he was possessive, it’s just... What if Taecyeon doesn’t want him around when he is with his basketball friends? But Junmyeon was worrying for nothing because Taecyeon had firmly stated he wants the whole school to know that Junmyeon was his closest friend and no one can break the bond between them. Not even the cool basketball players.



Watching Taecyeon plays basketball was one of his daily routine. He didn’t mind because he loved basketball and if it weren’t for his height (curses his mom and dad for giving him this short height), he would’ve join in the school team.

But something was weird about Taecyeon today. He seemed…out of focus. He kept glancing at the bleachers and it wasn’t even at Junmyeon’s direction. When Junmyeon followed his vision, he spotted a girl with strawberry blonde hair who was watching the game dreamily. Or maybe watching his best friend dreamily.

He didn’t know why but he felt triggered somehow. Junmyeon felt uneasy out of the sudden and it kept bothering him in his head. He didn’t know how long he had been staring at the girl, but then their eyes met for a second before Junmyeon looked away, embarrassed to be caught staring.

When he wanted to glance around, pretending that nothing happened, he can see the said girl was walking towards him. Junmyeon mentally cursed at his fail of subtlety and tried to compose himself. Okay, act like you didn’t just stare at her. Be cool. Act cool.

“Hi there! Junmyeon, right?” the girl’s nasally voice called him and Junmyeon flinched in surprise. “H..Hey there” he forced out.

“Can I sit here?”

Junmyeon nodded before the girl plopped down beside him. Okay spell awkward because Junmyeon can’t bring himself to think of anything to say. So, he ended up just watching the players made a run for the ball.

“I’m Jessica by the way. Aren’t you curious how I know your name?” she started again. This time, Junmyeoon properly looked at her and my God, this girl is really beautiful up-close. Her eyes were sparkly and even when she talks, it’s as if the nature had decided to give a small wind to compliment her hair. If Junmyeon were straight, he would’ve fallen for her.

Noticing that Junmyeon wasn’t replying, Jessica continued. “You and your basketball friend are new here, right? I must say your friend, Taecyeon is quite well known around here, despite just a month of being here. You too, he mentions you all the time.”

His eyes widen at the revelation. Really? He glanced back at his friend on the basketball court before looking back at Jessica. “ I didn’t know that…” he mumbled out softly. “You don’t? Well you should! Everyone wants to be his friend you know. I mean who can help it, having good looks and ace at basketball. Even my friend, Kris is triggered by him”

Junmyeon can’t help but felt insecure of his self. The whole school wants to be friends with Taecyeon. What about him? Will Taecyeon leave him if he found better friends? He went through that in middle school and it felt awful to know that you were not good enough. No! Junmyeon can’t let that happen. He has no one else. He was staring at the ground for so long that he didn’t notice the basketball match had ended.

“Hey, Junmyeon!” Taecyeon said while panting so Junmyeon quickly handle him his bottle. “Oh….and you met Jessica.” He continued. Junmyeon only raised an eyebrow looking back and forth between the two of them because is Taecyeon blushing right now? Why is he acting shy all of the sudden? It can’t be…….

Oh God my head feels dizzy.











It was a few nights later when Junmyeon had a breakdown. His anxiety and insecurities were finally eating him up and crushing his heart down. He called Taecyeon and poured his heart out and it didn’t take long before Taecyeon was by his side in his room. The taller hold the petite male tightly in his arms while the said male cried his eyes out.

Junmyeon heard a deep sigh before a hand was placed on his jaw and brought his face up to meet Taecyeon’s gaze. “What do I have to do to stop you from feeling like this? It’s my fault that you are crying.”

“It’s not that—”

“Will….Will it help you if I..we..”

The thumb on his face gently wiped away Junmyeon’s tears as his face turned into a confused expression. What?

“Will it help you if you and i are a couple? That way I won’t leave you. Not even for other people. I will devote myself to you, Junmyeon. I’ll make you happy. You deserve to.” And without waiting for Junmyeon to reply, Taecyeon dip his head lower, brushing his lips against Junmyeon’s.

Junmyeon got his first kiss that night.











It didn’t take that much time for the news to break out to the whole school. Mostly because Taecyeon had peck him on the lips when they were at his locker. To be very honest, it didn’t felt right or wrong to kiss Taecyeon. It wasn’t like in the movies or in the novels where there’s sparks and you had butterflies in your stomach. But it didn’t felt forceful either.

Junmyeon felt secure. And that was all that matters.

They were talking in the hallway until a tall figure towers over him and he had to crane his neck upwards to see who. The blond boy was probably the same height as Taecyeon and it made Junmyeon felt conscious of his height. Beside him was Jessica who only draws a sheepish smile.

Funny, Jessica hadn’t talk to him ever since the news of him and Taecyeon going out. Usually, she would smile or wave at Junmyeon but not after that. He can feel Taecyeon becoming tense beside him.

“Hey Kris…and Jessica.” Taecyeon greeted. But Junmyeon was sure Taecyeon mumbled out the last name. Jessica’s smile turned 180 degree into a frown and began tightening her hold on Kris’ arm.

“Don’t forget training this evening.” The tall guy, Kris had said.

“Of course not.” Taecyeon retorted. “Have I missed training before?”

“Very well. Just reminding you, Taecyeon. After all, you seem like a forgetful person. Better forget things than someone, don’t you think?”

Even though, Taecyeon was trying hard not to show that he was boiling in the inside, Junmyeon knew it by looking at Taecyeon’s hand which was balled up into a fist. So, he grabbed that hand and interlocked their fingers.

Kris scoffed at the action that had Jessica muttering something like ‘Stop it, Kris’. Was Junmyeon the only one confused why is this tall man behaving like this?

Soon enough, Kris let out a laugh and bid them goodbye. He slung his arm around the small girl and before they disappear into the class, Kris turned to them and smirked. “It’s late but congratulations that you two finally stop beating behind the bush. Do me a favour, Taec.  You got yourself a pretty boyfriend there so, please last long.”

And then the both of them were out of sight.

Well, whatever happened just now wasn’t pleasant, Junmyeon thought. He then let go of Taecyeon’s hand and crossed his arm. “What the hell was that?”

“It’s nothing, Junmyeon—”

“That doesn’t look like nothing. What does he want from you?” Junmyeon asked. Taecyeon looked so exhausted that it hurts Junmyeon so much. “Just..this time. No question asked. Please? For me.” If it weren’t for Taecyeon looking down in the dumps, he would’ve argued even further. But he decided not to.












Without him realizing, it’s already two months since he started school. Taecyeon and Kris seem to made amends as both of them were in the school team. Jessica also sticks around since she was close with Kris. Before, Kris would give Taecyeon a cold shoulder (Junmyeon was not sure why, Taecyeon wouldn’t tell him) but there was one day where Kris got injured and Taecyeon had help him the whole week.

He guessed that Kris was thankful and started seeing Taecyeon as a friend. Junmyeon didn’t know how it happened but it end up the four of them would always sit together during recess. Jessica would sit beside Kris, opposite of Taecyeon while Junmyeon clings beside Taecyeon.

Even though Junmyeon doesn’t show it or questioned Taecyeon, but he can see the subtle blush on Taecyeon cheeks whenever Jessica laughs or do an aegyo to persuade him. Junmyeon also pretended like they weren’t playing footsie under the table.

To be frank, Junmyeon wasn’t jealous. His best friend looked so happy when he was with Jessica. Sometimes, Taecyeon would talk about Jessica endlessly and Junmyeon would gladly hear. Speaking of which, he and Taecyeon never went further than kissing.

There weren’t many episodes where they were kissing. They have never even make out. Junmyeon thinks that their relationship was weird but he didn’t care. As long as Taecyeon was by his side.











Slowly, Taecyeon start hanging out a little bit more with Jessica to the point where it irritated Junmyeon a little. It’s not because he doesn’t like Jessica. It’s just because every time Junmyeon called his boyfriend, Taecyeon would say he was with Jessica.

“I’m accompanying Jessica to buy a present for her mom.”

“Jessica said there was a free doughnut. Don’t worry I’ll get one for you.”

“There was a pink bear that matches with Jessica’s—”

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica

That’s all that he had been talking about. Does his boyfriend not matter? What about him? Junmyeon was becoming possessive but he couldn’t just tell Taecyeon to ignore Jessica. Not when Taecyeon looked the happiest with her. Was all this a mistake? This was what Junmyeon was afraid of. He doesn’t want to be alone.

Actually, it was fun having Jessica around. She was the sunshine in their friendship. Her quirky self is always fun to see and how the boys would make fun of her ‘ice princess’ title. Junmyeon sighed because he honestly doesn’t know what to do.

Months passed and their friendship was getting stronger and stronger. They even went on a trip together, the four of them. Jumyeon was contended with his circle of friends. As for him and Taecyeon, they were still together. If you look from a distance, it may look like it was Junmyeon and Taecyeon were the couple. But if they squint closely, Taecyeon and Jessica were the inseparable one.

He’s not stupid to not know that Taecyeon has feelings for Jessica and vice versa. He knew he should’ve said something but like usual, he is coward.



They were having dinner together in a diner. As always, Taecyeon would sit beside him, opposite of Jessica while Kris would take a seat opposite him. They were casually chatting, just talking about graduation and prom.

Everything was laughable until Kris draw out a question.

“I guess you’ll be taking Junmyeon to prom right? I’ll vote you both as best couple.”

Taecyeon who went from smiling, froze on his spot as he glanced at Junmyeon while Junmyeon eyed Taecyeon intently, waiting for a confirmation. He’s hesitating.

Even the cheery Jessica suddenly quietened and munched all her pudding in one go. He wasn’t sure whether Kris was oblivious or not.

“Yeah, of course! Who else would I bring besides my boyfriend?” Taecyeon said casually (or he was trying to). Junmyeon hated it, he really hated it. It’s like jugging down the truth that Taecyeon doesn’t want him but he wants Jessica. He hated this situation but of course, he could only sigh about it.

They continued eating in silence but not seconds later the mood was back again. After paying the bills, they head outside the diner. Junmyeon was about to say something until Jessica’s phone rang. She excused herself to talk more privately, so that’s left him, Taecyeon and Kris.

Kris and he don’t usually talk much. But they weren’t awkward. At first, he was really shy around him. The male was so good looking an even his deep voice were endearing to hear. They might not know this but Junmyeon noticed the subtle looks Yifan would give to Jessica.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that Yifan likes her too, the way he would bite his cheeks whenever Jessica and Taecyeon were standing too close. Or how he would do his best to come between those two. It was laughable but cute in Junmyeon’s perspective.

It’s quite sad too because Jessica only had her eyes on his boyfriend.


How messed up their friendship is?


“Oh no! I forgot to pick up my dress at the boutique! It’s almost closing time! Oh what do I do?” Jessica panicked. She was flailing both of her hands around and jumping up and down in worry. “Where’s the place?”

“Palma. And it’s like 30 minutes away! Damn it, I need the dress for tomorrow!”

“It’s okay. Calm down. We can go there by my car. If we go now, we might still make it.” Taecyeon suggested. Jessica nodded and the three of them were already heading towards the car. How

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2446 streak #1
reading again in 2019!!!
This is really good! One of my fave story here in AF :)
foreverfareh #3
Chapter 7: I just found this gem of yours. I cried a little reading this fic. Maybe you can write baekyeol's spin off? Thanks for writing this fic.
Chapter 7: Thought luhan was their child but turn out it was jongin and sehun haha >< finally krisho get their own happy ending :3 Thank you for writing this fic ^^
Chapter 6: Krisho in this chapter is like "we are lovey dovey but we're not boyfriends" then "what is boyfrieds lets just get engage" hahaha i love it tho >< In the end yifan's hadrwork to win joon's heart is paid off with this engagement(?)~~~
Chapter 5: Finally!! One step closer to become boyfriends~ Kkkk. Thank you chanyeol for letting yifan knew about the truth ^^ you are their lifesaver~
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is such a c*ckblocker hahaha ><
I like how yifan was trying to ignore joon when they had pizzas but in the end he just cant~ kkk
Chapter 3: I understand now why joon seem hesitate to accept yifan's love... when they were in high school yifan was leading joon on too.... you reap what you sow yifan-ah... but maybe someday joon will accept you wholeheartedly~~
Chapter 2: Didnt know that their relationship was this complicated... wah..
Chapter 1: Feel bad for yifan bcs joon is leading him on but in the end joon rejected yifan even tho joon loves yifan... it makes me curious why is joon pretending that he doesnt like/love yifan...