Doubts and Daisies

Begin Our Story Again
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When Junmyeon finished showering, it’s already 5 in the evening. The party starts at 9 but Junmyeon didn’t feel like going. Maybe he should’ve skipped tonight. One problem, his suit was already set to be worn and he didn’t want the money to go to waste. No doubt, Jessica will slaughter him if he decided to change his mind last minute.

As he descended down the stairs and to the kitchen, he noticed that Kris was nowhere at sight. Only Chanyeol who was in the view, making the icing of the cupcake. Chanyeol noticed his presence and offered a smile to him which Junmyeon gladly smiled back. However, Junmyeon’s face changed when there’s still no sign of Kris.

Sensing Junmyeon’s distress, Chanyeol decided to speak up. “If you are looking for Yifan hyung, he went home 10 minutes ago. He’s probably getting ready early.”

Somehow, Junmyeon isn’t convinced that was the reason for his early departure. Nevertheless, Junmyeon said nothing as he continued to stare at Chanyeol. Junmyeon might not have a good observation skill, but he can definitely tell something was bothering Chanyeol. The way he would smile so wide but in a blink of an eye when Chanyeol thought that Junmyeon wasn’t looking, his brows knitted together and the grin disappears. It only appears back when Junmyeon called his name.

“Chanyeol, is there something bothering you?” Junmyeon asked worriedly.

The taller halt his movement in an instance. Their eyes met and judging from it, Chanyeol had a lot to say and he’s picking up the courage to do so. There’s no use in keeping secrets anymore,      Chanyeol decided to go straight to the point. “Did you really love Yifan hyung 11 years ago?”

Thank god Junmyeon wasn’t holding any glass because he would’ve dropped it instantly. How…? Many things came rushing in his mind that he didn’t know what to answer to Chanyeol.

“Who told you..?” Junmyeon stuttered. Wait.. If Chanyeol knew, does this means that Kris also knew about this? Chanyeol chuckled bitterly. “So it is true…” he wiped his hand on the wet cloth. “If it is, then why didn’t you tell my brother? Didn’t you know how heartbroken he was when you rejected him?”

It’s not fair. Junmyeon wanted to scream that it’s not fair. He had his heart broken first before Kris did. The way they can’t imagine how it hurts, that made him flee to another country. Ignoring the question, Junmyeon repeated. “Who told you?”

Chanyeol looked sceptical for a moment before he sighed, shoulders slumped. “I met Victoria two days ago. She’s your stepmother, right? Victoria brought Wendy to Park Entertainment because she won a free tour in the building. I’m sure you knew that.”

It’s true. Wendy had called him and screamed on the line that she’s going to meet her idol, Girl’s generation and not only that; she got a free pass to tour the building. Little did he know, the company actually belongs to Chanyeol’s father.

Junmyeon nodded and ushered Chanyeol to continue. “While my assistant and I showed them around, I fell into a comfortable conversation with Victoria. She said that I smile so often and how she wished her stepson would do the same. So I asked her about her son, and…..That’s when she told me about her stepson having an unrequited love causing him to run to overseas for a decade. The story seemed so familiar but I told myself it can’t be. That’d be ridiculous if you are the said son. But then Wendy start yelling something like she wants to send pictures to Junmyeon hyung and everything made sense.”

Junmyeon can’t believe what he was hearing. That’s impossible. It was as if fate was still not done tormenting him and he didn’t know what else to expect in the future. His body was shaking as he grabbed the kitchen counter to prevent himself from falling. His worried eyes morphed into seriousness as he stared Chanyeol down. “You can’t tell him.”

“I figured you’ll say that. But why, hyung?” Chanyeol’s voice had turned into a plea.

“It’s complicated.”

“What’s so complicated about Yifan loving you back? This is supposed to be what you want but why not?”

“I told you it’s complicated!”

“You can do better than that, hyung!” The volume of Chanyeol’s deep voice seems to increase and Junmyeon was shocked to see the happy go lucky Chanyeol revealed this side of him. He was stunned for a moment before he sighed. There is no way escaping, isn’t there? “Chanyeol, I… You don’t understand. I.. am not confident.”

The taller male looked confused before making his way beside Junmyeon. The older choose to continue. “I always had trouble with insecurities and anxiety. I don’t know how it started but I think it’s since my mother passed away. Taecyeon had try to help me but it only lasted for a few months until he begin to be close to his current girlfriend.”

This was actually difficult for Junmyeon to continue. All the memories, the pain in his heart were coming back. He took a deep breath before picking up where he left. “I was vulnerable. I know its weird coming from my mouth but that’s what Taecyeon described me. I accepted the fact that people will leave in my life. But then, when I’m with Yifan, he made me forget. Being close to him makes me understand that it’s okay for Taecyeon to leave me because maybe I have Kris to hold on.”

Junmyeon was smiling. He remembered the day he started hoping that after Jessica and Taecyeon got together, maybe it’s going to be him and Kris in the future. “I guess both of you were really close.” Chanyeol mumbled.

“We were. To the point where I thought he might have feelings for me too.” Junmyeon laughed bitterly. “Which made me hope too much on something that wasn’t there.”

“Did Yifan hyung indirectly reject you or….? Sorry if it’s rude to ask..”

“No it’s okay.” Junmyeon dismissed the apology. “I went to Sica’s home one day and just imagine seeing the person that you love trying to kiss someone else. And realization hits you that all this time, you were just fooling with yourself thinking that someone likes you but it turns out that he doesn’t think of you like that. It hit me like cold water. It was too painful to have my hopes crushed and knowing that he will never loved you”

“But he did now! Yifan hyung love you now, didn’t he?”

“Chanyeol, don’t you get it? I’m scared of getting hurt by him. Anyone can hurt me, leave me. I can take it. But not Yifan.” He heaves out a sigh. “Because it will be too damn painful and I will not know how to live.”

It’s true. Chanyeol doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand why both of his hyung have to suffer. All he knows right now is his heart doesn’t feel at ease seeing the crying male in front of him.

It was then he realized how deeply his brother had scared Junmyeon.

Junmyeon was expecting Chanyeol to argue but instead the taller pulled Junmyeon into his embrace. Honestly, Junmyeon kind of needed the hug and he felt grateful towards Chanyeol.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol’s silence also meant something else. There were some things he had to do. What Kris and Junmyeon lacked was communication. Therefore, one of them needed a boost to make that communication happened.

And Chanyeol had a plan.

He pulled away from Junmyeon and began wiping the smaller’s tears with his thumb. “You are strong for telling me this. Can you make me a promise, hyung?”

Junmyeon tilts his head in curiosity but eventually nod. Chanyeol smiled looking at his hyung being so cute despite his red eyes and nose. Heaving a deep breath, Chanyeol took Junmyeon’s hand with his. “Promise me when time reveals everything, you won’t run away from it again.”

 Even though Junmyeon doesn’t like the sound of that, but he agreed because he was tired of running.












After that not-so-great scene at Jessica’s house, Kris decided that it was best for him to go home. Why should he stay there for? He had a feeling that Junmyeon would just brush it off and act like the almost-kiss didn’t happened. The worst Junmyeon could do was probably ignore him which was why he would rather go home and get ready than signing up for another heartbreak.

Checking himself in the mirror, he thought the dress code wasn’t that bad. Ever since he was young, Kris was never the one to dress extravagantly, or choose an expensive ride. That was the reason why not many people knew he came from an elite family. But he preferred it that way. Well, that is until he became the CEO of his father’s company. He had to start wearing expensive suits.

Tonight, he chose something simple. Wearing a white button-up shirt and a waistcoat over it seems to do the trick. He folded the sleeves where it would show off his arm veins and a Rolex watch to complete his look. Once again, he looked into the mirror, fixed his hair before getting ready to leave his house.

Kris arrived at the hotel building somehow early. As soon as he is in the hall, he searched for Taecyeon and Jessica. He doesn’t want to admit but his mind was wandering about Junmyeon’s whereabouts the most. He couldn’t spot the smaller but thankfully he saw his two best friends talking just beside the drinks table. Making his way to his friends, he called them from a distance.

Once he manage to get their attention, then only he realized that his friends were talking to another person. A person who was really familiar. His eyes widen in surprise when he realized who it was.

Choi Sooyoung.

Of course, how can Kris forget her when she was really persistent in getting his attention all those years ago? However, she was just a young girl back then. They all were young back then so Kris assumed that Sooyoung must have not remembered about it well.

“Kris! You made it.” Jessica exclaimed while handing Kris a drink. “Don’t worry it’s alcohol free”

Kris scoffed. “Of course it is. Or not you won’t be drinking it.”

“Just saying. Because remember this idiot right here spike the drinks with alcohol during prom.”  She glared at her boyfriend who raised both of his hands. “It was high in demands and I put just enough to not get everyone heavily drunk!” Taecyeon defended himself.

“Whatever, you’re just lucky that the school didn’t find out about it or else you wouldn’t have graduated.”

Smiling smugly, Taecyeon pulled Jessica closer and caressed her waist. “Aww baby, but I graduated didn’t I?”

Kris could only roll his eyes at both of his friends’ antics. Besides, Kris was already used to both of their constant bickering and then make out a minute later. This was the life of Lone Yifan. He really needed to settle down with someone. And when he said someone, the only thing that came into his mind was Junmyeon. How he wish his love story was as simple as his best friends’.

When he felt a pair of eyes on him was when he meets Sooyoung’s eyes. It’s the same brown eyes that would always glisten when she looked at Kris. The white dress fitted according to her body proportion and even after how many years, Sooyoung still know how to steal people’s attention.

“I hope you remember me, Kris Wu.” Sooyoung held out her hand while her other hand was holding a plate. As a gentleman, Kris shook her hand and wow, her hand was really soft.

“Don’t worry, Choi Sooyoung. You’re not the type to be easily forgotten.” Kris said and without meaning it to be, his words sounded a bit more like a flirtation. Something sparkles in Sooyoung’s eyes.

At the corner of his eyes, he can see that both of his friends were escaping the scene slowly. And to Kris irate, they were trying to hold in their laughter. I’ll get you two later. He mentally growled but his face was neutral.

He and Sooyoung continued to chat and catch up about their lives. Currently, Choi Sooyoung is a doctor at Haesung Hospital. Aaaah Kris almost forgot that Sooyoung was a beauty with brain. This woman always put a woman’s standards so high. But Sooyoung wasn’t childish like she used to be. Even her speech now is more polite and her posture screams elegant.

If it weren’t for his heart to have been stolen by a certain shorty, he might have fallen for Sooyoung. While talking too Sooyoung, he was rather distracted. Curses, he forgot to ask his best friends about Junmyeon.

But he didn’t have to because when he heard a loud thud behind him, he turned around to face with Junmyeon who was frozen on his spot.











Junmyeon was rushing to the party. He was supposed to be one of the early birds because he was in charge of the cupcakes. Thank to the heavens that he didn’t trip his way into the venue because he was currently carrying four large boxes of cupcakes and he swore that if he humiliate himself, he’s not even going to stay at the party.

He wasted no time to rush to the food table which also happened to be beside the drinks table. His arms were already feel like it’s about to come off just by carrying these cupcakes on his own. Just as he almost reached to the table, the tall man that was standing beside the table suddenly looked so familiar. The man had his back facing him so he didn’t get a good look of his face.

Not that he minded, he just wanted to rest his aching arms as for now. But as he neared him, he could hear the man’s voice and it sound awfully like Kris’. That shade of blond cannot deny that in front him was absolutely Kris and not only that. He was talking to Choi Sooyoung, Junmyeon thought grimly.

Wait what— If his hands weren’t occupied, he would’ve slapped himself. Why would Junmyeon feel jealous at those two interactions? He huffed to himself, wishing that Taecyeon hadn’t told him about Choi Sooyoung once tried to flirt with Kris.

It was his intention to just drop the boxes on the table then scurried away, but unfortunately, when he put the boxes on the table, there was a loud sound coming from the impact.


He was frozen in his position for a second before he whipped his head to Kris direction and what luck, both Kris and Sooyoung were looking at him.

“Junmyeon?” Kris called him softly. Junmyeon didn’t know what to do so he opted to straighten his body and waved his hand awkwardly.

“Kim Junmyeon? Is that really you?” It was Sooyoung’s turn to call out for Junmyeon. Now, Junmyeon felt oddly small, not when both Kris and Sooyoung looke

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2446 streak #1
reading again in 2019!!!
This is really good! One of my fave story here in AF :)
foreverfareh #3
Chapter 7: I just found this gem of yours. I cried a little reading this fic. Maybe you can write baekyeol's spin off? Thanks for writing this fic.
Chapter 7: Thought luhan was their child but turn out it was jongin and sehun haha >< finally krisho get their own happy ending :3 Thank you for writing this fic ^^
Chapter 6: Krisho in this chapter is like "we are lovey dovey but we're not boyfriends" then "what is boyfrieds lets just get engage" hahaha i love it tho >< In the end yifan's hadrwork to win joon's heart is paid off with this engagement(?)~~~
Chapter 5: Finally!! One step closer to become boyfriends~ Kkkk. Thank you chanyeol for letting yifan knew about the truth ^^ you are their lifesaver~
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is such a c*ckblocker hahaha ><
I like how yifan was trying to ignore joon when they had pizzas but in the end he just cant~ kkk
Chapter 3: I understand now why joon seem hesitate to accept yifan's love... when they were in high school yifan was leading joon on too.... you reap what you sow yifan-ah... but maybe someday joon will accept you wholeheartedly~~
Chapter 2: Didnt know that their relationship was this complicated... wah..
Chapter 1: Feel bad for yifan bcs joon is leading him on but in the end joon rejected yifan even tho joon loves yifan... it makes me curious why is joon pretending that he doesnt like/love yifan...