Eternal and Ever

Begin Our Story Again
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A few days after the party, Kris’ life was bliss. Like a man of his words, Kris had brought him out for countless dates. If they were really honest, it didn’t feel much different than their previous ‘hanging outs’. The only difference was they were more carefree to hold hands without feeling guilty or thinking too much.

Kris couldn’t stop kissing him. Junmyeon’s lips were so addictive that he wanted to capture those pretty lips every hour. Junmyeon, however wasn’t an easy man, Kris knew that. If the latter was in good mood, he would return the kiss. If he was being playful or the opposite, he would slip his hand in between of their lips, making a wall for their lips to connect. Kris, of course would only groan in defeat.

One night, Kris had invited Junmyeon for dinner. You can say Kris’ is a romanticist, like those gentlemen in romance novels. Junmyeon’s mouth went wide open when he saw Kris had made a candlelight dinner for both of them to enjoy. He couldn’t stop grinning even when they’re done consuming the food.

They moved to the couch and just lie down comfortably. Even though, it was practically a date, but lazing around after dinner wasn’t actually new for them. After all, they were best friends who did everything together and were attached by hips. Junmyeon was lying on his back while Kris lied above Junmyeon with his head resting on Junmyeon’s stomach.

The taller was actually exhausted from work and then preparing the dinner for Junmyeon. Now, he just wanted to cuddle. While Junmyeon was scrolling down his phone, his fingers went to play with Kris’ blond locks.

“Mmmm I like when you play with my hair.” Kris murmured on Junmyeon’s stomach making the man under him smiled. “What are you looking at by the way?”

Junmyeon took his eyes off his phone to glance at Kris and sighed. “I’m actually looking for a job. Just in case when Taecyeon junior is out, I can move out and start working already. Besides, I miss teaching.”

“Do you need any help searching?”

“Nah, I can handle this on my own.” He said, turning off his phone and placed it on the coffee table at the side. “You, however, need to worry about yourself more. How’s the hectic work?” Junmyeon asked worriedly.

Grunting, Kris only shook his head and whispered something like ‘it’s tiring’. Of course, being a CEO is not an easy job. There were times when Kris didn’t answer his calls or replied his texts. And Junmyeon understands him, which was why he tried to not tire him whenever they were on their dates.

Suddenly, Kris crawled up until he was face to face with Junmyeon, making Junmyeon felt taken aback. The taller was about to dive into Junmyeon’s lips when the latter turned his head to the side, making Kris planted a kiss on his cheek instead. But that didn’t stop Kris to pepper kisses on Junmyeon’s face, jaw, ears and also his neck.

“ugh did u forget that we are not together yet?” Junmyeon said, voice in annoyance even though he was enjoying the affection on his neck. Kris had heard those words for many times, especially when Junmyeon was in the mood the . “Mmm but how I’m gonna show my love to you?”

“Well, there are a lot of things but—”

Junmyeon’s words were cut off by the loud ringtone of Junmyeon’s phone. The taller groaned but complied when Junmyeon pushed Kris off himself. It seemed like Jessica was the one calling. He swiped his phone and brought it to his ears.



“Woah woah slow down there, girl. Just breathe.” He said, calming Jessica down. On the other line, he could hear Jessica inhaling and exhaling. Junmyeon put Jessica on speaker so that Kris could hear her too.

“Okay, phew.  Where are you? I hope Kris is with you, that bastard not answering any of our calls.”

Both of them chuckled looking at each other. “Yes. I’m here Jessica. We are at this bastard’s house.” Kris amused.

“Oh…..I didn’t interrupt anything right?” Kris was about to screamed ‘yes’ when Junmyeon quickly said the opposite. “Okay, whatever. Me and Taecyeon are on the way there. See ya!”

Well, there goes their date. They wonder what their best friends were eager to talk about. Deciding not to worry any further, Kris pulled Junmyeon so that the smaller can lie down beside him. This feels nice. Having Junmyeon so close to him, spooning him and to smell the strawberry fragrance of Junmyeon’s shampoo.

Not half an hour later, they heard the door bell rang. Thank god Kris’ house had maids so they don’t need to open the door. Junmyeon stood up first when they heard Jessica’s loud and excited shrilling coming towards them. Immediately as Jessica came into view, the woman threw himself onto Junmyeon.

“Junmyeon! I got good news!” she said jumping up and down while hugging Junmyeon. Later, Taecyeon was seen trailing behind her, carrying the latter’s handbag and coat.

Jessica pulled away from the hug and raised her right hand into view. It was only a few seconds until Junmyeon spot the silver band on Jessica’s finger that he went on a jumping mode together with her.

No words can explain how happy Junmyeon was for Jessica. The latter had been waiting for this day to come. It was only a matter of time until they finally tie the knot.

“Congratulations! Both of you! Oh God, the time has finally come!” Junmyeon clasped his hand together and stare fondly at both of his friends.

There were tears threatening to fall at the corner of Jessica’s eyes as she held her fiance’s hand. “I know right! It feels like a dream came true.” It was a blessing to hear the news that he almost forgotten about Kris.

“Why don’t you make some drinks for us?” Taecyeon said after kissing her forehead. Actually, Junmyeon wanted to tell that they’ve already eaten but Jessica beats him into it and rush to the kitchen. Junmyeon was full of sense, so he knew that Taecyeon actually wanted to talk to Kris alone. Maybe celebrating their success because Junmyeon had an idea Kris knew about the engagement. Of course Kris would know. After all, they were like blood brothers. Probably closer than Taecyeon and Junmyeon before. Junmyeon huffed. He was his bestfriend first.

But then he got closer to Jessica in return so he shouldn’t be complaining.

As Junmyeon left to join Jessica, he saw that Jessica was brewing tea while a smile still etched on her face. This was the happiest Junmyeon had ever seen of Jessica. It automatically made Junmyeon smile too. “Your cheeks are going to go numb from all that smiling.”

Jessica looked at him briefly before grabbing the sugar on the shelf. “I can’t help it. I’m just so…happy.” She muttered softly.

“I know, Jessica. You deserve a happy ending,”

His hand was embraced by Jessica’s as she turned around to face Junmyeon completely. “You know, I’ve never regret anything about him. After Grandma and Granpa passed away a few years ago, I was hopeless. I felt empty and lonely but Taecyeon, he was so quick to ask me to move in with him. At that moment, I knew he was the one that I want to grow old with. And of course, father of my children.” She said as she rubbed her belly. “It’s insane when I think we are finally building a family.”

“It’s worth the wait, right?” Junmyeon said while swiping the tear on her cheeks.

“It is.” She sniffed, rubbed the tears on her other cheek with her sleeves. “I waited for this moment. He always assured me that he will propose when his business is doing well, and that his job is stable. Even though I told him it’s okay, but he still insist it saying something like he wants me to be proud when introducing who my husband is.”

That does sound like Taecyeon. If anything, Taecyeon will always put Jessica first. Even if it meant years of hard work in business so that Jessica can proudly tell her parents and friends that her husband is a successful businessman. “But I’m always proud him. I wouldn’t leave him even if he was in his worst state. I’d be damned if I do so.” She continued.

Junmyeon understands. Their love was so pure and beautiful that made him felt a tiny bit of jealousy. The baby bump however wasn’t part of the plan. But nevertheless, both Jessica and Taecyeon was super excited when they found out Jessica had a bun in the oven.

Jessica’s parents was still in San Francisco when she announced the news. Her parents at first didn’t sound quite pleased but they were supportive. Of course they will especially when both of them have a soft spot for Taecyeon.

“Taecyeon will be a great husband.”

He looked over his shoulders to peek at the blond male in the living room. Junmyeon wondered whether their love would extend to the point of marriage if they are together.












“Now, where is he?” Junmyeon scanned around the room. It was at noon when he received a text from Park Chanyeol asking him for a favour. So now he is in the Park Entertainment building and he can’t help but squeal in excitement when he first stepped in.

Park Entertainment is one of the big entertainment companies. Girls Generation, Big Bang and 2pm are all from Park Entertainment. He managed to take a quick glimpse of a few artists that he knew and that was enough to make him a shade of pink.

Junmyeon found Chanyeol in the cafeteria and the taller seemed quite nervous. Apparently, there were a lot of people in the cafeteria. None of them looked like idols so Junmyeon assume it was the people working there, probably staffs from other agencies too. The brunette shouted his name and motioned him to sit in front of him.

“So which one is he?” Junmyeon started, placing both of his hand on the table like they were in some sort of meeting.

A hand was pushed against Junmyeon’s mouth in surprise. “Shuuuuuush not so loud! He might hear you!” The smaller rolled his eyes and pulled the hand away from him.

“Chanyeol, you haven’t even given me the name of this person.” He exasperated.

“Oh about that…” Chanyeol chuckled nervously while scratching his head. “I only know that his surname is Byun. He wouldn’t tell me his name.” Aaah…. It didn’t take a wild guess to know they must have been in a not so great terms before they even introduced themselves. But it surprised him. How can a happy-go-lucky person have someone who hates him? Well, excluding Kris. “What exactly happened between both of you?” Junmyeon asked curiously.

Chanyeol exhaled heavily. “I was queuing to buy a cup of Americano on that line over there,” he pointed to the booth near the corner, “There was a boy in front of me who was carrying a plastic containing two beers. So I thought, ‘this kid must have been drinking illegally’. So I took the plastic away from his hand.”

“Oh Chanyeol… Meddling again..” Junmyeon shook his head.

 “He could be a trainee! And drinking illegally is intolerable!” The taller looked offended before huffing then crossed his arm. “Anyways the boy started yelling to give it back and I thought it would be smart to lecture him in front of everyone that a middle school student shouldn’t drink and he sort of…. Kicked me….in the balls..”

“He’s not actually a middle schooled, isn’t he?”

“Aha…No…He’s actually 2 years older than me..”

So this Byun guy is a year younger than him since Chanyeol is younger than Kris and him by three years.

 It’s cute that Chanyeol was courting an older guy but the male was smaller than Chanyeol. “Hyung, don’t laugh!” Chanyeol exasperated as Junmyeon was trying to cover his giggles with his hand. “You need to help me. He would always send me death glares across the room. Does he not know I’m the Chairman’s son?!”

“Then why didn’t you ask anyone, his colleagues or anyone about his name?”

“No! They will surely tell Byun and it’s embarrassing.” The taller whined.

Junmyeon could only sigh looking at helpless Chanyeol. But before Chanyeol could describe his crush any further, there’s a loud ringing coming from Chanyeol’s phone. He glanced at the caller ID before hastily stood up from his chair. “I got to take this. You stay here.”

The blond only put up both of his hands, signing that he won’t move anywhere. Later, Chanyeol disappeared into the swarm of people. Junmyeon took the time to examine the place. Without a doubt, Chanyeol must have come from a wealthy family. Same as Kris since Kris’ father owns a much known company. Kris’ mother was no different as she also has her own clothing brand. So when Kris’ mother married Chanyeol’s father, a widower, they started living together and if he’s not mistaken, Kris once mentioned that many people had mistaken them as biological brothers. Their heights should be the reason to that.

He was about to stood up to buy a drink before his phone vibrated.


Hey, just telling you I’m free for lunch.


Hmmmmmm…just telling?


Okay okay fine.

How about you and me grab lunch at your favourite sushi place?


Hmmmm I love that idea!

But I’m currently busy giving a helping hand to someone dear to me.


Oh yeahh? Who is that dear person that is not me? And where are you?


Park Entertainment ;)


WHAT? You’re at my brother’s workplace?! What are you doing there?


Ugh Calm down, Wu. Why are you always jealous of your own brother? I’m just helping him with his CRUSH.


Yah..Who said I’m jealous of him? I’m on my way there.

See you, baby.


Of course, Kris would be on his way here. Why did Junmyeon even bother? However, he can’t help but blushed at the term Kris called him. Just with one word, Kris managed to make him all flustered. Busy giggling on his phone, he didn’t notice that a man with black hair was bending down to take a good look at his face. Startled, Junmyeon let out a gasp.

He was about to asked what was the man doing until he recognized the face in front of him. Junmyeon would recognize that rectangular smile anywhere and those puppy eyes, how he missed staring at it.

“I was right! It is you, Junmyeon!” the black hair male chirped. His voice was loud causing many to turned their head towards their direction but they can be damned because in front of Junmyeon was someone he had not seen in years!

Quickly standing up, Junmyeon pulled his old friend into a hug before pulling away and examined him. “Your hair is no longer ash brown! Oh my God, did you lose some weight?”

“You don’t expect me to have the same hair colour after what— 4 or 5 years?”

“Ahh you’re right. That’s silly of me.” Junmyeon said, embarrassed at his own question. “But what are you doing here in Park Entertainment? Are you an idol or something?” It’s possible because back in college, he was known for his angelic voice that managed to sweep everyone of their feet from the students to the teachers. Junmyeon would easily believe if his friend’s fate was to be a singer.

The black hair male chuckled. “Nahh idol life is hard. I hate following orders, remember? Actually, I work part time here. I teach some of the trainees basic English. But you, mister. When did you came back?”

“Oh months ago. It’s been a while.”

Junmyeon met him 2 years after he moved to New Zealand. He was actually a family friend and they happened to enrol in the same college. Though his friend took English as major, he finds comfort in Mathematics.

They weren’t exactly the closest friends but the constant greet and random conversations at the bus stop told him that they were at least friends. Besides, there were only a few Koreans there, therefore he was relieved when he got to speak his mother tongue.

Unbeknown of the time, they were too busy talking about their respective lives that Junmyeon forgot about the brunette that was coming his way. He craned his neck to see Chanyeol panting, running to him with his phone in his hand. He only stopped when he reached their table.

“Sorry that took longer! I was –” the words stuck on his throat when Chanyeol’s tired eyes landed on the man sitting opposite of Junmyeon. Suddenly, his tired eyes didn’t seem so tired anymore.

His friend took one glance at the newcomer before rolling his eyes and crossed his arms. The action didn’t go unnoticed by Junmyeon. This guy must have despised Chanyeol’s presence that much, Junmyeon thought.

Dismissing it, Junmyeon pulled Chanyeol to sit beside him. He opened his mouth to introduce him to his friend but the shorter had pointed his finger at Chanyeol. “You knew this guy?!” his friend gasped, eyes widened.

Junmyeon was taken aback at his friends loud voice and also that the fact both of them knew each other. But his friend is working in the Park Entertainment of course they should know each other, right? He glanced unsurely at the both of them before gesturing at Chanyeol. “He’s my friend’s brother. But you could say he’s my friend too.” He turned to Chanyeol, “I didn’t know you and Baekhyun knew each other.”



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2437 streak #1
reading again in 2019!!!
This is really good! One of my fave story here in AF :)
foreverfareh #3
Chapter 7: I just found this gem of yours. I cried a little reading this fic. Maybe you can write baekyeol's spin off? Thanks for writing this fic.
Chapter 7: Thought luhan was their child but turn out it was jongin and sehun haha >< finally krisho get their own happy ending :3 Thank you for writing this fic ^^
Chapter 6: Krisho in this chapter is like "we are lovey dovey but we're not boyfriends" then "what is boyfrieds lets just get engage" hahaha i love it tho >< In the end yifan's hadrwork to win joon's heart is paid off with this engagement(?)~~~
Chapter 5: Finally!! One step closer to become boyfriends~ Kkkk. Thank you chanyeol for letting yifan knew about the truth ^^ you are their lifesaver~
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is such a c*ckblocker hahaha ><
I like how yifan was trying to ignore joon when they had pizzas but in the end he just cant~ kkk
Chapter 3: I understand now why joon seem hesitate to accept yifan's love... when they were in high school yifan was leading joon on too.... you reap what you sow yifan-ah... but maybe someday joon will accept you wholeheartedly~~
Chapter 2: Didnt know that their relationship was this complicated... wah..
Chapter 1: Feel bad for yifan bcs joon is leading him on but in the end joon rejected yifan even tho joon loves yifan... it makes me curious why is joon pretending that he doesnt like/love yifan...