Reunion and Roses

Begin Our Story Again
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“Not on your left, my left! That’s right— Hey, Sica! Hold on, I’m still helping Jooheon moving his stuff. Wait, I’m moving to a more quiet place.”

“It’s okay. Take your time, Kris.”

After some time wobbling through his friend’s messy living room, he finally reached outside of Jooheon’s new apartment.

“Okay I’m alone now. How things going on back there? Has Taecyeon finally got tired of your mood swings?”

“Oh shush, Kris! You know how pregnant people are. And speaking of your bestfriend Taecyeon, he is an idiot, I feel like throwing my slipper on his head half of the time!” To this, Kris chuckled. He could never get over his best friends antics. Even though it has been 11 years since he is stuck with them.

“Both of you are. Now now, Sica don’t kill him till I get home. I’ll kill him for you, okay?”

“Hmmmmm I take that back. I love that idiot so don’t kill him.” Kris shook his head while his left hand fumbled to pull a handkerchief out of his back pocket.

“Well then, Your Majesty. Your servant will obey the Queen’s order. Now I believe you have a reason for calling me? You both don’t usually call me during the evening.” It’s true. They don’t usually call him that often, but if they were to call, his friends would call him at night. Most probably the reason was because Kris would be working in his office on daylight. Even on the weekends (rarely).

He heard his best friend sighed on the other line. “If I tell you this, you promise you won’t freak out and buy the next flight back home.” The hand wiping the sweat on his forehead abruptly stopped as his brows knitted in confusion. “Did something happen? Are you and Taecyeon okay? Do you want me call him? I can—”

“No it’s not him it’s just…….”

He waits for it.

“Junmyeon’s back”

And he can’t breathe.


“I think he is back for good.”











Kris can’t recall when was the last time he saw Junmyeon. No scratch that. He did remember. How can he forget Junmyeon? The male had been occupying his thoughts for years now. Not once since he left did Kris ever forget him or his face.

Everyone knew the trio; Kris, Jessica and Taecyeon, have been bestfriends since high school. They graduated high school together and even enrolled college together despite the difference in their majors. However, before they became a trio, it was the four of them.

But Junmyeon had to go. They were all seniors when Junmyeon boarded his flight to study overseas. However, there were more reasons to why Junmyeon left, they just never knew.


Junmyeon didn’t even stay until graduation day but Kris understood why Junmyeon didn’t say goodbye. Junmyeon has always been a dreamer. If somewhere outside Korea is where he can find his happiness, then who is Kris to stop him? After all, Kris would always want Junmyeon to be happy. Always.

He could see his bestfriends’ green house was getting nearer. The blond male wasted no time pushing the gates open and finally, he reached at the front door. But his body was petrified. The cold doorknob was already against his palm but he wasn’t sure if he’s ready to see him. How was he going to react?

To be damn with it, Kris twisted the doorknob and quickly stepped inside the house, legs tripping over the mat. Once he was inside, his eyes immediately scan the house looking for any sign of living. His eyes landed on two figures who were giggling on the sofa. They probably already sensed his presence as the giggling stop.

“Well well, this man sure works fast.” His best friend, Taecyeon shook his head while sipping his tea. “I told you he would take the earliest flight home.” Jessica fumbled with the tv remote while her other hand was placed on her boyfriend’s lap. Her stomach was getting bigger and bigger since the last time he saw her, which was two weeks ago.

“What do you expect, sweetie? It’s been 11 years, for good riddance. Though, you should call Jooheon. Who knows what happened to the poor boy because Kris left him”

“Ummm….guys. I’m right here?” Kris deadpanned but his eyes were still scanning the room.

Taecyeon merely raised an eyebrow at him before kissing Jessica on her forehead. “I’m gonna check on Jooheon.” He received a nod from his girlfriend and soon the black hair male was out of sight. Kris was still standing in front of the door, not sure what to say. He wanted to ask. Where’s Junmyeon?

“He’ll be back in a few minutes. Junmyeon just went to get his stuff at his Dad’s house.” Jessica said as if she could read Kris’ mind. But then again, Jessica has always been good at reading people either by their face expressions or body language.

Out of habit, Kris bit his lip when he is anxious. Jessica upon noticing it, sent Kris a warm smile and pulled the latter to sit beside him. “Don’t worry, Kris. Didn’t I say he’s back for good?”

“You said you think he is back for good.”

“Yeah I know. And I feel like he is not going anywhere. He’s finally staying.”

“I don’t want to lose him again, Sica. Everytime I’m always one step behind him. I—” Kris couldn’t finish what he was saying because a new voice entered.



“Sica, I’m back!”

That voice.

Is that how his voice became after 11 years?

At the door, a guy wearing plaid collar shirt and a grey cardigan walked in with a huge box in his hand. The small guy seemed like he didn’t registered Kris presence as the box was blocking his view. Unconsciously, Kris held his breath while his feet moved towards the small male.

“Oh God, this box is crushing me! Taec, help me with this box!”

Kris could only blink a few times before he regained his sanity and helped putting down the huge box. Once the box is out of the way, Kris took his time to stare at the face in front of him. It looked like Junmyeon was taken aback as well as he stared back with the same intensity.


So so beautiful.

Suddenly, his mind wander back to the last image of Junmyeon. The shorter’s hair was no longer black, but it’s blonde, lighter shade than Kris. Nothing much had change about his height and Kris was glad about it because he had always loved their height difference. His face, dear God his face, if 11 years ago Kris thought he was beautiful, well now, his beauty just upgrade to a different level.

Kris can only breathes out a soft “Junmyeon..”


What he didn’t expect was a hand slap across his chest. “Yah! After how many years of not seeing and talking to me, are you just going stare at me all day?” Junmyeon protested while crossing his arms, his lips forming into a pout. Still pouty as ever.

It took Kris a few seconds before he retorted. “Yah! Me?! No, you come here!”

Before Junmyeon could run Kris had caught his hand and pulled him into a hug while spinning him around. A gale of laughter invade the house as the small male in his arms couldn’t help but feeling dizzy.

It felt so good to have him back and Kris thought he would never let go of Junmyeon ever again.











“Yifan, you really need to stop staring at me.”

Kris was back again at his sense after noticing how endearing it is to hear his birth name roll out of Junmyeon’s tongue. He didn’t thought he could get used to having Junmyeon by his side.

They were in a mini bar near Jessica’s house. Taecyeon said that it’s a good idea for them to catch up alone and honestly, Kris wouldn’t have it any other way. Chuckling, he sipped his drink before putting the glass down then facing Junmyeon entirely. “Are you going to tell me what happened to you all these years?”

Junmyeon only raised an eyebrow at him before fixing his gaze forward. “Well, I went to private college in New Zealand. Graduated. Work as a teacher. And now I’m back home. I guess that’s pretty much it. Not so entertaining, really. How about you, Yifan? Anything to amuse me?”

Kris bites his cheeks before explaining how his life was after high school and then college days and eventually how he became the head of his father’s company. The light in the mini bar was dim but Kris still feel breathless whenever he stares at Junmyeon’s face. Something in his heart was telling him that this isn’t normal.

“I’m not surprised. That’s what you’ve always wanted right, Yifan?”

“Why didn’t you let us contact you?” Kris abruptly asked and his gaze was intense on Junmyeon. The shorter was taken aback at the unexpected question but soon heaved out a sigh. “I was afraid…That if I did, I wanted to come home. I would want to stop chasing my dreams.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, Jun”

“Yifan, I just…. You know how I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. Especially in New Zealand since my late mother had once taught there. So I did what I had to do. It was hard for me there. It wasn’t easy at all. And if I talk to you guys, I would want to stop everything and go home. I’m not strong, Yifan. I never was. I hope you understand.”

The feeling of warmth suddenly invade his hand as Junmyeon slid his fingers along with Kris', and even though being left behind for years, Kris would without a blink of an eye, forgive Junmyeon. Because at that moment, he was happy.











“So let me get this straight..”

Kris glanced towards his stepbrother briefly before skimming back at his work papers in his office. “You’re saying, your long lost best friend is back after a decade and now is staying at his ex-boyfriend’s house together with his girlfriend?”

“Chanyeol, do you know how messed up it sounds if you put it that way?” Kris said, still not giving his full attention to Chanyeol. “No, just hear me out. Junmyeon once dated Taecyeon back in high school then you and Jessica came in the picture, right? Is that why he left to New Zealand? Because of Taecyeon and Jessica?” Chanyeol asked curiously.

Hmm.Honestly he doesn’t know. Until this day, none of them knew why Junmyeon had left. Well, at least he and Taecyeon don’t have any clue. Jessica however, probably knew where and why Junmyeon had disappeared all this while.

Finally annoyed at the accusation, he put down the worksheet and glared at his stepbrother. “He didn’t have that kind of feelings with Taecyeon. They dated but it wasn’t that kind of love. Now shoo why don’t you get me a coffee instead of increasing my blood pressure?”

“Tskk that’s not my job and I’m not your slave. Though….How did you know he doesn’t love Taecyeon that way?”

“Didn't I said I'm very close to him? He only dated Taecyeon because he was afraid to lose his best friend at the moment or something like that. Taecyeon was all he had so he thinks by having a relationship, they won’t ever separate.”

 “That sounds stupid! It’s like Junmyeon is using him!” Chanyeol exasperated, hands dragging down his face. Kris, clearly wasn’t pleased with Chanyeol’s words, threw his pen and luckily, it hit perfectly on his brother’s head. “Aish! It was a mutual agreement between those two, idiot!” Kris had irritated.

Then, speaking of the devil (in this case it’s angel because according to Kris, Junmyeon is an angel) Kris’ phone vibrated and he didn’t have to look at the caller ID to know its Junmyeon.

“Hello, Kris is speaking!” Kris said too enthusiastically that made Chanyeol want to puke.“Stop fooling around, Yifan. You know it’s me.” Kris thinks Junmyeon is still sassy as before. “You’re no fun, Junmyeon.”

“Well whatever, you promised me last week to eat bingsu with me. So is today a go or no go?”

“Today’s fine. I’ll pick you up later. And wear something thick, it's cold outside. Don’t want you to get sick, don’t we?” upon that being said, Kris received a weird look from his stepbrother but he just brushed it off.

“Uhh…alright? Okay..Bye”

Junmyeon hung up first before Kris could utter his goodbye. Unconsciously, he felt the corner of his lips tugging upwards. It’s been 2 months since Jumyeon came back and day by day they were drawing closer. They’ve been going out frequently together, just the two of them.

He can’t figure it out whether it was his bestfriends’ plan to go out together as four then dump him and Junmyeon or it happened naturally just like the old days. It’s not like he minded. This is just like when they were senior in high school.

And eventually, Kris felt like he was falling more and more with Junmyeon. He had always find Junmyeon really beautiful, even when he first met him. But 11 years ago, he never really thought about Junmyeon that way. They used to be so close with each other that no one can tear them apart, but he had only thought Junmyeon merely as a friend. Well, Junmyeon too, seems like he wasn’t interested in Kris,

But after Junmyeon’s disappearance, his heart felt like it’s been tore out into pieces and he didn’t felt complete at all. It’s like he was missing his other half. He didn’t know why he had felt that way, the only thing he knew was he wanted Junmyeon to come back home. Come back to me.

When the smaller went missing, he couldn’t reach Junmyeon at all. Neither can Taecyeon. However, both of them knew that Jessica was secretly in contact with Junmyeon. They had once asked, even argued with Jessica so that she would give them Junmyeon’s number but she said it was his request to make his number known only to her. Curiosity was killing them but when Jessica had said;

“Please don’t question me about Junmyeon’s whereabouts. I can tell you how he is doing and all. Just…not where he is.”

They were about to protest once again but Jessica firmly continued. “This is his decision so please don’t worry. He has his reasons and….he said he’ll be back in no time. So please…don’t worry” Jessica’s voice was so gentle that it’s a sign that she doesn’t want to argue any further which was why both of them let the conversation stopped there.

But now Junmyeon’s here. Back into his arms. Where he should be even 11 years ago.

“Earth to Wu Yifan…?”

His sense was brought back from his dazed after hearing his step brother. “Gosh, you look stupid, hyung. Smiling all by yourself then looking confused”

Kris cleared his throat and stood up to clear the papers on his table. Junmyeon is waiting; he should quickly close his office. As he was about to grab the stacks of paper, a hand caught his wrist, making him

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2446 streak #1
reading again in 2019!!!
This is really good! One of my fave story here in AF :)
foreverfareh #3
Chapter 7: I just found this gem of yours. I cried a little reading this fic. Maybe you can write baekyeol's spin off? Thanks for writing this fic.
Chapter 7: Thought luhan was their child but turn out it was jongin and sehun haha >< finally krisho get their own happy ending :3 Thank you for writing this fic ^^
Chapter 6: Krisho in this chapter is like "we are lovey dovey but we're not boyfriends" then "what is boyfrieds lets just get engage" hahaha i love it tho >< In the end yifan's hadrwork to win joon's heart is paid off with this engagement(?)~~~
Chapter 5: Finally!! One step closer to become boyfriends~ Kkkk. Thank you chanyeol for letting yifan knew about the truth ^^ you are their lifesaver~
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is such a c*ckblocker hahaha ><
I like how yifan was trying to ignore joon when they had pizzas but in the end he just cant~ kkk
Chapter 3: I understand now why joon seem hesitate to accept yifan's love... when they were in high school yifan was leading joon on too.... you reap what you sow yifan-ah... but maybe someday joon will accept you wholeheartedly~~
Chapter 2: Didnt know that their relationship was this complicated... wah..
Chapter 1: Feel bad for yifan bcs joon is leading him on but in the end joon rejected yifan even tho joon loves yifan... it makes me curious why is joon pretending that he doesnt like/love yifan...