Chapter XVI

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I'm sorry I can't upload longer chapters guys, or be more active idk. School is just stressing me out a lot latly. 
But here you go though 
I hope you enjoy this chapter xx 

“What the hell happened to her?!” SinB heard a cracking voice yell through the corridor of the hospital and lazily got up from her chair, disturbed at the noise.

“Excuse you?” she said monotonously at the other girl, her eyelids fallen and her lips parted lightly. She crossed her arms, observing and taking in every detail about the person who kept yelling not understandable words that went through SinB’s head like a buzzing bee she was trying to ignore.

The girl was young, perhaps not as young as her baby eyes and her pouty lips that were now pursued made her look, but still young. She looked over at SinB angrily, but didn’t address her, bumping shoulders and hissing as she walked towards Sowon’s room. She didn’t make her way in, a firm grip on her wrist pulling her back angrily, making her stumble and almost fall.

“Ex-cuse-you?!” SinB repeated herself in a firm tone, her eyes already burning holes into the girl’s skin, making her shiver at the fact that the grip on her hand got stronger, while her eyes darker. “You can’t get in there.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” the younger girl spat back, her voice as sharp as SinB’s, but her breaths heavy, showing that somehow she was intimidated by the other girl.

“Or what?” SinB’s voice got darker, something triggering inside her, because she knew the girl, she had seen her face plenty of times in every single picture frame Sowon had on her room. She knew the girl and she hated to see her eyes filled with that much emotion for Sowon, too much emotion.

Maybe her voice only got darker because she knew that Sowon was as fragile as a drizzle right now and even a sweet breeze could destroy her. The girl she had in front of her seeming too much like a hurricane. Perhaps it was just the fact that Sowon was asleep and she didn’t want Sowon to wake up to anyone’s face but hers, but SinB was too scared to admit that, even to herself.

SinB took one step closer, wetting her lips and biting the inside of until she tasted blood. The thought of Sowon, laying in a hospital bed, with her chapped lips and bruised skin, broken bones and with a past she couldn’t remember, made SinB’s heart crumble and shake. It made everything about her shake, even her dark eyes that had stopped looking at the younger girl were now shaking as they found comfort in an empty spot on the white wall.

“Yah EunBi,” Yerin’s voice took SinB out of her head as the other girl placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back so she would release the girl standing in front of her from her grip. “Here, your coffee mate. I’ll take care of this. Calm down yeah? ” Yerin flashed one of her smiles that for the first time didn’t reach her eyes, clearly holding pain within itself.

SinB nodded and dragged herself back to her chair, her eyes staring at the coffee cup she was holding. She took a sip and she remembered how much she hated coffee. She took another sip. Scratch that, she still and will always hate coffee. The bitter taste never being pleasant for , except those few times when she felt it in Sowon’s ton

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Chapter 20: One amazing story. ☺️
sarahdhea #2
Chapter 20: I had to wait for months because i don’t want to remember every details of the story when i reread this fic so i can feel the same emotion as the first time i read it
Chapter 15: Omg, I just noticed that you are using words like twisted and labyrinth, ironic
sarahdhea #4
It’s 2020 and no one can stop me from reading this again
This will forever be my fave Wonb fic, it hurts so good, hands dooown
yhdthe18 #6
Reading this story all at once is like riding on the roller coaster... and suddenly the song EX by Kiana Ledé is on shuffle! My emotions... and i couldn’t count how many times i shed tears :’) oh my god so well-written, and the poems are really beautiful! Love the struggles within this relationship, love how you not just give us fairy tales but also the needed, realistic bitterness that shake our heart. What can i say, i love this so much.
(I also ship jensoo and love your jensoo fic! And then find out you also write wonb! I am so impressed that you are capable of writing all different kind of fictions!! Please keep writing!! Fighting!)
Crazyjellybean #7
Chapter 10: Tell me author ...what relationship were they in? Would you call it friends with benefits? Were they even friends?
sarahdhea #8
Chapter 20: Just finished reading this again. Can you write another WonB pleaseee
sarahdhea #9
even after i read so much fics, ink was still and always be my fav. it's really well written and makes me want to read it again and again and never gets bored.