Chapter XIV

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Hey guys, sorry for never updating. I've just been dealing with school and human beings in my school (who are awfully annoying like wtf) and life in general has been a lot of this and that and a lot of horrible things that are not supposed to be part of a 17 year old girl's life, but oh well who am I to complain. 
Anyway I also just realized that I almost never reply to your comments bcs I at being a descent human being and I am literally so ing busy. Sorry guys. I read every single comment and I really love them all and I am really thankfull for them and yeah, sorry babes. 
Hope you enjoy this chapter. xx 

SinB watched as Sowon left, her eyes pierced at the door that was slammed shut loudly in front of her, the older girl not looking back this time. SinB watched as Sowon left, all her 640 muscles frozen, her eyelids not moving, her heart pumping slowly as if it was too lazy to bother working. But that didn’t last for long. It took a tick of the clock, a whisper of the wind and the shattering of rain on the window to snap her out and bring her back into reality, and for the love of God reality had never hurt this much.

But that was everything she wanted.

It was, wasn’t it?

She could vividly remember the first time she saw Sowon: a tall hot mess getting off of the train carrying her luggage and backpack, a pen in between her fingers and a piece of folded paper placed gently between her thin lips. She could call out every detail on that day: the wind blowing the paper and Sowon scoffing irritated while looking around for it, but easily giving up and just walking away, lips a thin line and steps a bit dreamy, almost as if she was walking on a cloud.

She could vividly remember the first time she talked to Sowon: the nickname she gave her rolling off of her lips casually, like it has been standing at the back of since the beginning of time, waiting for the right person to make it reach her vocal chords.

She could vividly remember the first time she felt her heart beat when she laid next to Sowon: her cold arms wrapped around the other girl and her hand standing at her abdomen, letting their body temperatures balance themselves, until she fell asleep, her soul almost finding home.

She could vividly remember the first time she kissed Sowon: the warmth of her lips, the way they moved slowly as they got wrapped around SinB’s lips gently, making her taste coffee and orange lollipops. She could remember the aftermath, where the thin line that was always drawn on Sowon’s lips were exchanged with rose flushed chewed ones that made the older girl look like she was melting, chocolate eyes looking softly at SinB.

She could vividly remember the first time Sowon touched her: tender fingers traveling her body, drawing sweet patters in it in such a way that made SinB feel like she was touched by cherry blossoms that the wind had blown towards her body, that made her feel like she was being touched by something that  seemed more heavenly than human like. And she didn’t even believe in God, or devils, but she could feel hell burning inside her and angels singing sweet melodies by her ears as Sowon’s fingers traced her skin.

She could vividly remember the first time she left Sowon: the older girl not looking at her, but at the ceiling, her lips forming the infamous thin line, her hands clenched at the bed sheets. But that wasn’t right. Sowon wasn’t supposed to love her, not even like her

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Chapter 20: One amazing story. ☺️
sarahdhea #2
Chapter 20: I had to wait for months because i don’t want to remember every details of the story when i reread this fic so i can feel the same emotion as the first time i read it
Chapter 15: Omg, I just noticed that you are using words like twisted and labyrinth, ironic
sarahdhea #4
It’s 2020 and no one can stop me from reading this again
This will forever be my fave Wonb fic, it hurts so good, hands dooown
yhdthe18 #6
Reading this story all at once is like riding on the roller coaster... and suddenly the song EX by Kiana Ledé is on shuffle! My emotions... and i couldn’t count how many times i shed tears :’) oh my god so well-written, and the poems are really beautiful! Love the struggles within this relationship, love how you not just give us fairy tales but also the needed, realistic bitterness that shake our heart. What can i say, i love this so much.
(I also ship jensoo and love your jensoo fic! And then find out you also write wonb! I am so impressed that you are capable of writing all different kind of fictions!! Please keep writing!! Fighting!)
Crazyjellybean #7
Chapter 10: Tell me author ...what relationship were they in? Would you call it friends with benefits? Were they even friends?
sarahdhea #8
Chapter 20: Just finished reading this again. Can you write another WonB pleaseee
sarahdhea #9
even after i read so much fics, ink was still and always be my fav. it's really well written and makes me want to read it again and again and never gets bored.