Chapter XI

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Well this will be boring. .-. 
I promise the next chapter will be hella interesting, I hope. 

Enjoy your reading xx 


“Tea?” Yerin asked in her honey voice as she got up from her bed and walked towards the kitchen, stopping at the door for a second to look back at the older girl.

“And a painkiller please,” Sowon mumbled and Yerin pursued her lips, noticing that the other girl had been getting a lot of them lately.

She disappeared inside the kitchen and Sowon was left with nothing but a golden painted ceiling to stare at, not that she has being doing much of anything else lately. She barely attended school and when she physically did, her mind definitely was still somewhere far away, someplace where she couldn’t reach it, no matter how hard she tried.

But she came to enjoy staring at the ceiling, the room quiet enough to let her ears be filled with SinB’s voice which she was holding onto for dear life, praying she didn’t lose the memory of it. The golden paint looking like canvas she wanted to paint with the younger’s girl face.

To sum up the situation, Sowon was shattering.

Yerin appeared from the kitchen and sat at the edge of Sowon’s bed, holding two cups of tea. She handed one to Sowon along with a bottle of water to take the painkiller.

“Thanks,” Sowon mumbled and Yerin flashed one of her 24 karats smiles that didn't reach her eyes which were looking at the other girl with saddness.

“Always mate. Still have a headache?”

Sowon shook her head and then took the painkiller, feeling the taste dance from down to .

“Fever?” Yerin tried again, but once more was greeted with Sowon’s head shaking telling her that it wasn’t fever either.

Yerin sighed and took a sip of her tea, letting the warmth travel her body before looking at the other girl and speaking again.

“This whole thing isn’t healthy Sowon,” she softly said, carefully picking her words not to trigger something in Sowon. “You drink too much coffee and barely eat, probably taking enough calories to burn while breathing by the huge amount of painkillers you take, because that’s the only thing you’ve been doing, breathing. I bet you haven’t seen the sun for the past three days and you haven’t written a thing in two weeks straight. I mean, I’ve never seen your arms so clean from the ink and this dorm room paper-free,” Yerin finished her words with a small sad laugh that quickly turned into another sigh.

“I-I just haven't felt like it,” Sowon mumbled with her lips barely moving. “Like writing, I mean,” she told the other girl, but her eyes roamed all over the room, as if she was talking to the golden painted walls and the emptiness that surrounded her.

“How so?” Yerin asked, pushing the conversation further, but Sowon just shrugged and took the last sip from her cup, surprising Yerin from how quickly she drank it.

“Just tired,” Sowon sighed and let the cup on the floor, fully laying on her bed and stuffing herself inside the covers. “I’ll sleep for a bit, if you don’t mind,” she added and Yerin just smiled softly whispering an ‘of course’ before getting up from Sowon’s bed.

The older girl turned around and faced the side wall. It too was painted golden. It was as comforting as the ceiling, especially after the dizziness that the whiskey and the painkiller made her feel. Looking at wall next to her, trailing her fingers along it as if she was writing something, she heard Yerin’s previows words ring in her head.

Of course she drank too much coffee. She has always done that and taking pills had been so natural that they have started tasting like candies. And she didn’t write. She never wrote. She just scribbled poems all over school textbooks. She just spilled emotions all over her skin in quickly written lines that didn’t contain commas or question marks or even capital letters. Her thoughts were always all over the place and she never bothered to gather them in one paragraph. That’s who she was when she decided to

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Chapter 20: One amazing story. ☺️
sarahdhea #2
Chapter 20: I had to wait for months because i don’t want to remember every details of the story when i reread this fic so i can feel the same emotion as the first time i read it
Chapter 15: Omg, I just noticed that you are using words like twisted and labyrinth, ironic
sarahdhea #4
It’s 2020 and no one can stop me from reading this again
This will forever be my fave Wonb fic, it hurts so good, hands dooown
yhdthe18 #6
Reading this story all at once is like riding on the roller coaster... and suddenly the song EX by Kiana Ledé is on shuffle! My emotions... and i couldn’t count how many times i shed tears :’) oh my god so well-written, and the poems are really beautiful! Love the struggles within this relationship, love how you not just give us fairy tales but also the needed, realistic bitterness that shake our heart. What can i say, i love this so much.
(I also ship jensoo and love your jensoo fic! And then find out you also write wonb! I am so impressed that you are capable of writing all different kind of fictions!! Please keep writing!! Fighting!)
Crazyjellybean #7
Chapter 10: Tell me author ...what relationship were they in? Would you call it friends with benefits? Were they even friends?
sarahdhea #8
Chapter 20: Just finished reading this again. Can you write another WonB pleaseee
sarahdhea #9
even after i read so much fics, ink was still and always be my fav. it's really well written and makes me want to read it again and again and never gets bored.