The bathroom incident

The man behind the camera
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Kyung walked into the office the next day feeling incredibly nervous. He had left yesterday feeling like he had done a good job, but now he was starting to question it. He had tried to shoot Jiho the way the photographer had done before him, but he felt like he hadn't done a good job. He had been taken aback by the effect Jiho had on him while he was shooting. Jiho had been giving the camera smoldering looks all day long and even though Kyung knew those looks weren't aimed for him, he couldn't help, but to get affected by them. Jiho was attractive and Kyung knew it, but Jiho had this player vibe to him. He seemed like the kind of guy that you have one great night with, but he is gone in the morning and Kyung didn't want that. His last boyfriend had been a good guy, for awhile. After Kyung had told the man that he was interested in having more than just the nights, the man had completely kicked off. He said that things were moving too quickly and that he was not ready for that type of commitment and that's when he left. Kyung never saw that man again and he decided that he was going to stay by himseld until he found someone who was ready to commit to him and to actually get to know him, not just his body.

"Hey, you good?" Kyung heard a familiar voice calling for him.

"Yea, I'm good" Kyung muttered to Taeil as he passed him in the hall on the way to his evaluation.

"You heading to your evaluation?" Taeil asked and walked next to him, reading the list he was holding on his tattooed hands.

"Yea, do I look that nervous?" Kyung laughed and swept his heavy bangs away from his face.

"Not that bad, honestly" Taeil laughed and opened the conference room door to Kyung.

"Thanks, I'll see you later?" Kyung asked as he stepped into the room.

Taeil just nodded and disappeared down the hall. Kyung turned around and closed the door behind him. The supervisors were sitting around the table and there was one empty chair, clearly meant for the person stepping into the room. Kyung moved slowly to the table and took a deep breath before sitting down. He noticed his portfolio and the pictures he had taken yesterday sitting on the table infront of him. The supervisors were still talking as Kyung sat down, so he coughed and the other men looked up.

"Oh, good that you're here" The supervisor he had worked with yesterday said and smiled coldly.

"I hope you do understand the value of this internship and what is at stake here" The elder supervisor said and looked at Kyung with alot of calculation in his eyes.

"Yes I do and I am forever grateful to even have this opportunity" Kyung said and sounded as sincere as humanly possible.

"Have you seen the pictures you took yesterday?"

"No, I was asked to leave right after I was done with the last set" Kyung said, trying to relive the events of the day before.

"Would you like to see them and give us your opinion on them?" 

"Yes, I would like to see them" Kyung said and he took the Ipad that was handed to him, there was a folder there with his name on it, he opened it.

The pictures spread across the screen. Kyung felt like laughing. The pictures were insanely good. The quality, the feeling, the liveliness was all there. He felt happiness settling to his chest, he had done well. Jiho looked happy and so vivid in the pictures. He was laughing openly to the camera and in one of the beach pictures Jiho was looking just a bit over the camera and he looked like he was watching the most precious thing in the world. Kyung felt his heartbeat quickening as he realised that Jiho was looking at him. His eyes were filled with care and loving and Kyung had to skip to the next picture to stop himself from blushing furiously. After the beach pictures there were the duo shoot where Jiho was posing with the female model and Kyung felt his spirits dropping. He scrolled through these pictures faster and he had to admit that he wasn't as happy with them. Jiho didn't look as sincere as he did in the other pictures. He looked like he was being directed to act the way he did and even though he looked amazing, his eyes looked dead.

"Well?" One of the supervisors asked.

"Well, the directory here...." Kyung kept a silent break, "I'm going to be completely honest here, just so you know"

"Go ahead"

"Jiho looks dead in these last pictures" Kyung pointed at the pictures on the ipad, "He doesn't look as happy as he does in the others, my favourite ones are these two" 

Kyung showed the supervisors the two pictures in which Jiho was sitting in the fake coffeehouse smiling to the person behind the counter, clearly talking to him. The other picture Kyung showed them was one of the beach pictures, where Jiho was lying on his back and smiling. Kyung couldn't show the one where Jiho was looking at him over the camera, because he felt like that was his private thing and he wouldn't want to showcase it to the directors and supervisors.

The directors looked at him dumbfounded. Kyung swallowed loudly and preapared for the worst. Interns were probably not supposed to bring their opinions out so prominently, but Kyung couldn't lie and say that he liked the pictures companies usually chose for magazines.  Kyung knew that voicing his opinion was a mistake and was almost packing his bag when one of the supervisors finally spoke.

"How long have you worked in photography?" Was all the man

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unusualcommaan #1
Chapter 35: "Did you miss me? ;)"
Yes. I'm glad to see this still updating, and continue to look forward to see it update, any worth is wait it.

Also, I love how Henry is both down to either or both of them, but aware he is just being played with and a good sport who had fun.

With his final words, I look forward to what Jiho will do with the information. (cough Kyung, hopefully cough)
unusualcommaan #2
Chapter 34: an updating WIP for zikyung? in this economy???

(also Kyung's "I'll give you a chance if you keep begging, babe" made me ASCEND)
Chapter 26: This is absolutely amazing!!!!
Ohmygod how much I'm fangirling with this story, please keep updating it, I'll keep up with it 100%.
I really love Jiho's attitude and charisma, Kyung's awkward but cute personality and the spark these two have together. I really wish they can be a couple at the end!!! ); But I'm loving all the crazy hot stuff so much too. Pls keep updating, I'm in luv with this<333
I miss this story. :( ♡
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 19: I read this in one go and now I don't know what to do.
Please, pretty please update soon! I need to know what ia going to happen now that Zico and Kyung are trying to have something.

I hope you're doing good and I'll be waiting for an update. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Lizete #7
Chapter 19: PLEASE UPDATR I NEED THISSS?? THIS IS A GOOD STORY. I like how you put their conversation and thier thoughts through the story. Please update??
Died waiting this favorite fic to get updated....
suga0kookiez #9
Chapter 19: this is so good. ;-;
please please please can you update this story? T-T
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 19: I read this all in one day and it's so good T_T I really loved the way you were able to characterize Jiho even from primarily utilizing Kyung's perspective.