A Saint and A Sinner

The man behind the camera
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Jiho kept pacing back and forth in his tiny makeshift dressingroom, which had been fashioned for him out of a small piece of curtain and some lightrods. He didn't really mind changing infront of people, he knew his body was a sight to behold, but in his moment of planning he did appreciate the illusion of privacy the thin fabric walls gave him. He was pacing back and forth, but in his mind, he was building the most elaborate plan possible to drive Kyung into his boiling point during the shoot.

The theme was A Saint and a Sinner, which fit into his plan perfectly. He was quite literally playing the devil. The whole idea of the shoot was to have a divine good and a divine evil. Henry's goody-two-shoes look and clean cut hair and face made him the perfect angel and jiho with his merciless eyes and tattoos made the perfect modern day devil.

"Hey, you ready?" Jiho heard the supervisor call for him outside of the canvas wall.

"Yea just a sec!" Jiho said and turned to look at himself from the travel mirror he had propped against one of the rods.

He had on a dark red almost silk-like suit and underneath was a black satin shirt, which was buttoned just high enough to keep the shoot PG but just low enough that you could see his tattoos and his infamous diamond stud peeking from the bottom. He looked quite literally like he had crawled out of the eternal fire to come and seduce a few mortals. And that was exactly what he was planning on doing. 

He pulled the curtain aside and walked onto the set, which was quite basic; just a dark grey backdrop, against which he and Herny would be photographed. When he walked on Kyung was already behind the camera, and there was noticeable shift in his energy. Where he had seemed a little bit uncomfortable and fussy earlier, he seemed to be truly in charge now. He was chatting with the set design people and telling them how he wanted the lighting moved during the shoot to create a different ambience depending on the picture. Jiho had to admit, there was something very attractive about Kyung when he fully fell into his work-mode. He was incredibly talented at what he did, there was a very good reason Jiho had wanted him to come do the project with him, he truly was the best possible candidate for the job. Watching him now demand the whole room to move exactly as he wanted for the pictures made Jiho feel so proud. Despite everything – and he meant everything – that had happened between them, it seemed that there was nothing that could stand between Kyung and his dream to make these photoshoots the best that they could be. 

Would Jiho still try his best to disrupt and demolish the brunette and hence the shoot entirely?



"And I need to see you two move in the back with the lights as I start shooting, I'll edit you out in post, but I want the background to have a moving shadow effect" Kyung finished his speech and sent the last two set design people to their places. 

He took his camera and tried a few testshots of just the empty set. It looked amazing. He knew that he was about to absolutely murder this shoot. He walked over to Jiho and Henry who were standing in the middle of the set, just chatting. Kyung could tell that Jiho was already putting his tell-tale moves on Henry. He kept looking down at him and gently commenting on his appearance. He kept teasing him on little excuses and everytime he saw an opening he would stretch his arms above his head, which exposed more and more of his gorgeous body underneath his excuse of a shirt. Kyung felt his cheeks warming up as he approached the two men, but he knew that this was no time to back down.

"Okay" He began and both the models turned to face him, "I want to try a few poses first and whichever we feel looks the best, is the direction were going to pursue"

Henry nodded and Jiho shot him an arrogant smirk: "Do you want to demonstrate the poses were going to do?" The blonde chuckled.

"Sure" Kyung answered and Jiho's expression dropped, "Henry do you mind?"

Henry took a step forward and Kyung gently placed one of his hands on his shoulder.

"So Jiho" He began while maintaining eyecontact with the blonde over Henry's shoulder "You're going to be with your back to the camera and Henry is going to have his arm on your back"

Just as he said that he could feel Henry's arm come up to rest between his shoulderblades. Perfect. 

"You're going to have your head off to the side and Henry is going to be facing forward" Kyung said and slowly turned his head, his face now only inches from Henry's. He could see Henry swallow, but he did not move his face away from Kyung's, "This way I can get your sideprofile and Henry's frontprofile into the shot"

With that Kyung pulled away from Henry, but he did notice Henry's hand lingering on his lower back just a few seconds longer, which was exactly what he wanted. 

"Go ahead Jiho" Kyung said and motioned towards him and Henry.

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unusualcommaan #1
Chapter 35: "Did you miss me? ;)"
Yes. I'm glad to see this still updating, and continue to look forward to see it update, any worth is wait it.

Also, I love how Henry is both down to either or both of them, but aware he is just being played with and a good sport who had fun.

With his final words, I look forward to what Jiho will do with the information. (cough Kyung, hopefully cough)
unusualcommaan #2
Chapter 34: an updating WIP for zikyung? in this economy???

(also Kyung's "I'll give you a chance if you keep begging, babe" made me ASCEND)
Chapter 26: This is absolutely amazing!!!!
Ohmygod how much I'm fangirling with this story, please keep updating it, I'll keep up with it 100%.
I really love Jiho's attitude and charisma, Kyung's awkward but cute personality and the spark these two have together. I really wish they can be a couple at the end!!! ); But I'm loving all the crazy hot stuff so much too. Pls keep updating, I'm in luv with this<333
I miss this story. :( ♡
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 19: I read this in one go and now I don't know what to do.
Please, pretty please update soon! I need to know what ia going to happen now that Zico and Kyung are trying to have something.

I hope you're doing good and I'll be waiting for an update. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Lizete #7
Chapter 19: PLEASE UPDATR I NEED THISSS?? THIS IS A GOOD STORY. I like how you put their conversation and thier thoughts through the story. Please update??
Died waiting this favorite fic to get updated....
suga0kookiez #9
Chapter 19: this is so good. ;-;
please please please can you update this story? T-T
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 19: I read this all in one day and it's so good T_T I really loved the way you were able to characterize Jiho even from primarily utilizing Kyung's perspective.