No way out

The man behind the camera
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The airport was busy and packed during the early morning hours and the line to check-in was insane. Kyung couldn't help the yawn, that escaped him. he had slept well, but the boredom was killing him. The chat he had had with Jiho in the van, had left him thoughtful. Jiho had seemed just like a hot stranger for so long, but now he seemed like an actual person to him. Kyung knew about the things he liked and the fact that he acted like a hot playboy, but he was actually a warm hearted and caring man. Kyung allowed his gaze to travel to the blonde male standing int he next line with his phone in his hand. Jiho had a natural iness to him, even when he was doing the dullest of activities. Kyung had decided to stick to his 'avoid Jiho by any means' -plan so stricktly, he had not realized what he might be giving up on. He did want a serious commitment. He wanted a long lasting relationship. Someone to wake up with in the morning, not to jst have fun during th enights. But did he really? Kyung watched as Jiho moved to the check-in counter and smiled politely to the female standing behind it. Kyung felt a spike of jealousy unexpectedly stabbing him. He didn't want Jiho smiling like that to anyone else. Jiho's warmest smile needed to be targetet towards him, right?
Kyung shook his head and tried to dismiss his posessive thoughts and walked to the free counter to check in.

After the unbelieveably long check-in process the crew along with Kyung and Jiho moved over to customs to check their baggage. For some reason, Jiho didn't pass the metal detector and he had to stand with his arms on his sides while the man working the customs padded him down. Kyung gulped down, because while the man was going down on Jiho's thighs he saw a cocky grin dancing on Jiho's lips and his eyes were glued to Kyung. Kyung looked away and tried to keep his gaze fixed to the beautiful morning behind the windows.

"Do you have any piercings?" The man asked and Kyung saw Jiho nodding from the corner on his eye.

"Where do you have it and does it contain anything sharp?" The worker continued his questioning.

"It's on my lower abdomen and no, it's only a small rhinestone, which I'm getting removed soon" Jiho said and his voice was clam and it had a small hint of annoyement, which made Kyung smile.

Jiho was finally released and he joined the rest of the crew on the other side of the gates. Kyung didn't say anything to Jiho, even though they both knew Kyung had heard what Jiho had talked about with the worker. They made their way to the shops and cafés that were scattered around the airport and they were all filled with tired people sipping coffee and falling asleep on the couners. 

"You boys hungry?" The director asked and made his way towards the small cafè, which seemed to have free Wi-Fi.

kyung cringed a bit as he remembered how small his budjet was and he just shook his head:

"No I don't need anything"

The supervisor looked surprised at first, but then he added:

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unusualcommaan #1
Chapter 35: "Did you miss me? ;)"
Yes. I'm glad to see this still updating, and continue to look forward to see it update, any worth is wait it.

Also, I love how Henry is both down to either or both of them, but aware he is just being played with and a good sport who had fun.

With his final words, I look forward to what Jiho will do with the information. (cough Kyung, hopefully cough)
unusualcommaan #2
Chapter 34: an updating WIP for zikyung? in this economy???

(also Kyung's "I'll give you a chance if you keep begging, babe" made me ASCEND)
Chapter 26: This is absolutely amazing!!!!
Ohmygod how much I'm fangirling with this story, please keep updating it, I'll keep up with it 100%.
I really love Jiho's attitude and charisma, Kyung's awkward but cute personality and the spark these two have together. I really wish they can be a couple at the end!!! ); But I'm loving all the crazy hot stuff so much too. Pls keep updating, I'm in luv with this<333
I miss this story. :( ♡
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 19: I read this in one go and now I don't know what to do.
Please, pretty please update soon! I need to know what ia going to happen now that Zico and Kyung are trying to have something.

I hope you're doing good and I'll be waiting for an update. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Lizete #7
Chapter 19: PLEASE UPDATR I NEED THISSS?? THIS IS A GOOD STORY. I like how you put their conversation and thier thoughts through the story. Please update??
Died waiting this favorite fic to get updated....
suga0kookiez #9
Chapter 19: this is so good. ;-;
please please please can you update this story? T-T
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 19: I read this all in one day and it's so good T_T I really loved the way you were able to characterize Jiho even from primarily utilizing Kyung's perspective.