Round two baby

The man behind the camera
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The next morning dawned about as regularly as the one before. There was one key difference in the ambience of the room though, that was Jiho. He had been up pretty much the whole night. He had fallen into short hectic fever-like dream scenarios in which he had his way with Kyung time and time again. Sometimes in a more wholesome and understanding way, but mostly in an animalistic hate-fueled heat, which got to him much more. He couldn't say he hated the other male, that was far too negative for him, but there was something growing inside of him, which was a firm combination of lust and boiling hatred for the other male, which he could not explain to himself – let alone to anyone else.

As soon as the clock struck 7 am, he knew there would be breakfast served downstairs. He genuienly did not know what he would do if he ran into the other male in the common area of their suite, so he pulled on a black hoodie and some gray sweats and made his way out of the room as soon as he knew he could hide in the group of people heading downstairs to breakfast.

"Jiho! Over here!" The blonde spun around in a haze as he heard his name being called in the hallway; it was one of the girls from the make-up crew calling him over.

"We're heading down to have some breakfast, join us" She said as Jiho caught up to her in the hallway.

"By all means" Jiho laughed and followed the girl down the stairs to the grand dining hall in which the breakfast was served. 

They grabbed their fills from the buffet and sat down in a booth near the window, where they could see the beautiful streets bustling with people heading into work early in the morning. If it hadn't been for the soreness in Jiho's thighs and wrists from last night, this moment might have felt almost normal. It was nice for a moment for Jiho to live like he didn't have a curly haired demon living with him. Honestly, this moment was something completely new to him and he had little to no clue what to do with himself.

"You okay?" The makeup girl asked him as they sat down to eat, Jiho must have been quite the sight in his fussied state.

"I mean as good as I can be" Jiho laughed, "I barely slept last night"

"Wild night, nice" She answered with an expectant tone, "How was it?"

"Nothing spectacular" Jiho lied quickly, "As in nothing happened"

"That doesn't seem accurate" She giggled, "You know we saw you with the photographer having some drinks in the lobby when we came in"

Jiho just shrugged, clearly signaling to the girl that this topic was to be dropped. 

Whether or not she believe his story, she dropped the topic and they simply spoke about the happenings for the upcoming day and the shoot they were going to do. Keeping up with the conversation was incredibly difficult for Jiho, his mind kept slipping up between the events of last night and the youghurt he was

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unusualcommaan #1
Chapter 35: "Did you miss me? ;)"
Yes. I'm glad to see this still updating, and continue to look forward to see it update, any worth is wait it.

Also, I love how Henry is both down to either or both of them, but aware he is just being played with and a good sport who had fun.

With his final words, I look forward to what Jiho will do with the information. (cough Kyung, hopefully cough)
unusualcommaan #2
Chapter 34: an updating WIP for zikyung? in this economy???

(also Kyung's "I'll give you a chance if you keep begging, babe" made me ASCEND)
Chapter 26: This is absolutely amazing!!!!
Ohmygod how much I'm fangirling with this story, please keep updating it, I'll keep up with it 100%.
I really love Jiho's attitude and charisma, Kyung's awkward but cute personality and the spark these two have together. I really wish they can be a couple at the end!!! ); But I'm loving all the crazy hot stuff so much too. Pls keep updating, I'm in luv with this<333
I miss this story. :( ♡
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 19: I read this in one go and now I don't know what to do.
Please, pretty please update soon! I need to know what ia going to happen now that Zico and Kyung are trying to have something.

I hope you're doing good and I'll be waiting for an update. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Lizete #7
Chapter 19: PLEASE UPDATR I NEED THISSS?? THIS IS A GOOD STORY. I like how you put their conversation and thier thoughts through the story. Please update??
Died waiting this favorite fic to get updated....
suga0kookiez #9
Chapter 19: this is so good. ;-;
please please please can you update this story? T-T
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 19: I read this all in one day and it's so good T_T I really loved the way you were able to characterize Jiho even from primarily utilizing Kyung's perspective.