
8th Sister
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[CONTENTID2] Yoongi/Suga P.O.V

I carried Hyeonie to the nearest doctors clinic, princess style. Everyone stared but I clearly didn't give a .

"Umm..... Yoongi don't have to carry me. I can walk by myself."

"Well, you are a bit heavy." I joked. She pouted in reply, which was cute.

"I'm not that heavy!"

"Ok, ok. You're light."

We arrived at the clinic and the doctor gave Hyeonie a chair. He took the bandage off and washed the cut. He then applied a sort of cream, to heal it. He gave me a new set of bandages, which I carefully put on Hyeonie.

"Hey! That tickles!" Hyeonie giggled.

"It's better then being in pain." I replied, while pinching her nose.


On the way home, I gave Hyeonie a piggyback. The fastest way was through the park again. I heard someone yell our name from behind us. It was Taehyung and Jimin.

"HYEONIE! YOONGI! HI! IT'S A LOVELY DAY TO GO FEED THE DUCKS! DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH US?!" Taehyung shouted and waved wildly. Immediately, people stared at him and then at us. As if reading my mind, Jimin kicked Taehyung in the stomach to shut him up.

"Aah! That hurts, Jiminnie. Why the violent attitude?" Taehyung moaned.

"Because you was screaming your head off and attracting attention." I replied.

"Oh no! What happened to you, Hyeonie. Did Yoongi do something to you?" Jimin asked.

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Aimz19 #1
Chapter 8: yoongi's long lost sister? why do I feel like there's going to be more?
Chapter 7: Why must be secrettttttttt... *cryyyyyyy..
Chapter 2: Hohoho..i already can sense the fun begin~~
Love Vmin though <333
Chapter 3: Is she yoongi long lost sister?...... did yoongi know hoer.. hmmmmmm... curious.. hehehe.. take care author nimm
Chapter 2: I love thisss storrryyyyyyyy...~~~~~ will it continue??