Am I Sitting Next to a Murderer?

The Seductions of Conviction

Our first encounter had made me doubting myself even more. Why wasn't I able to get through to him? Why was he so strange? I wanted to meet him again, so I asked Jin to schedule another meet, to which he repsonded that it was all up to me now.

The days to follow tested my patience, everyday he'd avoid meeting me, which to my perspective made him look even more guilty than I had previously understated. It was an eternal loop, I'd think he's guilty and then question what the right thing was to do.


I sipped my warm Starbucks coffee on a work day a week before the trial began. I sat there engulfing the warmth of the sun rays penetrating the large windows. I sat my coffee down and observed my lipstick mark on its surface unintentionally zoning out and into my ocean of thoughts. I was soon disturbed my the ringing phone on my desk.



"Ah, Miss. Li, I'd like to see you."

"I'm sorry, who is this?" I was confused by the prompt command.

"Haha, have you not figured out the called I.D. on your phone Miss. Li?" I quickly glanced at the green screen on top of the key pad, it read Mr. Jeon Jungkook.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Mr. Jungkook!" we hadn't spoke since my interview.

"I told you to call me Jungkook, anyway, meet me at 5PM to discuss how your first few weeks have been." Before I could say anything more he had said goodbye and hung up the phone.


"You're funny." Suga giggled from his desk.

"Shut up." I frowned out of embarrassment.


Not long after the call I was making my way to the elevator to see Mr. Jungkook. The top floor elevator doors slid open and I had just finished adjusting my clothing. I had forgotten the distance between his desk and the elevator as I entered the floor/room. As I approached his desk, I noticed he was on the phone and took a step back to give him privacy and took those few moments to admire his combed back hair and attire. He signed for me to have a seat with a short smile and within a second had given me all his attention.


"I'm sorry about that, How are you Yannie?" He said whilst tucking at his rolled up sleeves.

"I'm good Jungkook, yourself?" I crossed my legs and placed my hands on my lap.

"I'm well, I called you today to see how you were doing with your case? Are you finding it challenging enough for a person with your skills?"

I didn't want to seem it was taking a toll on me "Yes, it's quiet something for a first case." and I internally face palmed.

"Good, I was afraid this would be too difficult. You see I keep up with all the cases we get here, everything anyone is doing in this building goes through me first."

"That sounds like a lot of work" I didn't know what else to say.

"Well you seem exhausted, best let you go home now."


I wanted to tell him that Hoseok wasn't meeting with me, but then I'd sound like a nagger. Ultimately Hoseok's and mine second meeting was on the first day of his trial, an idiotic move on his part. He didn't want to take the stand, he didn't want to plead guilty … He didn't want to do anything. I


It was only I who was defending him on the day of his trial, I felt alone, I had no witnesses, I had no sources, and it made me sound inexperienced. I was merely scraping at the thin layer of raw evidence and suggesting it's expected appearance - the obvious facts which I believe the Jury had already known.

My opening statement involved my attempts at wooing the Jury to the lack of evidence. “Your son’s fingerprints in your own car aren't evidence. Mr. Jung's wife wasn't put under suspicion despite her fingerprints being present in the car.” I roared my argument across the court room, trying to mask it's weakness with my confidence.

The trial proceeded after our opening statements trying to play the Jury's heart strings, beginning with the prosecution and a witness who agreed to drop their anonymity. They announced a brief wait since the witness had to be escorted in as he was to originally speak from a different room but had decided to strengthen his statement by revealing himself. I was curious as to who this person was, who could it be? A waiter? A pedestrian? Why would revealing himself make the case stronger?


The temperature of the court room seemed to fluctuate with my anxiety. I began to tap my feet as a means to make time flow faster and the heat from my body dissipate. I was nervous. I looked over at Hoseok, he sat there in his suit and tie emitting nonchalant vibes. I wondered if he knew what was to come. My interpretation of Hoseok's aura was interrupted with the opening of the two large doors at the back of the room. A man with a confident step walked in. The eyes of everyone in the room were now on him, inspecting him as I began to as well. I started from his polished shoes, noticeably high end, slowly making my way to his well fit tailored suit. His red tie was silky to the sight and his collars were crisp, I paused before confronting his face.


What the .


I looked steadily at him, at his face, waiting for him to confront mine. He finally met my intent look, and we began having a conversation with gestures nodded his head to acknowledge my presence. I was unable to return the motion as my anxiety began to turn into shock. I continued to stare unkindly and faced a sudden mental block.


“The prosecution would like to call Hoseok’s step-brother to the stand, Mr. Jeon Jungkook”


My eyes followed his every movement now, for some reason I felt betrayed and I had to make up for it by keeping him under my surveillance for the next few minutes he’d be here. It was hard to concentrate as questions flooded my head, I had just met him last week and all seemed normal. His oath was given with a slight curl of his mouth, but that was how his resting face  was, a permanent smirk tattooed across his pale soft skin.


“Why didn’t you tell me you were related to him?” I whispered to Hoseok, irritated.

“Don’t act like you didn’t know” he firmly stated.

Perhaps he was the person Hoseok was referring to during our first and last meeting.

Questions were asked about their relations, how long he knew him, were they close etc. They all answered my curiosity but not my conflict. He was Hoesok’s step mom’s first and only child. Their complicated ties dated back to when they were very young and only differed by in age by a few years. "We grew up in a supporting household." Mr. Jungkook said, responding to the many questions the lawyer had trained him for. I could see Hoseok growing more and more agitated as the questioning went on.

The introductory questions validated his statement to come which was introduced my the biggest question them of them all: “In your own words, tell us what happened that night.” asked the prosecutor, cueing the modified and rehearsed version of the night. Jungkook’s face morphed, his permanent smirk disappeared to showcase a more serious side of him, ready to speak against his brother. He was my boss, an owner of a top law firm, revealing his identity for this case put more than his reputation at risk - and if speaking against his brother was worth that all - was he really telling the truth? Would he put that all to risk because he wanted to avenge his step father properly?


Am I sitting next to a murderer?






I hope you're enjoying this so far! Please do leave comments telling me what you think, I really do appreciate them! 

ALSO PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THIS FANFIC: Posthumous. I'm a co-author with meeno24315 and we have great ideas that I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy!


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ilovebtsjimin #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update! I absolutely loved it ♥ #1 Fan!
ilovebtsjimin #2
Chapter 2: You're story is literally the best! I'm in love with your story ♥ I can't wait for the next chapter.