One Week

The Seductions of Conviction

I went back to my desk after receiving my first solo case to study it well. I felt uneasy, perhaps I was scared, how am I going to defend someone who's might be guilty? The evidence not only states fingerprint evidence but also CCTV proof. Ethically thinking, would it be the right thing to do? Or may be this was just a case I would have to lose… But my first case, lost… My reputation? No, maybe he's innocent. I just need to look into it more.

“You look like you're already working really hard” said the familiar snobby voice I had heard in the morning.

“Uh, sorta” I replied. It was the man who had a desk next to mine.


“I'm Yoongi by the way, but call me Suga.” He suddenly became friendly.


“I'm Yannie, why Suga?”


“Oh come on now, haven't you heard of me before?” He leaned in towards me from his seat as if he was anticipating me to burst out into awe.


“No?” I bluntly replied making his smirk disappear.


“Well If you must play dumb, I'm known as Suga because I'm the only criminal defense lawyer who defends woman only. My charm has earned me the title Suga.”


I laughed, why would he be so proud of such a ratchet title.


Oh wow I see…” I sarcastically responded.


“Why are you laughing? You don't think I have charm?” He defensively spoke. I laughed some more.


“We’ll see.” I gave him a smirk, I felt as though I was treating him as a child.


“Would you like to get lunch with me and a friend of mine?” He asked right after.


“Um yes sure… But it's 10am…”


“Oh yea of course, I meant at 12” He rolled his eyes again and returned to face his computer.


The 2 hours slowly went by as I read through Hoseok’s case. The more I read the more I doubted myself. If I decline this case… then Mr. Jungkook will assume I'm not worthy of his employment.

It's 12.” Suga had unknowingly saved me from inner conflicts.

I glanced at the clock ticking away on my desk. It was exactly 12.


“Wow you're on time.”


“That's part of my charm.” He winked, getting up and closing his blazer’s button to envelope his slim figure.


I followed him to the 11th floor where he introduced me to the IT center.


“This is where the research happens, the best ‘hackers’ are employed to dish out whatever they can on our clients. You'll be paired with one soon for your case as well.” Suga pointed out the many computers and people. It was relatively quiet, only the vigorous of tapping of fingers against keyboards was heard.


“Oh and there's my friend. We call him V… I don't really know what his real name is.”


A tall handsome man approached us, tripping over the many cables that ran across the floor.


“We need a tripping hazard sign on this floor” he said in a deep voice whilst approaching. He pushed his glasses back onto his nose bridge. Oh my god, he is gorgeous.

I'm Yannie.” I said without being introduced, eagerly reaching for a handshake. He gave me one look and smiled.

“Call me V, every tech guy has to have a cool name.” He shook my hand that I wouldn't want to be washing in a long time.


“So Suga's charm brings me yet another beautiful woman.” He spoke to Suga this time. They both laughed as I became flustered.


We proceeded to the cafeteria in the building and with time I became well acquainted with the two. They had been friends ever since they shared a dorm room at Harvard. I grew fond of them, also noticing a few of the women around me eyeing us… Or rather, eyeing them. This reminded me I hadn't met a single woman the whole day.


“Why are there no women on the 29th floor?” I blurted out my thoughts.


“Mr. Jungkook only hires the best of best to work at the 29th floor, usually we have to work our way to the top, all of the people on the 29th floor knew him before he owned this law firm. You are literally the only exception.”

The only exception, wow.


The rest of the week I began to arrive earlier than everyone, I felt as though I had to earn this position like all the others and this case was my ticket. I wanted to show Mr.Jungkook he wasn't wrong in hiring me. But the more I looked at Hoseok’s case, the more helpless I felt.

“Today's the day you get paired with an IT personnel” Jin told me. He had requested my presence in his office giving me an initial feel of scare.

“We have hired a new IT personnel, and since you're new too, we wanted to pair you two together. This is simply because Mr.Jungkook didn't want any empowerment issues.”


“I understand.”


“You will be having lunch with him today to affiliate with him better. He is an MIT graduate and worked at a competing law firm. His name is Park Jimin. I'll introduce you two at 12 here at my office. Do not be late.”

I returned to my desk and informed Suga that I wouldn't be able to have lunch with him and V today. I needed to be more awake for this, to leave a good impression, so I decided to get a cup of coffee before 12. I, being a loyal Starbucks customer, had the barista almost remember my order within a week. An accomplishment in it's own sense.

“That'll be four dollars and thirty nine cents” the barista said.

“Let me get that for you” a familiar voice was heard prompting me to turn around and find the security guard with the pink hair.

“Oh you really don't have to.” It was a kind gesture but necessary, his hair and name were still a mystery to me.


He had already swiped his card as I hesitated to touch him to back away.


“Thank you I guess” I noticed he didn't have his ear piece in and tried to make conversation “are you off duty?”


“Yes, I get a 20 min coffee break” he stood straight. Okay, what now.


“What's your name by the way?” the drink seemed to be taking forever.


“It's Namjoon”


I forced a smile and bobbed my head with a slight furrow of my eyebrows because the silence of this graceless conversation was poking at my anxiety.


The barista had finally called out my name to rescue me from the awkward conversation. I grabbed my drink and excused myself from him, technically not lying when I said I had work to do.


“See you again Miss. Li” he said.


I gave him one last lift of the cup and nod of the head to indicate my gratitude of his $4.39. My arm descended to meet an unintentional obstacle. A man’s white shirt was now drenched in Namjoon's chivalry.


“Oh my god I am so sorry” I tried to hand him the napkins in my hand but his hands were full and so I decided to dab at it myself without having a second thought, regretting my decision immediately.


“Oh don't worry Mam it's ok!” He said cheerfully. I didn't bother answering as I was mesmerized by what the transparency of his drenched white shirt revealed: oh my god, abs.


Don't worry about this. I'll take care of it.” He kept insisting so I backed away, his smile was hypnotizing and his hair jet black hair complimented his allure. I suddenly remembered to check the time: 12:05.


I am so sorry but I have to be somewhere.”


I felt terrible leaving him there, not even clearly hearing his response, I rushed to the elevators whilst wiping my hand of the remnants of a memorable coffee spill.

“Ah good you're here. We were just waiting for you.” Jin welcomed me into his office, I was panting out of embarrassment and rush.

“This is Park Jimin, Jimin, this is Yannie Li.”


I could feel my insides flipping, there was that smile again, one I had just fell victim only a few minutes ago. Oh crap, he's my IT personnel.

After introductions, Jin dedicated a good 30 seconds to laugh at our earlier incident. He continued on to describe what Jimin would be doing for me - a short summary: trying to find counter evidence for Hoseok.


The week which felt as long as month had finally come to an end, which meant I could finally move out of the money milking hotel and into a single room apartment I had found just days ago. It was a pleasant five minute walk from work, at the heart of New York. Jimin had offered to give me a ride to Ikea to help me furnish. I accepted immediately, it would save me the hassle of carrying large items or taking taxis ... and I found him attractive, but keeping my professionalism intact of course that wasn't one of my conscious justifying reasons.

We spent the day together, picking the best single bed along with some sheets and decor, introducing me to his rather tasteful choice in interior design. We had lunch and I began to know him better than a co-worker. After, he carried the boxes to my apartment, refusing my right to even help. We sat down in my unfinished lounge room on a light blue couch that came with the apartment.

“If I may ask, are you seeing anyone? Not that I’m interested or anything…” Jimin smiled shyly. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was interested in me… but us being coworkers, it was completely forbidden in my books.


“No, I'm not.” I smiled and to carry on the conversation asked him the same question.


“Well, yes… But it's long distance, I don't think it'll last long.”


Oh may be he was just asking me because he wanted my advice on something…


Why do you think that?”


“You just know when it's the end.” Jimin seemed reserved. I didn't want this to become awkward, and feeling he was becoming a close friend I decided to talk about one of my recent relationships that had just ended.


“So you broke up with him before you moved here? Was it because of the distance?” Jimin eagerly awaited my response as I gathered my words.


“We had our differences, I was his first girlfriend and so he was the kindest to me. His friends didn't approve of our relationship because it drew him away from work, he was a performer. I still care about him a lot, but you just have to move on you know.”


“So, who ended it?”


“I did. For his sake, he was struggling too much and I didn't want to be the barrier between him and his dream.”


“Oh, I see. You're pretty selfless then. May be I should do that for my girlfriend as well, I can tell she's been upset lately because I keep postponing my visits, she doesn't deserve that.”


He's almost single. I didn't want to think like that but as the night went on we connected exponentially, leaving little room for the word acquaintance in the definition of our forming relationship.

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ilovebtsjimin #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update! I absolutely loved it ♥ #1 Fan!
ilovebtsjimin #2
Chapter 2: You're story is literally the best! I'm in love with your story ♥ I can't wait for the next chapter.