You're Hired!

The Seductions of Conviction

. I was running to a large glass building, hating myself for not hearing my alarm in the morning. I had finally landed an interview at a firm I’d actually wanted to work for but jet lag and the 8 am time slot weren’t on my side. My lack of organization had led me to this very moment, I had almost forgotten my documents, the very documents that would represent my last 2 years of post-law school careers which were my birth right into the land of successful criminal defense lawyers. Having worked aside 2 top-notch lawyers I was referred to the biggest law firm here in New York City in the United States of America, The JK Associates.

I rushed into the entrance hall, a large reception desk awaited me. “I’m here for my interview with Mr. Jungkook” I spoke whilst gasping for air, having ran 3 blocks from my taxi to avoid the heavy traffic. The receptionist looked at me in awe, perhaps because I had just given her the firm’s owner’s name. He had owned the firm for 3 years but had achieved the success of 10. “Yes, your name Miss?” she said whilst reaching for the phone.

“Yannie Li”

“Okay, please wait a moment.” She began to dial a number and gave me a forced smile.

A few words later she told me I’d be escorted upstairs by a security guard. I remembered to look at the time now, it was 8:04 am, I’m not too late, thank god.

A tall scrawny man approached me, he wasn’t in the basic security outfit that I had imagined. My childish thinking had me quickly thinking of a FBI agent as he donned the stereotypical white ear piece and black suit.

“Hello Miss. Li, you may follow me.”

He led me through the grand halls of the 30 story building into an elevator featuring large mirrors and not-so-crappy elevator music. He stood near the buttons fixing his tie often. I was astonished by his pink hair, wondering how Mr. Jungkook's professionalism had allowed this. We reached the 30th floor with the last ding of the elevator. The elevator doors opened to a large office spanning the entire floor. A few meters right in front of me was large desk and a man sitting behind it. I had assumed it was Mr. Jungkook.

“You can follow me.” said the security, ushering me to a patterned red leather seat next to the large wooden desk. The security then stood next to me and placed his hands to his side as though he was patiently waiting for me. Keeping my eyes on the security I had not noticed the handsome person known as Mr. Jungkook. Behind him were large floor length windows with the city in view. I had seen his pictures but they did not do him justice. He was 2 years younger than me but was one of the smart children who had success tattooed on them as soon as they were born. “Miss Yannie Li, nice to meet you”. He stood up to an unexpected height, stretching out a long and muscular arm for a greet. I shook his hand, shaken a bit by the strength of his grasp, I reminded myself of his age.

 He sat down, gesturing me to take a seat as well. He reached for a tray that had 2 cups in it and a tea-pot. He began to pour and talk, first beginning with asking me how I liked New York so far. I explained I had only arrived the night before, not being able to enjoy much but the frozen dinner I had bought from the local grocery store. He laughed.

“So, you’re hired.”

I choked on my first sip of tea, wondering what type of prank he was playing on me.

“Excuse me?”

“I said: you’re hired.” He repeated, taking another sip of his tea and staring at me mischievously.  

“I...I don’t understand.” I put my tea down on the table and began to shuffle through my bag for my documents.

“No need for that” He said as I pulled them out. “I want you. Your recommendations were phenomenal, you’re perfect as our newest defense lawyer.”

“You haven’t even asked me anything what I want to do etc…” I was confused, baffled beyond words, feeling an excitement growing within me.

“Don’t worry Miss. Li, you begin work tomorrow.”

The miraculous job acceptance was followed by a night of solo celebration at my hotel room featuring various meals from the expensive room service. I arrived early the next day, sporting a custom tailored pant suit I had bought prior to my arrival. I was excited, walking into the large lobby again and telling myself: this is it, you've made it. The pink-haired security had once again accompanied me from the lobby to the 29th floor to show me where I’d be working. He escorted me my desk - a huge one, with an Mac computer and a telephone that had an automated secretary. “Wow” I expressed as I took a seat.


“You’re a lucky girl” said the security as he walked away, smiling and exposing two lovely dimples on the sides of his mouth.


“I am” I said to myself, starting a conversation with the person who’d be working next to me for the days to come. I had noticed him earlier but meeting his eyes for the first time left me speechless, I wondered: Is everyone attractive here?


“You are, but you’re also exceptional.” he said.

“Exceptional?” I giggled “You don’t even know me…”


He cut me off “Exceptional because you were accepted by Mr.Jungkook yesterday...and began to work at the 29th floor on your first day. Everyone here is talking about you, how you didn’t start from the bottom.”


“What? I’m sorry?” I didn’t understand if he was complimenting or getting irritated by me.


“Newbies like you usually start at floor 10.” He rolled his eyes and looked back to his computer screen, leaving me uncomfortable.

“Don’t mind him”  said a voice from behind me. I turned to around to see yet another attractive man standing. He was smiling, holding a piece of cake in a tissue in his hand.

“This is for you.” He placed the cake on my table and reached for a handshake.


“Thank you! I’m Yannie by the way”


“I am aware, I’m Jin. Welcome to the 29th floor of The JK Associates. I don’t know if Mr. Jungkook told you yet, but I’m the head of this floor and I usually get the cases to give to lawyers” He paused to give me a warm smile. It welcomed me like an embrace as I could feel the warmth enveloping me.


“And I know this is your first day...but I have a case for you.” He continued.


I returned the smile. “I’m ready for anything!”


“It shows you deserve your position here then” he said. “Well then, follow me.”

I admired his broad shoulders as he guided me to his office. It was a large glass room at the corner of the floor. As soon as we walked in he gestured for me sit down as he began to shuffle through a pile of files on his desk. Moments later “Ah, found it.”

He pulled out a big thick file, papers almost falling out and handing it to me. “Have a look Miss. Li.”

“Oh you can call me Yannie.” I said as I accepted my file of new responsibility. “Jung Hoesok” read the file and the first page featured his photo.


“He looks dangerous” I awkwardly said trying to hide any form of attraction that may have appeared on my face … he was quite attractive. Jin remained silent as he leaned against his desk with his arms crossed, perhaps waiting for my reaction.


I continued to read “Charged for murder…" my first case, a murder? "This is an intense case.” I said quickly scanning.

“It’ll be a test for you, Yannie, but I think you can do it.”

“Who am I defending?” I asked, assuming he would be the suspected.

“You’re defending him.”

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ilovebtsjimin #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update! I absolutely loved it ♥ #1 Fan!
ilovebtsjimin #2
Chapter 2: You're story is literally the best! I'm in love with your story ♥ I can't wait for the next chapter.