Love You to Death


Hi everyone!!! as you can see this is my first story in english. Like always, is gonna be hard for me to update this story often, but i'll try my best to give you a good story and the only think i promise is that i wont stop till i finish this fic, the same as the others... This is a story based in two of my favorites songs... Hope you like it!!!


When they met she was fifteen,

Like a black rose blooming wild

And she already knew she was gonna die…

“What’s tomorrow without you? Is this our last Goodbye?”


She got weaker every day, as the Autum leaves flew by.

Until one day, she told her… “This is when I die.”


“What was summer like for you?” she asked her with a smile. “What’s tomorrow without you?” she silently replied…


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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1128 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.