Love You to Death





Here i am again, in my Sanctuary, my studio.

Wait it's wrong call it mine, it is not mine. It was always Ours. Tiffany and mine.

I never kept anything from her, no secretes between us. It was her idea, no keeping anything from each other, thats how she manage my overwhelming jealousy.

And maybe that's why she became my entire world.

She was may support, that only persone who knows everything about me and didn't stop loving me.

She is the only one i talked with about my parents.

She was at first, the onlyone who knew about me coming from a rich and powerfull family. I was the black sheep of that family.

My brother studied medicine and became on big famous neurosurgeon.
And my sister, following my father's steps became CEO of my family's company when my father retired.

Me? I was the joke someone tells in the middle of family dinner. "Oh by the way, Taeyeon wants to study music." and everybody laughs.

I walked around my studio, in the middle of darkness. there was only a mall light over the desk, but it was enogh for me.

I was looking once again the drawings and pictures i had, all of them about her until my eyes stoped on the first present i ever gave her.
It was proudly standing next my guitar.



'Where the hell is she?'

I was waiting for her at the entrance of the park. She asked me to be here today no matter what, i told her i would try but i can't promise anything. 
She looked sad but she said "it was okay." But of course i was gonna be here. Today we celebrate two things. today we celebrate six months of friendship. (Pathetic i know.) but the most important thing. Today is August the first Today is her birthday and of course im going to be here for her.
So im waiting here, Hidding of course i wanted to scare her, but i coudn't.

I saw her comming, she looked beatiful, as always but something else got my attention; she was not alone. Mr. Huge-eyebrows was walking her here. Really?

I saw them for a while, he was flirting with her.

They were laughing and joking. And I got mad. I remember i said i had a little crush on her but, i lied to.
Is not little and is not only a crush. I'm in love with her and seeing this, made my heart hurt.

I turn around and started walking to get my stuff and leave. I turn around and i saw how he saying goodbye kissed her on the cheek.

I started to putting my guitar on it case when i she arrived.

'TaeTae!' she walked all the way and stand next to me. 'Are you leaving now? Can't you stay just a little bit more?'

Then i froze. I wanted to leave but if i do it i need to get her present from behind the tree, and then she see it she is going to make questions that i might not be able to answer.

'Yeah, i'm staying for a while, but i need to leave early.'

'Oh, okay it's fine.' I saw dessapointment in her eyes, but said nothing else. I'm pretty sure she thinks i forgot today is her birthday.

I really didn't. But i was too mad to even care what she though.

We stayed there for a while in silence, i was with my eyes on the computer, making look like i was busy. Thats again a lie, before she got here i was playing "minesweeper" so i continued until i heard her voice.

'Whats wrong?'

'Nothing's wrong.'

'Why are you mad? Are you mad at me?'


'You're lying.' She said. Yeah after six months of friendship she could tell when i was lying. 'Tae looked at me please?'

I didn't and the next thing i know is that she is reaching for my laptop and closing it. I let her do it and finally i sigh and looked at her.

'What's wrong?' she asked looking at my ayes and that's when i realized. I was hurting her. I was mad at her for no reason and making her feel bad, and it was her freaking birthday!

She looked sad, in the day she must be the happiest person on earth. And that made me feel terrible. 

'Are you dating him now?' i asked. I wasn't mad anymore, but i needed to know it.

'Dating who?' she looked confused, as if she didn't know what i was talking about.

'Your friend, i saw you guys at the entrance. He kissed you.' i said and a smile started forming on her lips.

'Are you, perhaps Jealous?' she asked and at that moment i couldn't see my face but im sure i looked like a "magicarp" Red and with the mouth wide open.

'Ah.. yo... es que... yo...'

'Awwww my TaeTae is jealous.' she said, smiling widely now. I didnt say anything and she kneeled so she can give me a hug and of course i hugged her back.
I loved her hugs and i always find my self craving for them everyday. She smells like starwberries, and i learned to love strawberries.

She stayed in the hug for longer than anyother time. I got used to it. Her hugs were always the longest hugs someone can ever give.

'You dont have to be jealous.' she started whispering next to my ear. 'If i ever date someone you are the first person is going to find out.' She let go from the hug, and i found my self missing her warm already. 'You are the most important person for me in the world.' After saying that she kissed me really close to my lips.



'Fany!' she looked at me, we were both lying on the grass. 'Can you please get me something i forgot? is behind the tree and i'm too lazy to get it myself. Please?' That last part i started talking as a little girl, something i only do with her and i know never fails.

'Oh my god Kim Taeyeon you are the laziest person i've ever met.' she said but comply what i asked.

I saw her going to the back of the tree and not to long after i hear her cried out of joy. Me? Of course i was laughing.

'Oh my god you remembered!' she said. She ran back to were i was with her present on her hands.

She was looking at that pink guitar as if it was the most precious object on the planet.

I was buying some strings for my guitar when i saw it. My first thought was "Who on earth is gonna buy a Pink guitar." And then i remembered i knew who.

She was improving on her guitar lessons and i wanted to give her something special as a present.

Then i saw it and i had to buy it. Is not expensive, but is going to be her first guitar and that is meaningfull.

'Of course i remember.' i said laughing. 'Happy birthday.' 

I hugged her.

'You are The most important person for me too, in the whole world.' And i kissed her, on the cheek, really close to her lips.

I am not that brave...





She Named her guitar Sheetal. She said that she was following my example and she chose that name after "Sheetal Sheet" and Hindu Actress.

Man she was crazy

The craziest person i've ever met.

And the only im going to love for ever.


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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1129 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.