Love You to Death


"I told you i was a fast learner!"

'Yeah right... Fast..."

We've been busy lately with her Guitar Lessons.

Our days became a routine that i personally enjoyed very much. In the mornings we are both at school and around two pm i get to our park and wait for her while im writting. she doesn't know yet but, after i met her is easier for me to write, sometimes a small poem and sometimes complete songs, always thinking about her helps a lot.

After an hour or so, she gets here, we talk about everything, she tells me about her day and i tell her about mine.

She complains about how hard she thinks high school is and i tell her how college is worse.

I don't know why but sometimes, when we talk about the future and i tell her that whenever she is at college i will get a job and will go pick her up everyday to eat lunch together or keep having this moments only for the two of us, i see a sad look in her eyes.
I ask her whats wrong and she always answer the same. "I just want a happy future for you Tae."


"So, how am i doing here?" she asked after she actually played a G Major Scale.
"That was actually pretty good." o told her and i saw her beautiful eyes become a moon, i love that eye smile.

"Yeih i told you i would learn it!"


We talked for a while until i saw her phone get a message. the phone was right next to me and i gave it to her when i saw the name.

"Nick? Who is Nick?" i Asked.
"Oh, remember the guy i told you about? the one who asked me out? he is helping my professor with a college proyect?"
"The guy with the big eyebrows? The stocker?"

"Yeah" she laughed "looks like he was not a stocker after all, he just liked me, he asked me out and i said yes. He is actually a really cool guy."
"Yeah, he is picking me up in a couple minutes, I'll see him at the entrance of the park."

I looked at her but her eyes were glued to her phone, texting back to this guy. And suddenly, i'm not sure how it happened i was walking out of the park, i had my laptop in one hand and my guitar in the other one. I was so mad that i didn't hear that Tiffany was running after me, calling me. I jusy wanted to be so far away from there.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she said after she took my hand and made me stop."

I could have realize how hard she was breathing but no. I was so mad.

"Nothing, i just remembered i have to be somewhere."
"Oh really?" she asked. "Where?"
"With Hyomin." she looked like i throw an ice bucket over her, wide open and her eyes looking something on my face that say i was lying, but she didn't find anything. I was really good liar.

"You are kidding right?"
"Im not, im actually late." i said. With my arm i pushed her away a little so i could keep walking.
"Are you an Idiot?" she yells. I stopped. "Are you going to see your ex? Really? After everything you told me she did to you, you are going to see her?"

"Well is good for you too. You can get to see you boyfriend without missing your day's lesson because i have something to do too."

"With Hyomin..."

"Right, with Hyomin"

She didnt say anything, she just looked at my eyes and i hate when she does that, because i feel like she can see every piece of me, even the pieces i hide from everyone.

"You are an idiot Kim Taeyeon." she said taking one step towards me.
"Oh i am the idiot now?" i did the same.
"Yes! I can't belive you let her fool you, that girl don't want to have only a small chat with you!"
"How do you know that? You don't even know her?"
"Oh belive me i Know her better than you."
"Not everyone are the same!"
"Why are you so... Blind?"

Thats when she realized, and me too... how close we were from eachother. My face was so close to hers.

I Looked at her for a moment. Her eyes, ... so close to mine.

I was about to kiss her when her phone started ringing.

We jumped away from each other and then i saw him.

He was tall, with nice hair and nice clothes, standing next to an Audi R8 Spyder.

He looked perfect.

How could i music student compare to someone like him?

I could never pay a car like that.

he could give her anything she want.

"Okay i'm on my way." she said, that pulled me back to reality

"Tae?" she called me. i looked at her. she had a pink color all over her cheeks, she smiled at me and tried to said something but i stopped her.

"There" i pointed at the guy who was waiting next to his car. "You prince charming is here." i smiled. "you better go."

And there, her face for the first time i saw something on her face that killed me inside.

"And Hyomin is waiting for you too."
"yes she is."
"Okay, good luck then,"
"Yeah you too."

I started walking again.

She stayed there even after i left. how i know? because i never did.

I stayed there, hidding. I know, i act like i am fourteen again but, i dont care. I stayed there, looking how she turned around and walked over him, smiled at him.

He was a real gentleman, i have to give him points for that. he opened the passenger door for her and helped her get in the car.

But something was wrong. She looked sad. he was with a handsome rich guy, but she looked sad anyway.


I didn't went to the park for a whole week after that.






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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1128 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.