Love You to Death

Really Loooong time isn't it? Lol... what can i say guys, only sorry.

I lost any will to keep writting, but im back, hopefuly for good.

i changed i lil bit the way how i want to make this story, starting with the number of chapter; is gonna be a really short story, maybe two or three more chapters but belive me... it worth it!!
I also made this one kinda short but, i wanted to give you something and i wanted to write before i forget all the good ideas.

Any way hope you enjoy it!




Chapter 2



That Voice, again.



I Love You Tae”

I woke up in that instant, that voice… i can hear her voice every single day, mostly in my dreams but sometimes when I’m awake too. It feels like she is calling me, like she wants me to meet her in the other side. I would be glad to do it, but I made a promise to her when she was with me.


I got off bed and went inside the restroom so I can take a shower and keep my morning routine. I’m looking my reflection in the mirror, I can see the black bags under my eyes and the thin I am right now, I can’t even recognize myself.


A couple years ago I used to looked really deferent but now; I feel nothing, I feel empty inside and most of the things I do are mechanical, like I’m a robot.


After I put some confortable clothes I went into the kitchen, looked inside the fridge for something to eat… Empty.
I knew I should have gone to the store and buy some groceries but again I forgot. And who can actually blame me? It was Tiffany the one in charge of this kind of things.


I still can hear her voice every time she came home yelling that she was back and asking me to help her with all the stuff she bought.

I remember her laugh every time I scold her for buying more candies than real food.

The times she used to scold me for being locked up in my studio for hours and skip meals.

The times she used to came inside the studio and ask me to sing a song for her.

She never knew, but for all my songs she was the inspiration.


But know that I think about it, I’m pretty sure she knew, even if I never told her, she knew.


I gave up with breakfast; I don’t have any appetite any way. I walked out of the kitchen and got into my Sanctuary, my studio.

With the time, and after what happened with Fanny this is the place where I can hide of the world, I feel myself when I’m here and for the first time this day I feel like I can finally breathe.

The walls are covered with Drawings i did by myself, and pictures most of them about me and Fanny, with the years I’ve been improving my drawing skills and know there is a bunch of them all around the wall.

I took my time watching some of the pictures and one of them called my attention. It was the day I realized i was in love with her.


 She was so beautiful. Trying to make me smile. I was mad that day because I remember I saw her talking with this guy, I don’t even remember his name anymore, and she didn’t noticed that day but the guy was flirting with her. He walks her till the park entrance and I saw him. He kissed her on the cheek and I felt so angry.

I still remember her face after trying to make me smile so badly, of course she failed and her eyes got teary, and that’s when she got me… I couldn’t stand to see her cry… ever.

That was the first time I promised myself to do anything to never see her cry again.



I watched the pictures a little more and then took my guitar. I smiled. A memory came to me.

“Tae where is it?”

“Where is what?”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you forgot!”

“Forgot about what?”

‘Forget it” she said sulking. I loved to see that sulk on her face, she had this Fleshy lips, I wanted bite them so bad.


It sounds weird I know but what can I do? I was falling deeply in love with this girl day by day. She doesn’t know of course, I don’t want to scare her away.


“Do you really think I can forget about something that I promise to you?” I asked smiling. She looked at me and her eyes got shinny. I took my guitar from the place where I was hidden it.

“Here it is.”

She squeal like a little girl and took a sit right next to me. –Too close. I thought for myself, I can even smell her shampoo from the place where I was.


She cleared and extended her hand to touch the guitar.


“he… he… first.” I said, pulling the guitar away from her hands. ‘you need to promise you are going to be REALLY careful with Jordana.”

“Jordana?” she said laughing. “You named your guitar Jordana?”

“What? Is a beautiful name!”

“Why Jordana anyway?”

“For, Jordana Brewster, the actress.”

“Is she your crush?”

I felt my face turning red. “Was” I said looking to my shoes. “There is someone else now.” I looked at her and notice how she frown. The smile disappeared from her face and she looked right into my eyes.

“Shall we start?” she asked

I felt suddenly cold. –what’s wrong with her? I asked myself.



I smile while the memories come and go; the guitar is in my hands, resting on my right thigh. I’m absently playing a melody, the same melody I start writing the day I tried to kill myself.


“That is called E minor” I told her. She smiled.

“You see? I told you I was a fast learner”

“That is the first chord you actually do right… and is the easiest one.”

“Well maybe you as a teacher” I pretend to be shocked.

“What did you just said??”

“You heard me!”

“Oh yeah?” I took my guitar away from her hands and putted it gently on the grass. “You’ll see little brat!”

I pushed her to the grass and I placed myself on top of her.

“Tickles attack!” I yelled

“What?” she tried to push me and stand up but she couldn’t, I was stronger. -I was always stronger than her. That’s what she used to say.

I started the tickles attack and she started laughing so hard, I stopped when I saw tears falling down on her cheeks.




I didn’t notice at that moment but only until I knew the truth… that day, after the tickles attack, she started breathing in a weird way.




We stay there. Lying on the grass; watching the clouds. My arm was her pillow and I felt like in heaven.


“What time it is?”

“Almost five” I said.

Suddenly she jumped and started picking her stuffs “Damn it my mother is going to kill me!”

I got worried “You want me to go with you? I can explain her…” she didn’t let me finish, took my face between her soft hands and gave me a kiss right next to my lips.

“You are so sweet Tae. But I prefer you to stay and keep playing with Jordana.” She started laughing but I was still hypnotized with the sweet touch of her lips on my cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow professor.”



And just like that. She Left.



I stayed there one more hour… with a stupid expression print on my face. With a stupid smile of a girl in love.






I grab a pen. For the first time in a long time I had something in mind, something to continue the melody I was playing before.





I wrote:



“I will always be with you
  by the anchor of my sorrow
  there’s no end on what I’ll do
  cause I love you to death…”

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Chapter 11: Great and sad story..thank you authorshi
Chapter 11: I cried a lot ╥﹏╥
Chapter 11: Thank you for sharing with us author shi. That way we can relate more to the story. Have a blessed weekend
Chapter 10: This story is so sad :'( One true love . Thank you for the hardwork author shi
1129 streak #5
Chapter 10: It's a sad but inspiring story authourssi... authourssi did you chop and smear onions all over again? Hehehe well thnx for this story ^_^
OOOH, now that it ended, i'll read and give a proper feedback when i finish
Chapter 10: Tq for a great story author
Chapter 9: :'( why this is so sad .... my heart hurts while reading . Thank you for the hard work author shi
Chapter 9: Huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 8: :'( This is so sad . Thankfully they get to meet each other before its too late.